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Studie för utveckling av fastställande av aminotransferaseaktivitet i Enzobact med isokratisk HPLC metod
Denna examensrapport redogör för en metodutveckling av aminotransferase aktivitet som är utförd för Medipharmv AB i Kågeröd som tillverkar Enzobact. Enzobact är en bakteriekultur som består av värmebehandlad Lactobacillus helveticus och används vid tillverkning av lågfetthaltiga ostar, vilket bidrar till att osten får en bättre smak och konsistens.
Bestämning av kotinin/nikotin i biologiska prover (urin och serum/plasma) med HILIC-MS/MS
I detta arbete presenteras en metod för bestämning av fri kotinin och totala mängden kotinin i urin och serum. Metoden bygger på hydrolys av prov (för total bestämning av kotinin) och extraktion i metylenklorid. Bestämning av kotinin har gjorts med HILIC-MS/MS.
Rocksmak i rockutbildningen - populärkultur, smak och repertoar inom en utbildningsinstitution
Titel: Rockmusic preferences in the rock programme. Popular culture, music preferences and repertoire inside a teaching institution. This paper raises some questions about the popular music that exists outside as well as inside institutions. From the example of popular music and rockmusic the students of a music teacher education programme based on rock music are asked for their taste for music in
The Effects of Palm Oil Biodiesel in Producer Developing Countries: A Case Analysis of Malaysia Linking National Perspectives with Ground Realities
The growing economic risk of relying primarily on fossil fuels with unstable prices and which availability highly depends on limited reserves and poor global distribution has increased the international interest on modern biofuels as an alternative energy source. Moreover, the growing awareness of energy-related pollution and of climate change consequences, and the international and national strat
Public Attitude Towards the Union: The EU and Canada Compared
Euroscepticism has been portrayed as the corollary of increased integration. The rapid EU development of the last fifteen years has, somehow, caused a breakdown in public support for integration. From a relative mass quiescence associated to the traditional permissive consensus over integration, European citizens have shown growing discontentment towards the EU and its orientations. This study is
Old Europe - Demographic change and intergenerational justice in Europe
Over the coming decades, Europe is one of the first parts of the world to face a gradual decline of its population which in turn will lead to a sustained process of aging in society. Though some European countries are more affected than others, this phenomenon is shared by most of the post-industrial societies of Western Europe. Among other economic and social effects, these radical changes will p
EU's Promotion of Regional Co-operation in Southeast Europe: A Norm Diffusion Perspective
This study provides an analysis of EU's promotion of regional co-operation in the Southeast Europe (SEE) through the lenses of norm diffusion theory. While attempting to answer the question of how and why norm diffusion takes place, if it does happen; both the EU and the SEE are evaluated in an interaction in order to sketch out their mutual engagement in the diffusion process. A minor but rel
Why Unpopular? An Analysis of the Relative Low Level of Popularity toward the European Union by Its Citizens
While the huge success of the European Union have, without doubt, drawn new attentions to several other exercises in regional integration in other parts of the world, the public popularity toward the European Union by its citizens is, ironically, at a relative low level - the support level of the membership is around 50 per cent with some yearly fluctuation as indicated by the Eurobarometer. Thus
Barn till föräldrar med drogmissbruk: En litteraturstudie om vilka faktorer som påverkar barns förutsättning och möjligheter i en uppväxt med missbrukande förälder/föräldrar.
The aim of this essay was to examine the impact that parents drug abuse have on their children´s chances and possibilities while growing up. This study is done by investigating literature written by acknowledged authors and experts in this field. The following questions were asked: How does the literature describe the influence of parent´s drug abuse on their child´s ability to develop and learn?
CAP ? pengaslukande monster eller effektiv jordbrukspolitik EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik sedd ur tre olika teoretiska perspektiv
The Common Agricultural Policy has been a burning topic for debate for several decades. According to the CAP:s opponents it's effects include pollution, market distortions and not least a huge expense for the European union. In this study we seek to explain why the CAP has remained almost unreformed since it's constitution in the 1950:s. The means by which we do so is a case study whe
Att förändra med moral: Konsten att utnyttja utrikespolitik som medel för den inhemska opinionen.
