

Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar

Which model generates the best predictions on the future spot rate?– a comparison between three different forms of the UIP model

There are many empirical studies that reject the forecasting power of the uncovered interest rate parity condition. This might be due to different reasons, of which one often stated is the existence of a risk premium. In this paper three versions of the conventional UIP model are tested in order to investigate which one that generates the best predictions on the future spot rate. One model without

Användbarhet i dagens mobiltelefoner samt mobila tjänster ur ett användarperspektiv

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda vilka faktorer som påverkar själva användningen vid införande av ny teknik i mobiltelefoner. Vi ville undersöka hur 3G tekniken används samt vilka komplikationer som tänkas finnas med brukandet av tekniken. Vi har valt att endast titta på funktionaliteten i själva mobiltelefonen ur ett användarperspektiv samt hur användaren uppfattar och tar till sig tekniken. Vi

Datasäkerhetsmedvetenhet - en komparativ studie mellan två svenska företag

I en värld full av teknik och information som flödar är det viktigt att ha kontroll över den data som anses vara viktig för organisationen. Skulle informationen hamna i orätta händer kan det innebära förödande konsekvenser för organisationen och i vissa fall även deras kunder. För att undvika detta bör rätt sorts skydd anpassas till den typ av data man avser att skydda men även organisationen som

The CFI in Microsoft - Consumer Welfare, Network Externalities & the Goal of Competition Policy

This essay aims at interpreting the legal standards of consumer benefits in the CFI judgment Microsoft v Commission with regard to refusal to supply interoperability information and tying of Windows Media Player. In the refusal to supply part of the thesis it concludes that the Commission’s findings are sound and that Microsoft’s behavior had a negative effect on consumer welfare. However, the new

The Canada-Haiti Remittance Corridor

Every year immigrants send home billions of dollars to their countries of origin. This so-called remittance flow is constantly increasing, both in scale and in importance to the economy of many developing countries. In this thesis remittance payments are discussed and analyzed in a development context. The development impact of the increasing flow of remittances is contrasted to the impacts of the

Dynamics of Special Economic Areas in South China - Industrial Upgrading and Improving Working Conditions

Abstract Since the late 1970’s, China has rapidly increased its exports of industrial products and inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) through the use of special economic areas (SEA), which offer special benefits to foreign investors and export producers. Common criticism against these SEAs, usually states that these areas show persistent low-standard working conditions and wages to remain c

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av affärssystem - vilka faktorer kan påverkas av konsultbolagen?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att fastställa utifrån ett konsultperspektiv vilka kritiska framgångsfaktorer som konsultbolagen har möjlighet att påverka vid en implementering av ett affärssystem. Valet att se KFF ur ett konsultperspektiv baserar sig på en saknad av forskning inom området på det vis att tidigare gjorda studier inte riktat sig mot denna grupp. Genom intervjuer med representanter från kons

Analys av hypoteksbolagens kreditrisk för bostadslån - En kvalitativ studie av låntagarna och dess säkerheter

I ett klimat med kraftigt stigande fastighetspriser, rekordhög hushållsskuldsättning och sjunkande räntemarginaler för hypoteksbolagen ter sig en analys av potentiella kreditförluster för hypoteksbolagen som tämligen aktuell. Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att studera hypoteksbolagens kreditrisk för utlåning till privatpersoner med bostäder som säkerhet. Analysen genomförs genom studier av utve

Den förväntade värdepremien på den svenska marknaden

Syftet med denna rapport var att ta reda på om det fanns en värdepremie på den svenska marknaden. Därmed var avsikten att verifiera huruvida framtida avkastning baserad på fundamentala värden, såsom den förväntade långsiktiga utdelningstillväxten och det förväntade utdelning/pris förhållandet, gav högre precision på värdepremien än framtida avkastning baserad på realiserad avkastning. Ytterligare

Diskriminering på grund av funktionshinder - eller frunktionshindrad på grund av diskriminering?

