

528005 sökträffar

Bygden, bruket och samhället : Om människor och organisationer i brukssamhället Böksholm 1900-1979

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur gick det till när 1900-talets industrialiserade landsbygd omvandlades? Hur påverkades människors vardag av denna utveckling och hur knöts lokala händelser ihop med industrisamhällets omvälvande historia? Dessa frågor diskuteras i denna studie av det småländska brukssamhället Böksholm. I centrum står relationen mellan de dominerande folkrörelserna och ledningen för BThe aim of this dissertation is to study some of the forces behind the transformation of the 20th century industrialised countryside. The emphasis is on changes in everyday life for women and men, and the role of organisations therein. Two main questions are outlined: Which forces were central to the development of the industrial society?, and, how did the relationship between individual and socie

Benchmarking integrated control strategies using an extended BSM2 platform

The need for integrated management of urban wastewater systems (UWS) is highly acknowledged in both research and industry. Modelling studies and practical experiences with integrated control of UWS clearly suggest the benefits of a holistic control approach. Given the success of benchmark simulation models (BSMs) in the study of control strategy options for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), a s

Cash Cow, Civic Space or Co-optation: Private Schools in Urban China

Almost all realms of Chinese society have been affected by privatization. Education is no exception, although its privatization does not necessarily affect the school system per se. Chinese scholars have usually provided two explanations for privatized schooling in China: 'massification' (educational expansion) and 'pluralization' (diversification). In my research project on private schools in ur