

Din sökning på "*" gav 534640 sökträffar

Civil Society Participation in Global Governance. A Road to Empowerment?

Whether it is global warming or financial crisis, more and more challenges we face today are increasingly of a global or transnational character. As global governance increasingly has been perceived as having a democratic deficit however, increased forms of participation by non-state actors in global governance processes has attracted scholarly attention. This study centres on what the conditions

Stakeholder influence, school organization and education quality: How education quality is understood and pursued in Swedish schools

Since the late 1980s the Swedish educational system has been transformed through a number of market-based reforms. The purpose of the reforms was to increase efficiency and quality in Swedish schools by introducing private producers and reducing state regulation. Conversely, since the implementation of the reforms the between schools quality variation has increased which is argued to be associated

I säkerhetens spår: Jakten på klimathotet

Today, there is a tendency in society to describe climate change in terms of a security threat and extreme weather, including storms and floods, is portrayed as affecting the security. This discourse can also be seen in the Swedish security policies. This thesis investigates how the climate change is described as a security threat within Swedish security policies. The aim is to investigate how t

Unaccompanied minors in Bremen - A case study on how empowerment is implemented in the work with young refugees in Bremen

The number of people escaping from wars and conflicts to European welfare states is increasing. Many of them are children; some come as unaccompanied minors (UMs), fleeing without parents or any other responsible family member, entering and living in the country of refuge on their own. The “United Nations” (UN) and its “Convention on the Rights of the Child” from 1989 secures them special protecti

Analyzing the Resource Curse theory: A comparative study of Kazakhstan and Norway

Many natural resources lead economies experience worse economic performance than their exports lead counterparts. This phenomenon is known as the Resource Curse, and many resource abundant countries face it. This study is aimed to critically assess existing Resource Curse theory by comparing two seemingly different cases Kazakhstan and Norway. Based on the Resource Curse theory hypothesis suggests

High-Loaded Activated Sludge - Improvement of a Solids Retention Time Controlled System

The Sjölunda wastewater treatment plant faces the challenge of tougher demands for the quality of the water leaving the plant and entering the Öresund strait between Denmark and Sweden. At the same time, the population of Malmö with neighbourhood is growing rapidly, which means an increase in the loading on the plant. The residence time for the active microbes, the “sludge”, in the first biologicaAlthough 100 years old, the activated sludge system remains inevitable for modern wastewater treatment. Advancements within the development of mainstream nitrogen removal techniques based on anaerobic ammonium-oxidising bacteria have renewed the interest in traditional, high-loaded activated sludge systems for COD removal only. In order for activated sludge plants to be efficient in terms of energ

Attributional style and its relation to leadership style and organizational culture

Attributional styles have been paid little attention in the organizational context and previous research has mostly focused on the consequences of attributional styles, such as how attributional styles influence work behaviors. Attributional styles development in work settings has thereby been paid little attention, as for example, how individuals’ way of attributing in an organization can be shap

Min resa visar vem jag är. En fallstudie kring Mallorcas imageutveckling

Bakgrund: Att konsumera resor har blivit ett allt vanligare sätt för individer att skapa och förmedla sin identitet. Hur och var individer reser påverkar inte bara hur de ser på sig själva, utan det skapar även en uppfattning av hur omgivningen uppfattar dem. Resultatet har blivit att individer inte väljer resmål utifrån sina önskemål, utan utifrån vilken bild de vill förmedla av sig själva. Efter

ScFv barcoding – technology development towards MIcroArrays in Solution

The field of disease proteomics is lacking techniques capable of analysing complex samples with high sensitivity and selectivity. A new MIcroArrays in Solution (MIAS) technology is being developed to addres the technological issues of the current established methods, such as antibody microarrays, 2DE and MS used for protein expression profiling. MIAS technology is based on DNA barcode labeled scFv

Påverkar höjd människors benägenhet att utrymma via sky bridges - Försök i virtuell och fysisk miljö