Abstract The 1st of January 2009 there will be a new discrimination law in Sweden. That means that the Parliament finally will interpret three EC-directives in there entirety. The new law means that the present discrimination laws will be merged to one law. The situation for disabled persons on the labour market has improved, since the discrimination law was founded in 1999. The Labour Court got s

VD-Avtalet - en studie av rättsläget

Chief executives and other persons in management positions are not applicable to the same protection system as other employees. Lagen om anställlningsskydd is not applicable for example. Instead all terms and conditions are in the employment contract, which get increased importance. The employment contract for a chief executive is comprehensive. This essay focuses on employment protection, wages a

Rational Unified Process - En granskning av framgångsfaktorer

Rational Unified Process (RUP) är en systemutvecklingsmetod som tillhandahåller ett modifierbart tillvägagångssätt för hur man skall fördela uppgifter och ansvar inom ett systemutvecklingsprojekt. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om RUP verkligen bidrar till framgångsrik systemutveckling, och i så fall även till att identifiera de vitalaste faktorer som lett till denna framgång. Fok

IT investments at European airlines - Is IT viewed as a strategic resource?

IT investments are essential parts of a company’s strategy. Deciding whether to invest or not to invest in a certain IT project requires multiple considerations. Our aim has been to find out which are the most important ones. Our study has been conducted as a quantitative one based on a survey inquiry; our 17 respondents operate in the airline industry, a sector which is information intensive but

Nya regler i sjukförsäkringen - fler personer i utanförskap?

The purpose of this paper is to study the rules of the bill 2007/08: 136 "A reformed sick-leave process of increased return to work" as related to the rehabilitation chain. In the interpretation of the material I have used the “practical legal method” and a minor empirical study has been conducted to find out how Region Skåne and UMAS adjust their activities to the new regulations. The g

The Effect of Changes in the Funding Rate on Market Interest Rates: The Swedish Case

Understanding the effect of central bank policy actions on asset prices is important both to central banks in estimating the welfare effects of their actions and to individual investors in making correct decisions. Studies of these effects have been made predominantly on the U.S. market. This paper will investigate the direct effect of an unexpected change in the main Swedish funding rate on Swedi

The Relations between China’s Economic Growth and Sino-US Trade

The general theory of international trade points out that the economic growth of a country will be significantly affected by global economic fluctuation if this country shows an increased dependence on foreign countries in the economic field. After the Chinese government adopted reform and opening up policy in 1978, many exciting changes could be seen in this country. Now, although China is still

Gemensamma värderingar : en jämförande studie om gemensamma värderingar och hur de påverkar organisationskultur

The objective with the study was to evaluate what key persons at LFV Group (Luftfartsverket) think about-presented core values and their implementation within the company. Another objective of the study was to describe and compare the process of implementation of core values and how this affects organization culture at two selected reference companies. A qualitative method was applied in the form

Föräldrars missbruk och barnets bästa : en dokumentanalys av LVU-mål

The aim of this essay was to examine how the decision-making in LVU cases are motivated in the judicial decisions. How has the principle of whats in the best interest of the child been noticeable in these judicial decisions and how are the child's needs and the consequences for the child of the drug abuse been described? When the parents have been judged to have given a non acceptable consent,

The Head Up Display Concept : A Summary with Special Attention to the Civil Aviation Industry

This paper is a literature study of the Head Up Display (HUD) in general with focus on the HUD's role in the civil aviation industry in particular. The objective is to present the history of the HUD in brief, summarize the basic design, describe the HUD's role in today's civil aviation and present the HUD in a human factors concept. This includes describing the human information proces

Regional Participation in EU Policy-Making - Democratic Effects

The European Union and the discussion on its democratic deficit is the central theme to this thesis. Democracy is traditionally discussed based on the nation-state but here the debate on how democratic legitimacy can be achieved in a globalized society, where political issues transcend borders, is utilized. Regionalization is a central concept in globalization because it is transnational to its na