

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Fathers and their children's health: a telephone interview study

objective: To study fathers' perception of, and involvement in, their children's health. Design: Telephone interviews according to a structured guide. Setting: County of Skane, Sweden. Main outcome measures: Answers regarding care and upbringing of child, child's health and ill health, and role of father. Subjects: 237 fathers of small children. Results: Fathers seem to be involved in their childr

Response of six European forest sites to decided and proposed air pollutant emission reductions

Two acid deposition scenarios were simulated for six European forest sites situated in Germany, Denmark, Russia, Switzerland, Spain and Ireland. Three models were used in combination; the RAINS (Regional Acidification INformations and Simulation) model, the SAFE (Simulating Acidification in Forest Ecosystems) model and the MakeDep model. The scenarios used were based on results from international

T-cells in COPD to help or harm? A study of T-cells in COPD patients and related aspects of T-cell function in vitro

Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom, KOL, har en försämrad lungfunktion och lider av bronkit och andnöd. Dessa symptom beror troligtvis på en ständigt pågående inflammation i lungan som dels leder till ökad slemproduktion och förträngning av luftrören, dels till emfysem dvs. nedbrytning av lungvävnaden vilket försämrar gasutbytet i lungan. Cigarrettrökning är Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, is manifested by chronic airflow limitation due to inflammation and tissue destruction in the lungs. COPD is caused primarily by smoking and with increasing cigarette consumption in the world, the prevalence for COPD will most probably increase in the future. The chronic inflammation in the lungs of these patients is thought to drive the pathogenesis fo

Dynamics of Smooth Hyperbolic Systems with Singularities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Föreliggande avhandling behandlar dynamiken hos styckvist hyperboliska system på begränsade mänder i planet och på intervallet. Avhandlingen är baserad på tre artiklar och därutöver annat stoff. I de två första artiklarna undersöks två olika klasser av styckvisa affina och hyperboliska avbildningar på begränsade mängder i planet. För båda dessa klasser gäller att tangeThis thesis is about dynamics of piecewise hyperbolic maps on bounded sets in the plane and on the interval. It is based on the following papers: T. Persson, A piecewise hyperbolic map with absolutely continuous invariant measure, Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, 21:3 (2006), 363--378 T. Persson, Absolutely continuous invariant measures for some piecewise hyperbolic affine maps, Prep


Popular Abstract in Swedish Cystatiner är endogena proteasinhibitorer som reglerar den proteolytiska aktiviteten hos papainlika cysteinproteaser, så som humant cathepsin B, H, K, L och S. Cystatin C, som finns i de flesta humana vävnader och vävnadsvätskor, är den starkaste hämmaren av lysosomala cysteinproteaser. Förändring i balansen mellan cysteinproteaser och cystatiner har vid flera olika canCystatins are endogenous protease inhibitors that regulate the proteolytic activities of family C1 (papain-like) cysteine proteases, such as human cathepsins B, H, K, L, and S. Cystatin C shows the fastest inhibition and the highest affinity of all cystatins towards lysosomal cysteine proteases in general and is widespread in human tissues and body fluids. Alterations in the balance between the cy

TNF inhibitors in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in clinical practice: costs and outcomes in a follow up study of patients with RA treated with etanercept or infliximab in southern Sweden.

Objectives: To evaluate costs, benefits, and cost effectiveness of tumour necrosis factor inhibitor treatment over one year in routine clinical practice. Materials and methods: At four rheumatology units in southern Sweden treatment of 160 consecutive patients with RA was started with either etanercept or infliximab. The economic analysis was based on 116 patients with complete data who received

Major histocompatibility complex and mate choice in sand lizards

In mice and man, females prefer males with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype different to their own. We tested whether this phenomenon also occurs in the Swedish sand lizard (Lacerta agilis). Females in a laboratory experiment preferred to associate with odour samples obtained from more distantly related males at the MHC class 1 loci. Data on free-ranging lizards suggest that assoc

Plant-wide control: dream, necessity or reality?

