

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Computer and smartphone continuance intention: A motivational model

This paper develops and tests a motivational model to explain the overall continuance intention to use computers and smartphones. Based on survey data from 192 undergraduate students, structural equation modeling analysis is used to report: (1) the independent effect of intrinsic motivation on the continuance intention to use computers and smartphones; (2) the independent effect of extrinsic motiv

Effects of facial expression on working memory

In long-term memory (LTM) emotional content may both enhance and impair memory, however, disagreement remains whether emotional content exerts different effects on the ability to maintain and manipulate information over short intervals. Using a working-memory (WM) recognition task requiring the monitoring of faces displaying facial expressions of emotion, participants judged each face as identical

Strategies for Quantitative Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence of NH Radicals in Flames

Laser-induced fluorescence imaging of the NH radical using excitation in the (0-0) and (1-0) vibrational bands of the A3Π-X3Σ– electronic transition is characterized in premixed NH3-air flames. Filtered detection for excitation of the (1-0) band is found to be beneficial for measurement conditions with a challenging background and/or interferences. Concentration evaluation for excitation in the (0

Stochastic analysis of nucleation rates

We show that approximating the Becker-Döring equations with a Langevin equation results in multiplicative noise, which in turn leads to a family of possible Fokker-Planck equations according to the Ito-Stratonovich dilemma. Using a simple and general model for the attachment and detachment rates, we find that the Ito choice approximates the nucleation rate best and also coincides with the Fokker-P

Amplifier Design Using Vertical InAs Nanowire MOSFETs

In this paper, an amplifier design using ballistic vertical InAs nanowire (NW) transistors is investigated, focusing on a basic common-source amplifier. The maximum power gain at 90 GHz is evaluated for different NW transistor architectures together with the power dissipation. The linearity of the amplifier is evaluated by estimating the IIP3 and 1-dB compression points. Furthermore, the impact of

Aktiva kolloider bygger programmerbara material

En ”kolloidal pump”, simulerad i datorn, visar hur aktivitet kan användas för att skapa nya designprinciper för kolloidala material genom att vi inte längre är bundna av termodynamikens lagar.

Congenital muscular dystrophy with laminin α2 chain-deficiency. Initiation of disease and development of treatment

Congenital muscle dystrophy type 1A (MDC1A) is a muscle disease caused bymutations in the LAMA2 gene, encoding the basement membrane protein lamininα2 chain. MDC1A patients exhibit neonatal onset of muscle weakness, progressivemuscle wasting and hypotonia, joint contractures that mostly affect elbows, hips,knees and ankles along with scoliosis and delayed motor milestones. Currently,there is no cu

User profiling for Pre-fetching or Caching in a Catch-Up TV Network

We investigate the potential of different pre-fetchingand/or caching strategies for different user behaviour withrespect to surfing or browsing in a catch-up-TV network. To thisend we identify accounts and channels associated with strong orweak surfing or browsing respectively and study the distributionsof hold times for the different types of behaviour. Finally wepresent results from a request prWe investigate the potential of different pre-fetching and/or caching strategies for different user behaviour with respect to surfing or browsing in a catch-up-TV network. To this end we identify accounts and channels associated with strong or weak surfing or browsing respectively and study the distributions of hold times for the different types of behaviour. Finally we present results from a requ

The development of voluntary private health Insurance in the Nordic countries

The Nordic countries represent an institutional setting with tax-based health care financing and universal access to health care services. Very few health care services are excluded from what are offered within the publically financed health care system. User fees are often non-existing or low and capped. Nevertheless, the markets for voluntary private health insurance (VPHI) have been rapidly exp

We need your story! Autobiographical acts in political campaigns against sexual violence

The paper explores autobiographical narratives of sexual violence in the main solicited, published, and circulated online in relation to various campaigns against sexual violence that in part strives to change the Swedish criminal law on sexual offences. Since 2010, several anti-rape campaigns have used social media platforms for their campaigns and have solicited experiential stories of rape as p

Online Autobiographical Narratives of Sexual Violence

This paper investigates autobiographical narratives of sexual violence published in various online forums. In particular, it investigates narratives published in connection to social movement campaigns aiming to change the Swedish Criminal Law on sexual offences. In Sweden, starting in 2010, major campaigns on sexual violence have used the Internet (and specifically the genres blog and twitter) to

Using Rice Husks in Water Purification in Brazil

Rice husk, which considered a waste, has a high level of silicon. This paper investigates the use of carbonized rice husk in water purification. The carbonization was done using a handmade carbonizer. The preparation process starts with the production of a precursor that is rich in carbon through the pyrolysis of the rice husk in an inert atmosphere. The results show an important contribution of t

Hur stor är en rimlig statsskuld för Sverige?

Hur stor bör den svenska statsskulden vara? I dag finns en livlig debatt kring frågan, knuten till överskottsmålets vara eller inte vara. Den ekonomiska litteraturen ger inget klart svar. Storleken på den ”optimala” eller lämpliga statsskulden beror på både vilken teori eller riktlinje som är utgångspunkten och vilken empirisk metod som används. Vi argumenterar för att statsskulden mätt som Maastr

Brood size constrains the development of endothermy in blue tits

Altricial birds are unable to maintain body temperature when exposed to low ambient temperatures during the first days after hatching. Thermoregulatory capacity begins to form as postnatal development progresses, and eventually nestlings become homeothermic. Several factors may influence this development at both the level of the individual and the level of the whole brood, but to our knowledge no

Established BMI-associated genetic variants and their prospective associations with BMI and other cardiometabolic traits : the GLACIER Study

Background:Recent cross-sectional genome-wide scans have reported associations of 97 independent loci with body mass index (BMI). In 3541 middle-aged adult participants from the GLACIER Study, we tested whether these loci are associated with 10-year changes in BMI and other cardiometabolic traits (fasting and 2-h glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures