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Vätskeresuscitering och nutrition vid svår akut pankreatit - ju mer desto bättre?

Introduktion: Svår akut pankreatit (SAP) är ännu behäftad med hög morbiditet och mortalitet. Initial vätskeresuscitering är av stort värde; nivån liksom nutritionsform och kaloritillförsel är oklar. Retrospektivt studerades korrelation vätsketillförsel och nutrition mot utfall vid SAP. Metod: 179 patienter med SAP, definierat som förekomst av pankreasnekros, CRP > 150, lång vårdtid eller mortalit

Buying Conservation : Financial Incentives for Tropical Forest Conservation in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Popular Abstract in English The conservation of forests is receiving increasing international attention. News reports of rampant deforestation for oil palm plantations in Indonesia or soy and cattle ranching in Brazil are the visible images that many of us know. Combating the loss of forests and mitigating climate change through the prevention of further carbon emissions to the atmosphere are promMarket-based instruments have become a widely used approach to motivate landowners to conserve forests instead of clearing them. However, such market-based instruments are increasingly criticized for their simplistic view on complex environmental, social and economic issues; for their ethical stance; and for creating exchange value for essential ecosystems services, which potentially perpetuates a

Institutions and Social Mobilization: Save Our School (Damansara) Movement in Malaysia

Social movements in Malaysia have been traditionally exclusive in nature. Social movements in Malaysia have been limited by ethnic, social, and lingual barriers that constrained their capacity mobilizing the mass to overcome state constraints. However, the resistance of the Damansara New Village community against the State’s closure of the community school, Damansara Primary School, demonstrated t

Coordination incentives, performance measurement, and resource allocation in public sector organizations

Why are coordination problems common when public sector organizations share responsibilities, and what can be done to mitigate such problems? This paper uses a multi-task principal-agent model to examine two related reasons: the incentives to coordinate resource allocation and the difficulties of measuring performance. The analysis shows that when targets are set individually for each organization