

Din sökning på "*" gav 538291 sökträffar


The work presented in this thesis demonstrates the application of electrochemical methods for probing the dynamics of cellular metabolism in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The main part of the work has been done using genetically modified strains of yeast. Employing baker’s yeast, S. cerevisiae, as a model organism, it was demonstrated how an amperometric method can be utilized for real-time in

Security in Physical Distribution - Causes, mitigation measures and an investment model

Recent statistics and terror events testify an increased vulnerability of distribution networks. Antagonistic threats as theft, counterfeiting, contamination and terror are burdening supply chains with unexpected costs in form of lost cargo, production downtimes, lower customer satisfaction, and higher transportation costs. Society is also worried about the possibility for terrorists to exploit su

Effects of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs on macrophage signal transduction and the induction of proinflammatory cytokines

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ledgångsreumatism (reumatoid artrit) är en allvarlig inflammatorisk led- och systemsjukdom som drabbar ungefär 1% av befolkningen. Den är sannolikt den vanligaste behandlingsbara orsaken till invaliditet i västerlandet. Under de senaste 10 åren har allt fler forskare uppmärksammat sjukdomens dåliga prognos och manat till en tidigare och mera effektiv behandling så snartRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is probably the most common source of treatable disability in the Western world. There are several disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which have proven to be of therapeutic efficacy in RA, but the lack of a potent, reliable treatment for early RA is a major problem in modern medicine. An obvious line of approach in the quest for better antirheumatic drugs is

Adaptive optics for the Euro50: design and performance

The optical design for the proposed Euro50 extremely large telescopewith integrated adaptive optics (AO) is presented. For atmosphericturbulence correction, we propose using single and dual-conjugate AOsystems working with natural and laser guide stars. The corrective shapeof the deformable mirrors (DMs) is derived from an analytical algorithmbased on minimization of the sum of the residual power

Visuell fostran : film- och bildverksamheten i Sverige 1939–1945

Andra världskriget utgör den mest genomforskade perioden i svensk historia. Med några få undantag har emellertid hittillsvarande undersökningar undvikit en av de viktigaste ingångarna till en djupare förståelse för dessa unika år – bilderna. Med Sveriges statligt sanktionerade bildpropaganda i fokus studerar denna bok hur nationens frihet och oberoende konsoliderades visuellt perioden 1939–1945. I

Samtal mellan ambulansssjuksköterska, jourhavande läkare och patient

Abstract in Undetermined Samtalsanalytisk studie som ger metodisk kunskap om jourläkares medicinska frågeprocedurer i samtal med diabetiker efter insulinkoma samt hur ambulanssjuksköterskor och jourläkare sambedömer och kommer fram till ett medicinskt beslut i relation till ambulansriktlinjer.

Data Base and Slow Controls System of the DELPHI VSAT and Two-Photon Physics using DELPHI at LEP

This thesis is based on work done 1991-1996 using the DELPHI detector at LEP, and is summarized in four articles. It consists of four main parts. The first part describes the Very Small Angle Tagger (VSAT) and Small angle TIle Calorimeter (STIC), which are sub-detectors of DELPHI. The VSAT consists of four silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter modules, having silicon strip planes for accur

Dokumenterat utanförskap : Om skolbarn som inte når målen

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar skolverksamheten i en svensk medelstor kommun under perioden 1996-2005 med fokus på de delar av verksamheten som handlar om stödåtgärder för elever med skolsvårigheter Syftet med studien är att undersöka skolans bedömning av elevers skolsvårigheter i ett längre perspektiv, och innefattar bl.a. elevers subjektiva upplevelser och konsekvenser i skoThis thesis examines school activity in a medium-sized Swedish municipality 1996?2005 focusing on the parts of the activity that deal with support measures for pupils with school difficulties. The purpose of the study is to examine the assessment of pupils? school difficulties in a longer perspective, considering pupils? subjective experiences and consequences of the school's organisation and wor