Det skedde i mitten av sextiotalets Sverige en remarkabel förändring i den svenska utrikespolitiken. En aktivering tog form som innebar ett större svenskt deltagande internationellt. Det yttrade sig framförallt i en stark moralisk hållning med kritik som vapen. Vi frågar oss om aktiveringen kan betraktas som ett sätt att ta fokus från inrikesproblem. Är förändringen en taktik av Socialdemokratern
Nätverk och makt - En fråga om makt och relation mellan politiker och tjänstemän
I have studied how network in a broad sense can affect decision-making. The primary purpose is to see if the political initiative somewhere disappears when it comes to understand the relations between power, actors and politics. The study discuss in a theoretical area that concerns the reliability in neoinstitutionalism to use as an analytical instrument. Some criticism is given to the theoretical
Har män ett kollektivt ansvar för den strukturella underordningen av kvinnor? ? Kollektivt moraliskt ansvar ur ett feministiskt perspektiv
The overarching aim of this essay is to analyze, from a feminist point of view, the moral responsibility for the structural oppression of women. In this discussion I focus on the issue of moral responsibility for sexual violence against women, such as rapes. I claim that a feminist theory of moral responsibility has to be based on a collectivist approach. I argue that men should be considered as c
Policy-making for the Common Good of the European Union citizens? A study of the REACH initiative as an example of the dilemma of balancing environmental protection and economic growth
This essay examines European Union policy-making in terms of its aims of promoting the Common Good of its citizens. It uses REACH, the new chemical legislation as a case study, since it is a good example of a piece of legislation which has both environmental and economic consequences, and hence pose great problems for legislators in deciding which of the aims for the Common Good to prioritize. It
Too Poor to Care? Pro-poor Solid Waste Management in Manila
This study of pro-poor solid waste management (conducted in Manila 2006) look at waste both as a health problem and as a livelihood for the poor. Pro-poor solid waste management policies optimize social- environmental- and economic benefits for the poor. In practice, this mean creating job-security for informal waste-pickers (scavengers), establish subsidies to community based recycling schemes an
"Jag har alltid älskat radioteatern" - Ingmar Bergman som radioteaterregissör, 1946-2002
Radioteatern har utgjort en stor del av Ingmar Bergmans skapande under hela hans mer än 60-åriga karriär. Han har sedan tidigt arbetat parallellt med teater, film och radioteater och hans plan var även att avsluta hela sin verksamhet i detta medium. Bergmans radioteaterarbete har utgjort ett alldels eget skapande med egna regler, förutsättningar och möjligheter. Det täcks inte in av film- eller t
Estimation of Evapotranspiration through remote sensing. Comparison between three different resolution sensors at Barrax field, Spain.
Nowadays importance of water balance regarding measurements and water cycle pathways are of prime interest in a new perspective. Global issues, like Earth warming, or regional planned uses of water, e.g. irrigation, demand an increase in accuracy and coverage of different components of the water balance. Precipitation and the water loss from vegetation and soil, called Evapotranspiration (ET), are
The Legitimacy and Efficiency Claims of Ecological Deliberative Democracy. A Case Study of the Municipality of Malmö.
This thesis illuminates the deliberative democratic ideal's claim for efficiency and legitimacy that is brought forward by Robyn Eckersley and John S. Dryzek as being an essential brick in the struggle for a societal development that is ecologically sustainable. The take off lies in the belief that the current liberal democracy is incapable of responding sufficiently to the ecological problems
Kunskapens tempel eller kunskapens saluhall: En diskursorienterad studie över förarbetet till Stockhoms nya stadsbibliotek
The aim of this master´s thesis is to explore how Stockholms new library´s identity is constructed, and further to relate the case study to a general discussion of the identity of public libraries in Sweden. This is done through analysis of the visions and plans that the planned library is based on. We feel that it is a relevant study since questions concerning the public library's identity ar