

Din sökning på "*" gav 533282 sökträffar

Delningsekonomi : att hyra kläder

In today’s society fast fashion has taken over the consumers and prices on clothes are so low that the clothes have lost their value due to their disposability. People are consuming more than they need and also throwing away clothes that they no longer need but are still fully functional. In short, we need to change our consumer habits. This paper will be exploring the sharing economy focusing on

Framtidens försäkringsprocesser

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilka hinder och begränsningar livförsäkringsföretag möter vid implementeringen av maskininlärning i deras beslutsprocesser avseende livförsäkringar, inom allt från teknik till juridik. Uppsatsen nämner även potential och möjligheter som ges av den nya tekniken. Studien genomförs genom att först beskriva försäkringsmarknaden, för att sedan gå djupare på den

Den professionella polisen

Uppsatsen ämnar att, på ett djupare plan, synliggöra vad som kan upplevas ingå i polisens arbetsuppgifter utöver det praktiska arbetet. Hur upplever poliser i yttre tjänst relationen mellan polisrollens krav och personliga känslor? Hur hanterar poliser i yttre tjänst egna emotioner i tjänstgöring utifrån yrkesrollens krav? Hur påverkas poliserna av relationen mellan yrkesrollens krav och personlig

High migratory and cytotoxic capability of CD56bright NK cells in a BBB in vitro model

High Migratory and Cytotoxic Capability of CD56bright NK Cells in a Blood-Brain-Barrier in Vitro Model The blood brain barrier (BBB) is a tight structure in the Central Nervous System (CNS) that restricts the entry of immune cells. This restriction is regulated by different components such as endothelial cells, tight junction proteins and other cells such as pericytes, astrocytes and neurons. Nat

The Role of Vhl in T cell mediated control of Mtb infection

Development of a successful prophylactic or therapeutic treatment for active Tuberculosis (TB) has been hampered by the bacilli’s ability to evade, tolerate, subvert host immunity and persist in a hypoxic intracellular niche. Upon infection with M. tuberculosis (Mtb), there is an increased demand for metabolites by cells to respond to the robust immune activation, which is met with a shift of meta

Co-chaperones and Parkinson's Disease Applying novel techniques to unfold the role of DNAJ proteins in a neurodegenerative disease

Kontrollera Cellens Kvalitetskontroller Vilka proteiner påverkar bildandet av de giftiga aggregationer som kan ses i hjärnan vid Parkinsons sjukdom? Och vilken roll kan cellens egna kvalitetskontroller spela i bekämpandet av dessa giftiga aggregationer? Vår forskargrupp har utvecklat en ny typ av modell för att studera grundläggande processer som kan ligga bakom en av våra vanligaste obotliga neu

Living in Social Isolation and Uncertainty - Experiences of International and Domestic Higher Education Students in the U.S. during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

This thesis explores the experiences of international and domestic higher education students in the U.S. during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. By using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach the aim of the thesis, in the first place, is concerned with students’ experience during national and global lockdowns with social distancing and isolation and, secondly, with the structural c

Living Border

This project aims to open a dialogue on the role of the border in todays society. Computational design and emerging 3d fabrication technology will be implemented as a tool to create a border typology modeled after the abundant, productive hedgerows found in nature. Experimentation will delve into the possibilities of digital design and how to manipulate and control algorithmic processes to grow a

Identification of high-amylose lines in a mutagenized oat population

Oat starch, like starch from other plants, is composed of amylose and amylopectin. The arrangement and abundance of these polysaccharides offers distinct properties to the formed starch. Starch with an elevated amount of amylose is of commercial interest and amount of amylose present in oats differs within cultivars. In this study, a mutant oat population developed by CropTailor was screened usin

LOKALISERA - alternativa framtider sprungna ur lokala förutsättningar

Vi lever idag i en värld vars system och strukturer tillåter oss människor att konsumera och producera långt över våra tillgångar. Om inga åtgärder görs riskerar vi oåterkalleliga förändringar i klimat och miljö som kommer att påverka förutsättningarna för kommande generationer. Klimatkrisen är global men vi måste agera lokalt. Nu. Hur vi utformar byggnader och samhällen har stor inverkan på milj

