

Din sökning på "*" gav 532455 sökträffar

Selection of an optimal cysteine-containing peptide-based chelator for labeling of affibody molecules with (188)Re

Affibody molecules constitute a class of small (7 kDa) scaffold proteins that can be engineered to have excellent tumor targeting properties. High reabsorption in kidneys complicates development of affibody molecules for radionuclide therapy. In this study, we evaluated the influence of the composition of cysteine-containing C-terminal peptide-based chelators on the biodistribution and renal reten

Effects of mutant huntingtin in oxytocin neurons on non-motor features of Huntington’s disease

Oxytocin i kampen mot Huntingtonssjukdom Huntingtonssjukdom (HS), även kallad danssjukan, är en obotlig sjukdom som successivt bryter ner nervsystemet. Sjukdomen orsakas av en förändring (mutation) i arvsmassan hos Huntington-genen, där vi får en förlängning av en kod som kallas för CAG-repetitioner. Huntington-genen bär vi alla på. Om man har en förälder som har Huntingtonssjukdom är det 50% ri

The use of a synthetic community rescues growth of Arabidopsis thaliana during iron deficiency in a siderophore independent manner

Plants can benefit from the naturally occurring plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere. Understanding the mechanisms driving these beneficial interactions can improve plant development and resilience. Here, it was attempted to use a Synthetic Community (SynCom) to rescue the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana plants during iron deficiency stress. This stress is caused by the bio-un-availability

Sex-specific pathological response to Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of leading causes of death in the world; survivors commonly exhibit behavioural changes and neurocognitive defects in the long-term. Following TBI, rapid changes in the neurovascular unit (NVU) occur as the permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB) increases and cerebral blood flow (CBF) becomes dysregulated. An integral component of the NVU are pericytes wh

Exploring the Functional Heterogeneity of Breast Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts

En bit i bröstcancerns mystiska mikromiljöpussel En stor del av cancerforskning fokuserar på att klargöra hur tumörers mikromiljö påverkar cancerns tillväxt och behandling av den. Cancer har kallats ”ett sår som aldrig läker”. I cancer finns en stor mängd av en specialiserad celltyp av fibroblaster som är central i just sårläkning. Vi har hittat två sådana fibroblaster i bröstcancer och visat att

Targeting ferroptosis to treat high-risk neuroblastoma

Inducing iron-dependent death to treat high-risk childhood cancer Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common pediatric extracranial solid tumor and one of the deadliest, accounting for 15% of pediatric cancer deaths. In Europe there are 10.5 cases per million, with the median age at diagnosis being 17 months. In some cases, tumors regress spontaneously but in others they relapse and become resistant t

Lateral gene transfer from protists could enable freshwater sponges to adapt to hypoxia

Breathing without oxygen: Lateral gene transfer from protists could enable freshwater sponges to adapt to hypoxia As humans, our existence is conditioned by oxygen. The complex mechanisms that keep our cells alive and functioning depend on this molecule and our metabolic processes would not be possible without it. Although we could not even survive in environments without oxygen, some organisms h

Planar chiral Rh(I) dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctatetraene complexes: synthesis and application in asymmetric catalysis

is an important area of study with implications for pharmaceutical development. Asymmetric catalysis is one way to perform enantioenriched products. To study this subject, enantiomerically pure Rh(I) complexes were synthesized to be applied as catalysts in these kinds of reactions. A new C2 symmetric dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctatetraene-ligand, 5,11-bis(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl dibenzo[a,e]cyclooc

Why is plastic waste at recycling centres poorly sorted? A study of the plastic waste sorting at Sysav’s recycling centres

