

Din sökning på "*" gav 528059 sökträffar

Coherentism and the Sensation Objection

Coherentist theories of justification face the Sensation objection, according to which some experiences, such as that of a headache, independently justify us in holding certain beliefs regardless of whether they cohere with the rest of our beliefs. Since coherentism holds that our beliefs are justified only on the basis of coherence with the rest of our beliefs, coherentism is, or so it has been a

International Protection and the Sovereign Decision - A Geneology of the Responsibility to Protect

In the wake of the 2005 World Summit ratification of the responsibility to protect doctrine, the cases of Darfur and Syria have revealed the decisionary discretion of the collective international responsibility to protect inscribed within the doctrine. Through an engagement with the decisionist theory of Carl Schmitt and the work of Giorgio Agamben, this essay seeks to return the question of the d

Konvergensens återgång? - en studie över högerpopulismens påverkan på partikonvergensen i Danmark och Frankrike

This study will explain the effect populist parties have on the convergence of the traditional parties in a country. By focusing on Denmark and France, both countries with a very successful rightist populist party but with a different electoral system, the study will explain how the convergence was affected before and after a populist party got popular. The analysis is made from reviews of the pol

Ethnic fragmentation and political instability in post-colonial Uganda : understanding the contribution of colonial rule to the plights of the Acholi people in Northern Uganda

Uganda, along with a number of other African states, is a state struggling with the task of bringing together a vast range of ethnic minority groups into one nation-state decided by geographical borders drawn by colonial masters Britain during imperialism. The effects of these colonial decisions and policies are widely known to having plagued the native population during the course of history. Thi

Coastal Erosion in Maputo, Mozambique. Governing processes and mathematical modeling

Erosion of coastal areas is experienced in many countries around the world. The natural beach dynamics is caused by hydrodynamic processes, variations in sediment transport rates and frequency of storm events but anthropogenic influences may also contribute to an increased erosion/accretion of the shoreline. Maputo city, located in the southeastern part of Mozambique, have during the last decays e

Pedal powered cassava peeling machine

The Base of the Pyramid (BoP) refers to 4 - 4,5 billion people in the world, who are living on less than a few dollars per day. This majority of the world's population has a little resources and is usually considered as a group with no purchasing power and therefore is currently unserved and underserved by current products and services. However, more than any others, the low-income consumers a

"First in the West, then elsewhere" - En diskursanalys av det svenska biståndet och den västerländska framstegstanken

This essay contains a study of the Swedish aid discourse. By use of the theory about historicism by Dipesh Chakrabarty I aim to find what representations are found within the discourse, and what subject positions exists about the countries who receive aid, and the countries, in this case Sweden, who give aid. Through discourse analysis and my theoretical framework containing of post-colonial theor

Realism och krig - en kritisk granskning av den realistiska teorins förmåga att analysera fenomenet nya krig

Since the end of the world wars and the post cold-war era during the 2Oth century, Mary Kaldor argues that a new phenomenon, New Wars, can be seen across the planet. New Wars differ from Old Wars in it’s structure, where the actors participating in the New Wars are more complex to define. The actors in the New Wars are no longer only state actors, but a mix of international and national, public an

BIM i samspel med FEM

The transition from the drawingboard to 2D-CAD was a whole new way to work more efficiently. Now we are facing a new transition, from 2D-CAD to BIM. The transition from drawingboard to 2D-CAD affected only drawing techniques. The transition to BIM meant a whole new way of working.