Temperature Control of Induction Heating Using a Multi Coil Solution

In induction heating processes with complex workpiece geometries or stringent requirements, more than one induction coil is usually needed to obtain acceptable results. One objective could be to achieve uniform heating, with minimal temperature variations throughout the workpiece. One frequency converter for each induction coil could be used, but it would not be cost-effective, and instead, it is

En studie av hur kommunal räddningstjänst hanterar hydrometeorologiska naturolyckor

I Sverige har flertalet naturolyckor inträffat genom tiderna och det är även idag vanligt med olika typer av naturolyckor. Dessa förväntas i framtiden inträffa mer frekvent och bli allt mer omfattande till följd av klimatförändringarna. Naturolyckor kan kategoriseras som geologiska, biologiska och hydrometeorologiska. Den sistnämnda är väderrelaterade olyckor och i många fall blir den kommunala räIn Sweden, natural disasters have been occurring for many years and will continue to do so in the future. Not all types of natural disasters are possible in Sweden. This thesis will therefore focus on natural disaster that are more likely to occur in Sweden, based on previous incidents and predictions for the future, namely forest fire and floods. In this thesis, an investigation of municipal Fire

Robust Relative Positioning & Autonomous Landing of a Flying Wing MAV for Sea Rescue Applications

In this thesis, a study is made into relative positioning and control systems for flying wing Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) intended to be used by the Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS) for the purpose of providing assistance during sea rescue missions. The particular scenario of interest is robust relative positioning to be used for autonomous landing of a MAV on a boat at the end of a rescue missi

Relativ luftfuktighet inomhus

The world has been affected by a pandemic virus called SARS-CoV-2 and caused a high level of deaths. Does the level of relative humidity have an effect on the spread? Different levels of the relative humidity has different affection on humans from a medical aspect. Is there an optimal level of the relative humidity? In this report there is a study on how the level of relative humidity indoor affec

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av prehospitala förlossningar: En kvalitativ studie

Abstrakt Bakgrund: I takt med att förlossningsvården centraliseras och avståndet till förlossningsavdelningar ökar kommer ambulanssjuksköterskor troligtvis att behöva assistera vid fler prehospitala förlossningar. Med begränsad utbildning och erfarenheter kan sådana situationer upplevas stressande. Syfte: Att undersöka ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av prehospitala förlossnin

Modelling and Optimization of Peroxide Pulp Bleaching Process

The wood pulp industry has been around for a long time, but new higher quality pulp require more advanced solutions to old processes. One of these processes is the peroxide (PO) bleaching process, which is the last of a whole chain of bleaching processes at the Mörrum pulp processing plant. The aim of this thesis was to develop and study a model for the peroxide pulp bleaching process, and thereaf

Re-examining Co-Rea - A constructivist realist view of the US decision to cross the 38th parallel during the Korean War

This case study examines the American decision to cross the 38th parallel into North Korea in October 1950 during the Korean War. In the early stages of the war the southern and UN forces were pushed back, but with an amphibious landing at Inchon the tides changed and eventually the 38th parallel was crossed. The study employs constructivist realism to shed new light on the motivations and societa

Thermal Acoustic Flow inside an Ultrasound Resonator

This thesis aims at investigating the interaction between thermal gradients and acoustic fields in microfluidic devices. In the research branch of Acoustofluidics, which bridges together acoustics and fluid dynamics, inhomogeneity in the medium has gained great interest due to the novel physics behind and the potential in manipulating submicrometer particles. Concentration gradients of solute mole

Rankinglogikens påverkan på universitetsvärlden : en kvalitativ studie av samhällets kvantifiering

Denna uppsats heter ”Rankinglogikens påverkan på universitetsvärlden” och är skriven av Emma Helton och Lisa Truedsson på Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. Samhällets digitalisering har underlättat insamlingen av data, och därmed skapat bättre förutsättningar för kvantifiering och ranking. Detta leder till att vi rankar fler områden som formar hur vi förstår och vär