Förbättrad sortering av plast på återvinningscentraler är nödvändig för omställningen till ett fossilfritt samhälle Världen står framför den kanske största utmaningen någonsin – den globala uppvärmningen. För att klara FN:s klimatmål om att begränsa temperaturökningen till under två grader krävs det att vi ställer om till ett fossilfritt samhälle. En del i att uppnå detta är att öka materialåtervReducing plastic waste incineration is crucial for Sweden’s transition to a carbon neutral society in 2045. To achieve this goal, it is essential to increase the material recycling of plastics. The availability of recyclable plastics depends on the private individual’s participation in sorting their plastic waste at the municipal recycling centres. Currently, the sorting quality of the rigid plast

Substitution av särskilt farliga kemikalier i Region Kalmar län

Vilka utvecklingsmöjligheter har Region Kalmar läns arbete med substitution? Att ta bort eller byta ut farliga kemikalier mot något annat alternativ som är mindre skadligt för miljön och hälsa brukar benämnas som substitution. Människor kommer idag i kontakt med farliga kemikalier på flera olika sätt, till exempel genom vissa plaster och elektronik eller på arbetsplatser där farliga kemikalier hanChemicals are becoming more and more important and almost essential for human life. Therefore, the human exposure of hazardous chemicals has increased substantially. Alternative assessment (AA) is a method used for substitution of hazardous chemicals and requirements for substitution are included in European health and safety legislation. As part of Region Kalmar läns environmental and sustainabil

Improving bright-field images for tracking particles with Defocustracker

Acoustophoresis is a cell separation technology where particles or cells are suspended in a fluid container and subject to acoustic standing waves. The standing waves exerts an acoustic radiation force on the particles, pushing them towards the nodal plane. This movement is called migration, and the migration velocity depends on the acoustic mobility of the particle, which depend on the particle s

LMGROUP: A Lightweight Multicast Group Key Management for IoT Networks

Due to limitations of IoT networks including limited bandwidth, memory, battery, etc., secure multicast group communication has gained more attention, and to enable that a group key establishment scheme is required to share the secret key among the group members. The current group key establishment protocols were mostly designed for Wireless Sensor Network, and they require device interaction, hig

Co-costuming as an opening for temporal socio-material entanglements : a dialogical process of co-wearing a connecting-costume

This paper derives from the twelve-hour costume-based ‘performative-walk’ Community Walk that locomoted through the central area of Copenhagen on June 29, 2020. The frame for Community Walk was a bright yellow costume that physically connected two wearers and the concept of ‘walking and talking’. ‘Walking’ was physically sensing the co-wearer through the costume and jointly navigating and negotiat

Immigrant Organizations and Labor Market Integration: The Case of Sweden

In line with recent trends in sociology of migration, the paper presents majorresearch findings on Swedish immigrant organizations (SIOs) and their labor marketintegration activities. Analyses of engagement in these activities are particularlyimportant as Sweden wrestles with significant problems of labor market marginalization, particularly among non-European migrants. Drawing on official dataand

Fetal growth restriction followed by very preterm birth is associated with smaller kidneys but preserved kidney function in adolescence

Background: Preterm birth and fetal growth restriction (FGR) are associated with structural and functional kidney changes, increasing long-term risk for chronic kidney disease and hypertension. However, recent studies in preterm children are conflicting, indicating structural changes but normal kidney function. This study therefore assessed kidney structure and function in a cohort of adolescents

Ohövligt beteende på arbetsplatsen i relation till arbetsengagemang och psykologisk trygghet hos blåljuspersonal

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om, och i vilken utsträckning, ohövligt beteende tar sig uttryck hos blåljuspersonal i en svensk kontext. Studien ämnade även att undersöka förekomst av psykologisk trygghet samt grad av arbetsengagemang hos blåljuspersonal, och vidare om ohövligt beteende har något samband med hur arbetssituationen upplevs utifrån dessa variabler. Detta för att bidThe study aimed to investigate how workplace incivility takes place among policemen and firemen in Sweden. The study also intended to investigate the presence of psychological safety and level of work engagement among policemen and firemen, and further if workplace incivility correlates with the experience of their work situation based on these variables. This in order to contribute with knowledge