What Your Teacher Did Not Tell You About Abstinence: A Critical Analysis of the Arguments in Favor of the Teaching of Abstinence-Only Sexual Education in Public Schools

Although Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage programs have proven ineffective in reducing teenage pregnancy rates and the spread of STDs, thirteen states in the U.S still stress abstinence in their sexual education curricula. This in turn has created a big debate over what sexual education in public schools should contain. This paper intends to determine whether the arguments proposed by three advocacy

Medarbetare i förändringsprocesser- En kvalitativ utvärdering av Lean-metoden inom offentlig sektor

Lean- production have for some decades been a standing feature in the private sector. In recent years has the use of the method gained recognition also in the public sector where civic organizations want to achieve the huge effective gains promised by the Lean-literature. Research has show that Lean-implementation on public organizations can have positive outcomes for the workplace as a whole. He

Transitionsprocessen i Afghanistan

This thesis examines the Swedish government’s argumentation regarding the security hand-over and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. An argumentation-analysis is performed on three propositions from the government covering 2010-2012, concerning the situation in Afghanistan. Operating with a theoretical framework - claiming that small states, in this case Sweden, are highly affected by allia

Stranded in an Urban Landscape

This paper explores the nature of migration in Egypt from a Sub-altern realist perspective. As a criticism of traditional realist theories, Sub-altern realism argues that states in the Third World are defined by their weak state structure, which in turn changes their behavior both towards other states and on the domestic arena. This paper is based on findings from a Minor Field Study that I conduc

Americans At Heart But Not On Paper: A Normative Study of Amnesty in U.S. Immigration Politics

The initiative Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an example of the use of amnesty within American immigration politics. Enacted in June 2012, it addresses the delicate situation of young undocumented immigrants so called childhood arrivals. They are part of the society in many ways, but not on paper. The dilemma is characterized by a conflict of interest – the rights of the sovereign state

Salinomycin Analogues reduce Breast Cancer Stem Cell Properties in Hypoxia

Salinomycin attackerar cancerstamceller i hypoxi Bröstcancer är den näst vanligaste typen av cancer i Sverige och representerar cirka 15 % av alla cancerfall, med mer än 7500 nya fall årligen. Ett stort problem, som forskningen och sjukvården kämpar med, är tumörer som sprids och som återkommer efter några år. Den orsakande faktorn bakom dessa problem tros vara en liten mängd resistenta cancerce

Om tobak – efterfrågan och priselasticitet

Tobak har på senare år kommit att beskattas hårdare än tidigare av hälsopolitiska ock samhällsekonomiska skäl. Uppsatsen försöker besvara hur väl denna strategi uppnår de tobakspolitiska målen att minska konsumtionen av tobak genom att undersöka cigaretters och snus' pris- och inkomstelasticitet i Sverige under perioderna 1980-2010 och 1996-2010. För ändamålet har en ekonometrisk modell skapa

Black Swan Investing: An empirical study in context of efficient markets

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess the sustainability of the efficient market theorem when accounting for extreme events, which are of the essence in a Black Swan investment philosophy. Methodology: Quantitative approach. Empirical foundation: Historical secondary monthly and daily data of various variables during January 1, 1996 - December 31, 2012. Conclusions: The Black Swan inv

Installation och styrning av ackumulatortank

When working with district heating production, you often encounter problems with unbalanced energy consumption from the consumers during the 24 hours of a day. High energy consumption when it is morning and evening whiles it is low energy consumption on midday and during the night. This leads to higher wear and tear and an uneven production rate at the boilers. To solve this problem you can instal

Personalintensitetens påverkan på företagsprestation efter förvärv

Purpose: Study if and how personnel-intensity affects companies' post acquisition stock performance Methodology: Quantitative study of 90 american companies that in 2007 made acquisition deals worth over $100 MUSD. An event window of five days was used, and comparisons between industries were done to find correlation between personnel-intensity and performance. Theoretical Perspectives: Based

Ett långsiktigt förhållningsätt till hållbarhet i offentliga inköp - En fallstudie om attityder, subjektiva normer och upplevd beteendekontroll till hållbarhet i Helsingborgs stad

Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för vilken inverkan attityder, subjektiva normer och upplevd beteendekontroll kan ha på beteendet att agera hållbart och om det skiljer sig åt mellan politiker, upphandlare och beställare vid inköp i Helsingborgs stad. Studien har visat att det råder skillnader i attityder mellan politikerna och ner till beställarna. Begäret att få sina egna behov uppfy