Din sökning på "*" gav 534442 sökträffar
Circulating triglycerides are associated with human adipose tissue DNA methylation of genes linked to metabolic disease
Dysregulation of circulating lipids is a central element for the metabolic syndrome. However, it is not well established whether human subcutaneous adipose tissue is affected by or affect circulating lipids through epigenetic mechanisms. Hence, our aim was to investigate the association between circulating lipids and DNA methylation levels in human adipose tissue. DNA methylation and gene expressi
Investigation of the impact of different sugar compositions on the moisture absorption of hard candy when exposed to a humid environment
Hard candy is hygroscopic, implying that hard candy readily absorbs moisture from the environment, resulting in adverse changes in the texture and appearance of the candy. This thesis investigates the impact of different sugar compositions on the moisture absorption of hard candy when exposed to a humid environment. Five different hard candy formulations were exposed to an 8-day storage experiment
Abdominal aortic aneurysm growth rates are not correlated to body surface area in screened men
BACKGROUND: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in 65-year-old males reduces aneurysm related mortality. Infrarenal aortic diameter (IAD) has been shown to correlate to body surface area (BSA) which could influence diagnostic criteria for AAA. This study investigates whether AAA growth rates are also dependent on BSA, as that might have potential effects on surveillance of small AAAs.MET
Sambandet mellan CSR och varumäkeslegitimitet
Research question: How does the communication of CSR strategies impact the legitimacy of fashion brands from a consumer perspective? Purpose: The purpose of the report is to examine whether the communication of CSR strategies influences the legitimacy of fashion brands from a consumer perspective. Methodology: The study utilizes a qualitative research approach based on three conducted focus grou
Försonande dialog: Främjande av samförståndslösningar mellan föräldrar genom informationssamtal
Uppsatsen behandlar samförståndslösningar mellan föräldrar i vårdnadsmål med huvudfokus på de nyligen införda kravet på att föräldrar som överväger att ta en tvist om vårdnad, boende eller umgänge till domstol innan dess ska ha deltagit i ett gemensamt informationssamtal. Genom 2021 års lagreform på familjerättens område trädde Lag (2021:530) om informationssamtal i kraft den 1 januari 2022 vilketThis essay deals with consensual solutions between parents in custody cases with focus on what can be described as obligatory information meetings (in Swedish called informationssamtal). The purpose of these meetings is in the sake of the child and their best interests, to try and increase the chances of finding the least taxing way forward for the whole family. The act (2021:530) on information
Public-Private Partnership - några rättsliga problem vid genomförandeavtal
Konkurrenspräglad dialog – ett alternativ vid offentlig–privata partnerskap?
Chloride-Based Additive Engineering for Efficient and Stable Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells
Metal halide perovskite based tandem solar cells are promising to achieve power conversion efficiency beyond the theoretical limit of their single-junction counterparts. However, overcoming the significant open-circuit voltage deficit present in wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells remains a major hurdle for realizing efficient and stable perovskite tandem cells. Here, a holistic approach to overco
Tjänster av allmänt intresse : Ett svenskt perspektiv
Ansvaret för att tillhandahålla välfärdstjänster i Sverige ligger i huvudsak på kommuner, landsting och regioner. Det gäller bland annat tillgång till bostäder, hälso- och sjukvård, avfallshantering och utbildning.Utförandet är dock ofta en uppgift för privata aktörer, vilket innebär att det EU-rättsliga regelverket aktualiseras. I den här rapporten diskuterar professor Tom Madell vilken betydelse
No title
The Edge of Perception : The Psychology of the Seen and the Unseen in the Works of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
This thesis investigates the psychological dimensions of sense perception in the works of two key poets in the British Romantic tradition - William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge - using a combination of traditional close reading and a newer psychobiographical approach. The thesis proposes that Wordsworth's and Coleridge's works can be seen as staging a dialogue between two mutually incomp
A not-for-profit world beyond capitalism and economic growth?
At the heart of the failing growth-based, capitalist system is the ‘for-profit’ way of doing business. It is based on the idea that humans are mostly selfish and competitive, so the best way to motivate economic activity is to appeal to individual self-interest. Most approaches to resolve capitalism’s tendency to increasingly create socioeconomic inequality and ecological devastation entail either
Bunden och fri utfyllning eller bara avtalstolkning?
Frederik Waage, Det offentlige som procespart; Forvaltningsrettens virkning i civilprocessen
Translation and Validation of the Swedish Version of the Tilburg Frailty Indicator
The Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI) is a questionnaire with 15 questions designed for screening for frailty in community-dwelling older people. TFI has a multidimensional approach to frailty, including physical, psychological, and social dimensions. The aim of this study was to translate TFI into Swedish and study its psychometric properties in community-dwelling older people with multimorbidity.
Kvalitetsgarantier inom kommunal verksamhet
Replication of a Novel Parkinson's Locus in a European Ancestry Population
BACKGROUND: A recently published East Asian genome-wide association study of Parkinson;s disease (PD) reported 2 novel risk loci, SV2C and WBSCR17.OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study were to determine whether recently reported novel SV2C and WBSCR17 loci contribute to the risk of developing PD in European and East Asian ancestry populations.METHODS: We report an association analysis of recentl
Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att uppmärksamma spelmissbruk
The purpose of this study was to understand how problem gambling among clients with other primary issues was identified and managed by social secretaries in their utilization of standardized assessment tools and their professional discretion. The study was based on semi-structured interviews, with the participant group consisting of social workers who were involved in assessments of clients with g
”Det är ju vissa som inte hängt med online riktigt” En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar av digitalisering inom försörjningsstöd
The aim of this study was to enhance my understanding of the effects of digitalization within the Swedish social service department for social assistance, as perceived by social workers. Additionally, the study aimed to explore the ways in which social workers believe that the ongoing digitalization impacts their interactions with individuals receiving social assistance. The two questions addresse