

Din sökning på "*" gav 528220 sökträffar

Community-Based Preparedness Trainings to Build and Strengthen Local Capacities for Disaster Preparedness. With lessons learned from Preparedness Trainings in landslide risk communities in Sri Lanka

Disaster response is most effective, if a high level of preparedness is in place before natural hazards strike. As many low-income countries are under-financed when it comes to Disaster Risk Reduction, it is lower-cost interventions such as Community-Based Preparedness Trainings that they often rely on to provide strategies to reduce the vulnerability of communities. These trainings are widely use

Superpedagogen - En kvalitativ studie om lärares reflektioner kring att ta emot och integrera nyanlända elever

During the fall 2015, it was 114 000 people who applied for asylum in Sweden and the integration became a frequently discussed topic. The school is an area where there's high potential for the newly arrived students to create a network and to be integrated in the society. However, that's maybe not the case as the researDches say that the schools get more and more segregated. This study exa

Strategic Thinking: Theory & Practice

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test a potential means of measuring strategic thinking ability (Cognitive Process Profiling) in individuals through a multi-method approach. First, we identify what strategic thinking is in theory by analysing the current literature and then identify the most prominent competencies that enable individuals to think strategically. Following this literature r

Utmaningar och möjligheter - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers arbete med elever med ADHD

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of school counsellors in the work of helping children diagnosed with ADHD to feel good mentally and socially in the school environment. The study investigates how school counsellors work individually with these children and also together with other collaborators and organisations to help these children develop and overcome their difficulties. The sa

Building occupant movement in wide descending stairs

Several incidents in the past confirm that crowd movement in stairs represents a risk that has potential of causing serious injuries. Extensively research has been conducted for descending stairs. However, less is known about particularly wide staircases, which is taken to be stairs with tread width of 1.2m or above. This thesis provides estimations for engineering characteristics like velocity, f

Place branding and the case of social inclusion: a place made of people for the people

This master thesis examines disabled residents’ roles as citizens in a place branding process within the political framework of a place. This is in line with the resident approach in a political context within the research field of place branding. My contribution to the resident approach is a case study in the municipality of Borås, where I study the organized work of accessibility between citizen

Iron and Aluminum leaching from peatland soils in Southern Sweden – Effects on benthic macroinvertebrates

Giftigt lakvatten skadar småkryp Vattnet är turkos-färgat och innehåller giftigt höga halter av metaller, så småningom fälls metallerna ut och bildar en orange sörja som lägger sig som en kvävande filt över allt i vattnet. Livet är inte lätt för vattenlevande småkryp i Fredriksdalsviken. En rejäl översvämning år 2007 i Kristianstad fick missfärgat vatten att välla ut över strandängarna i naturresThe leaching of metals caused by drainage of peatland soils was, in Scania, brought to attention after a flood in Kristianstad 2007. The flood caused large areas of wet meadows to be covered in iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) contaminated water and one of the affected areas was Fredriksdalsviken, a nature reserve important as a breeding area for birds. The negative effects of these metals on macroinve

Choice of Conditional: Nara Nonara and Nodattara

The purpose of this thesis is to differentiate between the usage of three very similar Japanese conditionals: nara, nonara, and nodattara. A questionnaire study to find connections between the choice of conditionals depending on the surrounding expressions was conducted to establish potential rules and patterns of usage. The research found that short sentences, negative protases, and conditionall

Phenology in urban environments - The effects of tree and prey phenology on the reproduction of urban and rural great tits (Parus major)

Urban environments are rapidly growing worldwide with severe consequences to animals and plants residing in our cities. Some of the most well-studied urban wildlife is passerine birds, where a wide array of effects have been documented; smaller clutches, earlier breeding, shorter telomeres and oxidative stress are just some costs among numerous others. Yet, few studies have so far investigated the

Kan vi lukta oss till ett bättre minne?

Ett växande antal studier rapporterar ett samband mellan minne och lukter. Den här studien ämnade identifiera effekter av samma och olika lukter vid inlärning och återkallande av minne samt undersöka skillnaden mellan goda och inte goda lukter. En så kallad old / new recognition task användes som minnestest där deltagarna (N = 32) tränade in 20 ord i testets första fas, för att sedan i en andra faA growing number of studies report relations between memory and smell. The present study aimed to identify differential effects of same and different smells on word learning and recognition memory, in addition to investigate the difference between pleasant and unpleasant smells. An old / new recognition task was used as a memory test, whereby participants (N = 32) studied 20 words in the first pha

A proteomic approach to study the molecular processes of a novel putative zinc binding protein in erythropoiesis

A proteomic approach to study the molecular processes of a novel putative zinc binding protein in erythropoiesis We have around 6 liters of blood in our body: each of them contain around 6 billion red blood cells, which travel around the 96.000km of blood vessels of our body. Blood contains many different types of cells, which play key roles for us. For example, Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are the on

Risk-Managed Momentum in Europe

This thesis sets out to evaluate a risk-managed momentum strategy in the European stock market. The recent performance of momentum in Europe is first evaluated. A momentum premium still exists in Europe but the strategy suffered large losses in 2009. A risk-managed momentum portfolio is created by dynamically scaling the exposure to momentum based on a monthly volatility forecast. The risk-managed

Mycobacterium marinum promotes mitochondrial degradation in an ESX-1 dependent manner

Investigating the role of mitochondrial damage in a Tuberculosis infection Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant health risk that was responsible for 10.4 million infections and 1.8 million deaths in the year 2015 alone. The causative agent for TB is Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which is an intra-cellular bacterium that primarily replicates within the white blood cell called the macrophage. To

Regulation of the immunological synapse by the phosphatase PTPN22

Integrins are adhesion molecules that control cell to cell interactions and play a fundamental role in adhesion of T cells during an immune response. Protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) is an important regulatory factor of the integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA1). A single-nucleotide polymorphism in the gene coding for PTPN22 has previously been linked as

Konstruktionen av föräldraskap i förvaltningsrättens domslut

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att genom förvaltningsrättsliga domar som avser 2 § lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga förstå hur föräldraskapet konstrueras och framställs i tvångsvårdsdiskursen med hänsyn till normativa föreställningar. Syftet är även att belysa hur maktrelationen ser ut mellan rätten, sociala myndigheter och föräldrarna i domsluten.

Z-Altman's model effectiveness in bank failure prediction-The case of European banks

The corporate bankruptcy is a significant problem for economy since it is considered as a limiting factor for economic growth. The financial crisis that broke out in USA on 2007 as a result of miscalculated subprime mortgage strategies turn into a full international banking crisis affecting successively the European banks, especially those of South European countries. Given that the role and the i


Policy on Planning for Children and Youth in urbanization environment. Enriching Urban Cityscape for Children and Youth through Scandinavian (Swedish and Danish) child methodology on the old European planning model. In this model, traffic management has the most potential in planning. For the study Dhanmondi, the site planned during the British Empire, was chosen within the capital city Dhaka, Ban

List Decoding of Polar Codes

Channel coding is an important instrument used in communication to correct errors that occur on channels. It is interesting to find the best-suited channel code for different communication systems. Polar codes have been in the spotlight lately for their simple structure and performance when in combination with list decoding and cyclic redundancy check code. Polar codes have a recursive structure

Lateral interactions between protein molecules adsorbed onto a planar interface

This paper seeks to express the chemical potential for proteins on a surface in terms of number surface densitiy. Generalized Van der Waals (GVdW) theory and Virial hard disk theory are explored and fitted to experimental data by varying the hard disk radius. Additionnally Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations are used to simulate the interactions between proteins. Simulations are done on freely rot