

Din sökning på "*" gav 533860 sökträffar

Aggregation pheromones of Drosophila immigrant, D. phalerata, and D. subobscura

Aggregation pheromones of Drosophila immigrans, D. phalerata and D. subokscura were demonstrated by testing attraction of adult flies to hexane extracts of the flies in a windtunnel bioassay. Extracts of adult males of all species attracted conspecific males and females. However. D. suhobscura flies were attracted only when the extract was applied on food. GC-MS analysis identified (Z)-11-octadece

Achieving short high-quality gate-all-around structures for horizontal nanowire field-effect transistors

We introduce a fabrication method for gate-all-around nanowire field-effect transistors. Single nanowires were aligned perpendicular to underlying bottom gates using a resist-trench alignment technique. Top gates were then defined aligned to the bottom gates to form gate-all-around structures. This approach overcomes significant limitations in minimal obtainable gate length and gate-length control

Fungal odour discrimination in two sympatric species of fungivorous collembolans

1. Resource partitioning of two sympatric species of collembolans, Orchesella cincta and Tomocerus flavescens, was explored from differences in their food odour perception. 2. Preferences of the collembolans of odours from four fungal species and a green alga were tested in a Y-tube olfactometer. The collembolans were separated by only one dif- ference in odour preference; Cladosporium herbarum wa

Effects of enchytraeid grazing on fungal growth and respiration

In view of the grazing optimization theory, we examined the effects of different intensities of grazing by the enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum (Vejdovsky) on microbial respiration and hyphal length in soil. In a feeding experiment we established that C. sphagnetorum feeds on the fungus Mortierella isabellina (Oudem) and that the worms disperse fungal propagules. Grazing of C. sphagnetorum with

Food- and density-dependent dispersal : Evidence from a soil collembolan

1. Dispersal in a fungivore species of Collembola, Onychiurus armatus, in a homo- geneous soil was theoretically approached as a deterministic compartmental process, in which the movement of animals between discrete patches could be described by a series of differential equations or by the discrete geometric probability distribution, assuming a constant probability to move from one patch to the ne

Migrating slandering : Tracking Royal Sex Scandals (1880–2010)

This paper presents two cases from royal media scandals, journalism, rumours and street slandering. The investigation comprices the late 19th century to the early 21st. Our chosen scandals have Swedish kings and presumed and forbidden sexuality in centre of focus. The first scandal took place in the late 19th century, the second in the early 21st century.Via the concept of media system we track th

What Does Your Corporate Brand Stand For?

Companies are extremely good at defining their product brands. Customers, employees, and other stakeholders know exactly what an iPhone is and means. But organizations are often less sure-footed when it comes to the corporate brand. What does the parent company’s name really stand for, and how is it perceived and leveraged in the marketplace and within the company itself?A clear, unified corporate

On the Limit Theory of Mixed to Unity VARs: Panel Setting With Weakly Dependent Errors

In this paper we re-visit a recent theoretical idea introduced by Phillips and Lee (2015). They examine an empirically relevant situation when multiple time series under consideration exhibit different degrees of non-stationarity. By bridging the asymptotic theory of the local to unity and mildly explosive processes, they construct a Wald test for the commonality of the long-run behavior of two se

Bayesian inference of protein conformational ensembles from limited structural data

Many proteins consist of folded domains connected by regions with higher flexibility. The details of the resulting conformational ensemble play a central role in controlling interactions between domains and with binding partners. Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) is well-suited to study the conformational states adopted by proteins in solution. However, analysis is complicated by the limited informatio

"En temmelig lang fodtur" : HGIS, Text mining, and folklore collection in 19th century denmark

In Scandinavia, the folklore collection of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries coincided with rapid changes in political, economic, and social organization, and resulted in national collections of extraordinary scope. Although some later folklorists have expressed skepticism about the usefulness of these collections as resources for the study of folklore, ethnography and intellectual hist

Nuclear spin quenching a new probe of exchange kinetics and droplet size in disperse systems

A new experimental technique, nuclear spin quenching (NSQ), is introduced, which can be used to measure droplet size and inter-droplet exchange rates of various intrinsic molecular species in disperse systems. The physical basis of the method is the quenching of the fine structure in spin-coupled N.M.R. spectra by intermolecular proton exchange, the rate of which is controlled by droplet exchange.

Sequence dependence and direct measurement of crossover isomer distribution in model Holliday junctions using NMR spectroscopy

A 32-base-pair model of the Holliday junction (HJ) intermediate in genetic recombination has been prepared and analyzed in-depth by 2D and 3D 1H NMR spectroscopy. This HJ (J2P1) corresponds to a cyclic permutation of the base pairs at the junction relative to a previously studied HJ [J2; Chen, S.-M., and Chazin, W. J. (1994) Biochemistry 33, 11453-11459], designed to probe the effect of the sequen