Din sökning på "*" gav 534691 sökträffar
Andning: lungor och luftvägar hos människan och andra däggdjur
Andning: lungor, luftvägar och luftsäckar hos fåglar och kräldjur
Andning vid vila och arbete: styrning, syrebrist, syreupptag och träning
Emotions in Water Diplomacy : Negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
This paper aims to foreground the importance of emotions in water diplomacy in general and in Nile water diplomacy in particular. Water diplomacy does not operate from a clean slate, but in a socio-hydropolitically mediated context which is, in turn, imbued with emotions. The existing water diplomacy approach primarily operates with the assumption that the riparian state is a rational actor. Howev
Varför hickar, gäspar och nyser man? Gråt och suckar
Cervix cytology samples revealed increased methylation of the human markers FAM19A4/miR124-2 up to 8 years before adenocarcinoma
Introduction: Methylation analysis of the promoter region of tumor-suppressor genes has previously shown high sensitivity for detection of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cancer. HPV-testing has a high sensitivity to identify women at risk to develop cancer, and has been implemented in cervical screening programs in several countries. But in most HPV-positive women the infe
Blodomlopp: hjärtan, deras rum och deras cirkulation hos människa och andra djur
Blodomlopp: fostrets hjärta och cirkulation. De första hjärtslagen
Matspjälkning (matsmältning) och föda: om däggdjurs mag-tarmkanal
Coeliac disease : what can we learn from prospective studies about disease risk?
Paediatric prospective studies of coeliac disease with longitudinal collection of biological samples and clinical data offer a unique perspective on disease risk. This Review highlights the information now available from international paediatric prospective studies on genetic and environmental risk factors for coeliac disease. In addition, recent omics studies have made it possible to study comple
A Wideband Co-Linearly Polarized Composite Antenna with High Isolation
In this paper, a high-isolation two-port co-linearly polarized (co-LP) composite antenna is proposed. Dipole and W8JK array modes with co-LP omnidirectional patterns can be simultaneously supported by a plate with two etched back-to-back tapered slots. A microstrip differential and a T-divider coupling feeding networks are developed to selectively excite the dipole and W8JK modes, which results in
Vertical Sky Component (VSC) and daylight regulation compliance by the EN 17037 and BFS 2011:6 standards
This paper explores the relationship between the Vertical Sky Component (VSC) metric and the European and Swedish daylighting regulations. VSC, a static geometrical metric, is considered a useful early indicator of indoor daylighting, as it is insensitive to late-stage design details such as material properties and internal layout. However, its relationship with modern building daylighting legisla
Microbial Resource Limitation and Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology
Soil microbes function as decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems. They break down the organic matter, which plays a significant role in supplying nutrients to plants, but also in regulating biogeochemical cycling which feeds back to climate change. Like other organisms, soil microbes can be limited by the availability of essential resources, which could consequently affect their ability to decompos
Metabolic pathways in immune senescence and inflammaging : Novel therapeutic strategy for chronic inflammatory lung diseases. An EAACI position paper from the Task Force for Immunopharmacology
The accumulation of senescent cells drives inflammaging and increases morbidity of chronic inflammatory lung diseases. Immune responses are built upon dynamic changes in cell metabolism that supply energy and substrates for cell proliferation, differentiation, and activation. Metabolic changes imposed by environmental stress and inflammation on immune cells and tissue microenvironment are thus chi
Thinking decolonially towards music’s institution: : A post-conference reflection
How do we talk about musical colonisation? How do we talk about this work of talking about it; that is, interrogating what we mean by colonisation and its counter-logic of decolonisation or decoloniality? What can and must we talk about in this particular moment – when talk of decolonisation is at an all-time high, yet without clear consensus and much misuse of the concept? These questions, and th
Global Leadership for Sustainable Development (GLSD) Programme : An Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Initiative Funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation. 2023 Programme Evaluation Summary
Eight years since the UN’s agenda 2030, progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been poor. A crucial dimension is missing from current policy approaches: we urgently need to better understand the human inner skills and qualities necessary to work effectively together to meet ourcomplex challenges.Co-designed by thousands of experts, practitioners and scientists in response to
Prevalence and clinical correlations of SF3B1 variants in lactotroph tumours
OBJECTIVE: A somatic mutational hotspot in the SF3B1 gene was reported in lactotroph tumours. The aim of our study was to examine the prevalence of driver SF3B1 variants in a multicentre independent cohort of patients with lactotroph tumours and correlate with clinical data. DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a retrospective, multicentre study involving 282 patients with lactotroph tumours (including 6
Response to Letter to the Editor From Arroyo et al : "Timing of Puberty, Pubertal Growth, and Adult Height in Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age Treated With Growth Hormone"
The ‘Z-Free’ Home : A Circular Thinking and Eco-Cycle Design Practice
In recent years, the need for affordable sustainable housing has increased. At the same time, there has been a gradual rising interest in compact living. With the mounting impacts of climate change, a new way of thinking is needed to develop more resilient and climate responsive ways of living that are compact, affordable, and climate-conscious. In response to this need, the idea of a ‘Z-Free Home