

Din sökning på "*" gav 531345 sökträffar

Giant polarization anisotropy in optical transitions of free-standing InP nanowires

We report a theoretical study of the electronic structure and optical properties of free-standing semiconductor nanowires, based on an atomistic tight-binding approach. It is shown that the optical transition between the valence-band maximum and conduction-band minimum of an intrinsic nanowire is fully polarized along the wire axis, and this giant polarization anisotropy can be explained in terms

CT and MR imaging of the liver. Clinical importance of nutritional status

PURPOSE: In an experimental study in rats a correlation between nutritional status and hepatic attenuation in CT and signal intensities in MR imaging was shown. Is physiological nutritional status of importance in clinical CT and MR imaging? MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a cross-over study including 12 healthy volunteers (6 women and 6 men, mean age 34 years), CT and MR imaging of the liver were perfor

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The Middle Ages without mystery: A critical reply on Erling Haagensens answer to my review of his books.

Skapa plats i landskapet : tidig- och mellanneolitiska samhällen utmed två västskånska dalgångar

Popular Abstract in SwedishDenna arkeologiska studie syftar till att förstå de neolitiska samhällenas framväxt, organisation och förändring kring de västskånska ådalgångarna vid Saxån-Välabäcken och Lödde å-Kävlingeån. Arkeologiska undersökningar och fornminnesinventeringen har visat att området hyser omfattande lämningar av neolitiska bebyggelsekomplex — i form av bosättningar, gravfält, megalitgThis dissertation deals with Early and Middle Neolithic societies in a valley landscape in western Scania, in the southern part of Sweden. Several archaeological excavations conducted by the National Heritage Board have revealed a great number of Neolithic remains in this region. The sites constitute a substantial continuous sequence from the earliest to the latest phase of the Funnel Beaker Cultu

Loss of bidirectional striatal synaptic plasticity in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia

Long-term treatment with the dopamine precursor levodopa (L-DOPA) induces dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. We divided hemiparkinsonian rats treated chronically with L-DOPA into two groups: one showed motor improvement without dyskinesia, and the other developed debilitating dyskinesias in response to the treatment. We then compared the plasticity of corticostriatal synapses between

Dispersion flattening in a W fiber

An exhaustive and simple method for dispersion flattening in double-clad single-mode fibers is presented. The idea is to generate all such fibers with a certain cutoff wavelength and then find, by one-dimensional minimization and direct inspection, fibers yielding minimum dispersion. As examples, the root mean square chromatic dispersion over the wavelength range (1.25, 1.60 mum) is minimized for

Solubilisation of sludge by combined chemical and enzymatic treatment

In this study, the effects of cation-binding agents used alone and/or in combination with enzymes on solubilisation of municipal sludge and structure changes were investigated. Formic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, EDTA, sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), Zeolite A, sodium fluoride, sodium thiosulphate or sodium silicate were added to both biological and digested sludges. Citric acid ( 50 mmol/l)

Interaction of levosimendan with cadiac troponin C in the presence of cardiac troponin I peptides.

The interaction between troponin C (TnC) and troponin I (TnI) is essential for the regulation of muscle contraction. There are several binding sites for TnI on TnC that are differentially occupied depending on the phase of the contraction/relaxation cycle. TnI and TnC interact in an antiparallel fashion with each other. The C-domain of cTnC and the N-domain region of cTnI(residues 33–70) always in

Response of Si p-i-n diode and Au/n-Si surface barrier detector to heavy ions

Pulse height versus energy calibrations of a Si p-i-n diode and a Au-/n-Si surface barrier detector have been studied for heavy ions with atomic number (Z(1)) from 3 to 79 in a range from 0.1 to 0.8 MeV per nucleon as a function of bias voltage and detector tilting angle. The detector response is simultaneously measured using a time of flight-energy elastic recoil detection analysis set-up with re