Påverkar höjd människors benägenhet att utrymma via sky bridges? Försök i virtuell och fysisk miljö En sky bridge är en allt vanligare lösning för att underlätta förflyttning mellan höga byggnader. Sky bridges kan också användas för att förbättra utrymningssituationen i höga byggnader. För att undersöka hur personer uppfattar utrymning från höga byggnader via sky bridges kan verktyget Virtual ReThis report is a master thesis at Lund University. The aim of this report is to examine how height effects peoples willingness to evacuate from a building using a sky bridge. The study also aims to investigate if Virtual Reality and more specifically Oculus Rift is a useful tool in research regarding evacuation at high elevation. This was investigated by conducting experiments in Virtual Reality.

"Hoy por ti, mañana por mi"

Cooperative and reciprocal practices within agriculture have been widely discussed as important strategies in order to reduce risks and costs of labour and capital acquisition. Within the Andes reciprocal norms appear to be particularly institutionalized due to their historical rootedness in Andean culture. With the present case study I sought to examine reciprocal exchange practices in agricultur

Renovering av 70-talsvilla

This thesis included an energy and moisture analysis of an existing 70’s villa. This villa is located in Bjärred, Lomma municipality. The Reference house is a single storey with a foundation of concrete slab and is part of a community association of 20 similar villas’. The work included different types of analyzes and measurements of the villa. A literature study was done to get a better view of t


Uppsatsen tar avstamp i SOM-insitutets mätning från 2014 som visade att en majoritet av de tillfrågade ansåg att svenska medier inte berättar sanningen om samhällsproblem kopplade till frågor som rör migration- och flyktingpolitik. Samtidigt som med misstroendet mot medierna breder ut sig fortsätter digitaliseringen av medielandskapet vilket leder till en allt mer diversifierad nyhetskonsumtion. DThis essay builds on a public opinion poll from 2014 indicating that a majority of the Swedish citizens believe that mainstream media are hiding “the truth” about social problems related to issues of migration and refugee policy. The outspread distrust of mainstream media takes place during a time of continuing digitalization of the media landscape, which has led to increasingly diversified news c

Den institutionella kulturpolitiska läsfrämjandediskursen - En kritisk diskursanalys

The aim of this essay is to explore the discourse of institutional cultural policies on the promotion of reading, through a series of questions centring on power relations and ideology. The theory and method chosen for this investigation are that of Critical Discourse Analysis, mainly as developed by Norman Fairclough. As the ability to read and understand written texts is imperative to democracy

Performance som politisk aktivism - Om den svenska receptionen av Valerie Solanas SCUM-manifest med fokus på Malin Arnells performance I didn't do it for nothing

The purpose of this thesis has been to illustrate the performative aspects of the expressions created by the Swedish reception of Valerie Solanas’ Scum Manifesto, by focusing on Malin Arnell’s performance piece I didn’t do it for nothing. Arnell’s performance works as a connecting point on which Judith Butler's account of performativity and Louis Althusser's theory of interpellation has be

R2P - What are we talking about? : en analys av FN:s medlemsstaters användande av begreppet R2P

2009 publicerade FN:s generalsekreterare Ban Ki-moon sin rapport om implementeringen av responsibility to protect, ett begrepp med syfte att aldrig låta övergrepp mot mänskligheten ske igen. Med ett perspektiv som bekräftar FN som ett organ som påverkar staters beslut, med avseende på effekten av beslut, och en analytisk begreppsmetod som inte bara konstaterar begreppsmeningen utan analyserar och

Dags att kriminalisera svenskars sexköp utomlands? : en kritisk diskursanalys av hur debatten kring en utvidgning av den svenska sexköpslagen sett ut i svensk media mellan år 2011 och 2015

Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera vilka underliggande idéer och förståelser av verkligheten som ligger bakom vilket ställningstagande som tas i den svenska politiska debatten i media kring en utvidgning av den svenska sexköpslagen till att gälla även vid svenskars sexköp utomlands. Detta har gjorts med hjälp av Fairclough’s kritiska diskursanalys. Utifrån detta perspektiv har ett antal disku