

Din sökning på "*" gav 532234 sökträffar

Sustainable production indicators at factory level

Purpose - Sustainable production (SP) is a very broad area and the awareness and communication of the concept differ between varying levels in a company. The supposition is that the awareness and improvement of sustainability on shop floor level would improve, if a suitable set of indicators for measuring sustainability was available. The purpose of this paper is therefore to identify a list of pe

The forest and the trees : Industrialization, demographic change, and the ongoing gender revolution in Sweden and the United States, 1870-2010

ackground: The separate spheres, in which men dominate the public sphere of politics, arts, media, and wage work and women dominate the private sphere of unpaid production and caring, is a powerful configuration in much social theory (including Parsons, Becker, and Goode), which posited that with industrialization, family structures and activities would converge towards the nuclear family with strBackground: The separate spheres, in which men dominate the public sphere of politics, arts, media, and wage work and women dominate the private sphere of unpaid production and caring, is a powerful configuration in much social theory (including Parsons, Becker, and Goode), which posited that with industrialization, family structures and activities would converge towards the nuclear family with st

Guaranteeing Social Rights and Regulating the Public Sector

Although the United States and Sweden are different in their government and legal structure, both countries have attempted to deter an increasing problem of bullying and degrading behaviour at schools. An unintended consequence in one country is to designate more youth as in need of special help and remove them from the classroom. In the other country we see an increased use of criminalisation and

Personal Norms for Dealing with Climate Change : Results from a Survey Using Moral Foundations Theory

Climate change has become one of the main issues in environmental and sustainability discussions during the last decade. Acting to reduce climate change can be viewed as a prosocial behavior, and previous research has found that personal norms are important in explaining these types of behaviors, together with other attitudinal factors. In this study we use Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) to explor

Advances in consumer electric vehicle adoption research : A review and research agenda

In spite of the purported positive environmental consequences of electrifying the light duty vehicle fleet, the number of electric vehicles (EVs) in use is still insignificant. One reason for the modest adoption figures is that the mass acceptance of EVs to a large extent is reliant on consumers’ perception of EVs. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the drivers for and barriers agains

Do tax incentives affect households' adoption of 'green' cars? : A panel study of the Stockholm congestion tax

Policymakers have made several attempts to introduce local and national policies to reduce CO2 emissions and stimulate the consumer adoption of alternative fuel vehicles (ethanol/E85 cars). The purpose of this paper is to analyze how a local policy measure impacts the composition of the car fleet over time. More specifically, we take advantage of the natural experiment setting caused by the introd

Green consumer behavior : Determinants of curtailment and eco-innovation adoption

Purpose – Knowledge of green consumer behavior is important for environmental and business reasons. The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of green curtailment behaviors and consumer adoption of innovations marketed as green (eco-innovations), and to analyze factors explaining these two types of green behaviors.Design/methodology/approach – The results from a survey on adopters a

Using semantic role labeling to predict answer types

Most question answering systems feature a step to predict an expected answer type given a question. Li and Roth \cite{li2002learning} proposed an oft-cited taxonomy to the categorize the answer types as well as an annotated data set. While offering a framework compatible with supervised learning, this method builds on a fixed and rigid model that has to be updated when the question-answering domai

Enabling local action : issues of inclusion and empowerment

Any new technology and any form of contact between cultures will necessarily lead to change. ICTs are in this sense far from unique. However, ICTs have rapidly come to occupy a prominent position our societies, and are shaping the lives of young people in ways that we could not have imagined only a decade ago. These technologies allow almost immediate access to a wealth of knowledge and knowhow, a

Att förebygga stora översvämningar

Artikeln redogör för en intervjustudie som gjordes med 15 internationella studenter på ett mastersprogram med inriktning mot hållbar utveckling, där undervisningen ägt rum på engelska. Studenterna frågades i individuella intervjuer på engelska hur de ansåg att stora översvämningar kunde förebyggas. En intentional-expressiv dialogstruktur anpassades till att innefatta frågor om hur nyckeluttryck i

The dry season intensity as a key driver of NPP trends

We analyze the impacts of changing dry season length and intensity on vegetation productivity and biomass. Our results show a wetness asymmetry in dry ecosystems, with dry seasons becoming drier and wet seasons becoming wetter, likely caused by climate change. The increasingly intense dry seasons were consistently correlated with a decreasing trend in net primary productivity (NPP) and biomass fro

Welfare choices : a story of market forces and social progress

The implementation of market solutions has been widely attempted in many different parts of the public sector. This chapter concerns a groundbreaking social reform, which introduced personal assistants for ‘functionally impaired’ people. It was a far-reaching and liberating reform aimed at making disabled people part of society. It replaced collective institutional care with individual choice, in The implementation of market solutions has been widely attempted in many different parts of the public sector. This chapter concerns a groundbreaking social reform, which introduced personal assistants for ‘functionally impaired’ people. It was a far-reaching and liberating reform aimed at making disabled people part of society. It replaced collective institutional care with individual choice, in

Serological immune response against ADAM10 pro-domain is associated with favourable prognosis in stage III colorectal cancer patients

A humoral immune response against aberrant tumor proteins can be elicited in cancer patients, resulting in the production of auto-antibodies (Abs). By serological proteome analysis we identified the surface membrane protein ADAM10, a metalloproteinase that has a role in epithelial-tumor progression and invasion, as a target of the immune response in colorectal cancer (Crc). A screening carried out

Same place, same knowledge – Same people? The geography of non-patent citations in Dutch polymer patents

It has long been argued that geographic co-location supports knowledge spillovers. More recently, this argument has been challenged by showing that knowledge spillovers mainly flow through social networks, which may or may not be localized at various geographic scales. We further scrutinize the conjecture of geographically bounded knowledge spillovers by focusing on knowledge flows between academi