

Din sökning på "*" gav 529909 sökträffar

Chefer i konflikt

Titel: Chefer i konflikt – En kvalitativ studie i hur chefer hanterar motstridiga målsättningar och krav utifrån ett identitetsperspektiv Seminariedatum: 2013-01-17 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete Kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Sumit Duggal, Christer Källberg och Linda Persson Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Nyckelord: Särkoppling, handlingsutrymme, professionella identitet och värderingar

Three Change Agents' Space of Action: A Case Study at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda

The aim of this study was to identify what possibilities three lecturers, called Change Agents, have to implement the concepts from the training programme “Child Rights, Classroom and School Management” at Makerere University. We have analysed how the three factors leadership, organisational structure and organisational culture have affected their space of action in the implementation process. Th

Can we curb tax evasion with VAT? A study on the relation between the value added tax and the size of the informal sector in Africa

This essay provides an analysis of the relation between the value added tax (VAT) and the size of the informal sector in Africa. The proposed hypothesis is that due to incentive mechanisms provided by VAT, tax evasion, and hence the size of the informal sector, should decrease when VAT replaces other standard consumption taxes, primarily the retail sales tax (RST) and the turnover tax (TOT). The

Konkurrensen från lågpriskedjorna

Titel: Konkurrensen från lågpriskedjorna Seminariedatum: 2013-06-04 Kurs: NEKH01 Nationalekonomi: Examensarbete kandidatnivå 15hp Författare: Mia Quarfood Handledare: Joakim Gullstrand Nyckelord: Lågpriskedjor, svenska livsmedelsmarknaden, ICA, priskrig Syfte: Att undersöka huruvida lågpriskedjor sätter press på ICA-butiker att sänka sina priser. Teoretiskt ramverk: Teorier kring anpassande

Adaptive plasticity in eye development in perch (Perca fluviatilis)

Skillnader i abborrars optik med vattenfärg Abborrar är extrema generalister och finns i sjöar med vitt skilda vattenfärger. Det gör att olika abborre populationer upplever vitt skilda ljusmiljöer. Det visar sig att abborrar anpassar sig till mörkt vatten genom att förändra de optiska egenskaperna hos sina ögonlinser. Vattenfärgen hos sjöar varierar kraftigt, från kristallklart till mörkbrunt, b

Hebrew Information Structure

This paper will examine information structure used in Modern Hebrew, a Semitic language spoken in Israel. More specifically, the study will look into the methods used by Modern Hebrew native speakers to differentiate between old (active) information and new information in spontaneous speech. The study will offer new insights to different constructions of information structure, relating to active a

Investigating the effect of phosphorylation on DivIVA oligomerization in Streptomyces coelicolor

Streptomyces belong to the phylum Actinobacteria, which are Gram-positive bacteria with GC-rich DNA. Most Streptomyces are strict aerobes and inhabit soil. They are known for production of a wide range of secondary metabolites, including antibiotics e.g. the macrolide erythromycin (S. erythraeus) or chloramphenicol (S. venezuelae). The typical smell of wet soil is owed to geosmin, also a secondary

Långsiktiga effekter på sömnrelaterade problem och självskattad hälsa efter skiftschemaförändring: en uppföljningsstudie

Studiens syfte var att undersöka de långsiktiga hälsoeffekterna av en skiftschemaförändring i på ett industriföretag, från ett snabbt framåtroterande schema till ett långsamt bakåtroterande schema. Undersökningen bygger på en studie som gjordes 2004 i samband med denna intervention. Data samlades in med hjälp av formulär som mätte subjektiv hälsa, sömn och trötthet, behov av återhämtning, obalans The purpose of this study was to examine the long term health effects of a shift change from a fast forward-rotating to a slowly backward-rotating schedule in an industrial company. The study is a follow-up of a study that was made in 2004 when this intervention was made. Data was collected using questionnaires covering subjective health, sleep and fatigue, need for recovery, work-family interface

Including citizens? Participation of national members of European Civil Society Organizations

The outcome of the European Union’s (EU) growing legitimacy crisis was building a closer relationship to its citizens. Civil society and thus Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) at European level are seen as the remedy for the EU to improve their image and create more effective policy making. Ideally, national members of CSOs feed into the political discussion at the European level through active p

Simulering av betong under härdning

Concrete hardens as a result of chemical reactions between water and cement. Cement is a hydraulic binder, in the reaction the cement binds water-molecules. This is an exoterm process, heat is produced during the reactions. How fast this process proceeds is much depending of the temperature. The amount of heat produced during the hardening of the concrete is also depending on the thickness of the

Numerical analysis of silo discharge

A silo discharge with a bulk material consisting of iron ore pellets is studied. The silo is about 65 meters high and 38 meters wide. The quality of pellets decreases when they are exposed to high stresses while moving. The stresses are therefore not allowed to exceed a certain threshold. It must also be possible to trace the origin of a sample from the discharge. To fulfill these two demands the o

”Det är världens största sport, det är inte nån leksak” - En kvalitativ studie av fotbollsdomares användande av copingstrategier och en diskussion kring möjligheten att applicera dessa inom socialt arbete

The aim of this study was to understand how football referees handle threats and aggression in their line of work. By understanding how football referees handle these situations, we wanted to highlight the strategies they use and discuss whether these strategies could also be useful within the field of social work. Our empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six footba

Horisontella saccadiska ögonrörelser och deras påverkan på arbetsminne och källminne

Christman, Garvey, Propper och Phaneuf fann 2003 att horisontella saccadiska ögonrörelser förbättrade det episodiska minnet. Effekten har sedan dess dokumenterats i flera andra icke-visuella kognitiva uppgifter, så som kreativitet och interhemisfärisk processering. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka de horisontella saccadiska ögonrörelsernas påverkan på arbetsminne och källminne. Fjorton d

Anhörigassistans och dess dubbla roller - arbetet som personlig assistent med en anhörig

The main purpose of our bachelor thesis was to describe and analyse relative assistants’ perceptions and handling the dual role they have in addition to the disabled users they work as a personal assistant to. The study was based on qualitative interviews with nine personal assistants who some of them work for their child, some for their siblings and one of them for a relative. The assistants are

"We're not the same, but that's not important": en diskursanalys av låten Same Love och att tala för andra

In this essay I analyse the hip-hop song Same Love along with its music video and the cover art for the single. The purpose of the essay is to discuss how Macklemore, the heterosexual artist who has written and performs the song, talks about homosexuality and homosexual identity. I use a discourse analysis inspired by Laclau & Mouffe along with theories about identity politics and speaking for