Instrumentation, control and automation (ICA) are key technologies in modern water and wastewater systems. Despite the. variability of the influents the system outputs have to be satisfactory. Economic realities and new water directives encourage the application of ICA to make a maximum use of plant and other storage capacities. The final goal of protecting the environmental resources necessitates

Regulation of PKCalpha and the role of PKC in neuroblastoma cell migration

Popular Abstract in Swedish Protein kinas C (PKC) är en familj serin/treonin kinaser som har en viktig roll i regleringen av olika funktioner i cellen. PKC kan delas in i klassiska (alpha, betaI, betaII and gamma), nya (delta, epsilon, eta and theta) och atypiska (zeta and iota/lambda) isoformer beroende på skillnader i hur de regleras. När PKCalpha är inaktivt bidrar intramolekylära bindningar tiMembers of the protein kinase C (PKC) family of serine/threonine kinases play critical roles in cellular regulation. Depending on differences in regulation, PKCs can be divided into classical (alpha, betaI, betaII and gamma), novel (delta, epsilon, eta and theta) and atypical (zeta and iota/lambda) isoforms. When PKCalpha is inactive it is maintained in a closed conformation by intramolecular inte

Clinical recording of laser-induced fluorescence spectra for evaluation of tumour demarcation feasibility in selected clinical specialities

Laser-induced autofluorescence spectra from humans were recorded in vivo at three different clinics in a study aimed at investigating the capability of this method to discriminate between malignant tumours and normal surrounding tissues. For the recordings a mobile trolley with the necessary equipment was constructed for use in an examination room or in an operating theatre environment. Laser ligh

Does aspirin protect against Alzheimer's dementia? A study in a Swedish population-based sample aged >= 80 years

Objective. It has been reported that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) may protect against dementia of Alzheimer's type and/or vascular dementia. However, co-morbidity and the dose of aspirin may be critical. A major indication for low-dose aspirin is prophylaxis after stroke and transient ischaemic attacks, conditions that may obscure an anti-dementia effect by the d

Thin Film Engineering of Indium Tin Oxide: Large area flat panel displays application

Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) thin films with a variety of microstructures were deposited using a large area conventional DC magnetron sputtering system for flat panel displays manufacturing. Highly uniform ITO films with an average thickness of ∼100 ± 3 nm on the ∼0.6 m2 substrate area were obtained. Film structures with small amounts of crystalline sites were produced by room temperature deposition, an

Paul and Roman Stoicism: Romans 12 and Contemporary Stoic Ethics

Exemplifying a rather widespread attitude among Pauline scholars, it has recently been argued on the basis of Rom. 12 that Paul differed sharply from the Stoics in his moral teaching. The present article aims to show that such a claim does not hold if and when the sources of Roman Stoicism are taken into consideration. A comparison of Paul’s moral teaching in Rom. 12 and contemporary Stoic ethics

Digenic inheritance of a ROM1 gene mutation with a peripherin/RDS or rhodopsin mutation in families with retinitis pigmentosa

Two families with retinitis pigmentosa showed inheritance of an Arg-16-His ROM1 gene mutation with either an Arg-13-Trp RDS mutation or an Arg-135-Trp RHO mutation. The phenotypes of double and single heterozygotes were determined to examine the hypothesis that digenic inheritance may increase disease expression. In the family with ROM1 and RDS mutations, single heterozygotes were normal but one d

Restless legs - vanligt sjukdomstillstånd som ofta missas. Möjligheter till framgångsrik behandling finns idag

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is characterized by intense restlessness and unpleasant creeping sensations deep inside the lower legs. The symptoms appear when the limbs are at rest and are worst in the evening and at night. They force the patients to keep moving their legs, and sometimes to get out of bed and wander about. Periodic limb movements of the extremities (PLM) are common during sleep thu