

Din sökning på "*" gav 536923 sökträffar

Development of a clinical scoring system for assessment of immunosuppression in patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection without access to CD4 cell testing - results from a cross-sectional study in Ethiopia.

Background : Currently, antiretroviral therapy (ART) is recommended for all HIV-positive patients with tuberculosis (TB). The timing of ART during the course of anti-TB treatment is based on CD4 cell counts. Access to CD4 cell testing is not universally available; this constitutes an obstacle for the provision of ART in low-income countries. Objective : To determine clinical variables associated w

Lokala handlingsstrategier för skäliga levnadsvillkor - reflektioner utifrån Malmökommissionens studier om försörjningsstödet och barns fattigdom.

Artikeln fokuserar på lokala handlingsstrategier för att tillförsäkra skäliga levnadsvillkor och lyfter även fram reflektioner utifrån Malmökommissionens studier om försörjningsstödets funktion och räckvidd med fokus på familjers och barns ekonomiska utsatthet. Den ökade inkomstojämliketen tillsammans med en hög andel Malmöbors osäkra eller obefintliga ställning på den reglerade arbetsmarknaden oc

X-ray photoemission electron microscope determination of origins of room temperature ferromagnetism and photoluminescence in high co-content coxzn1-xo films.

In this paper, we reported on the X-ray photoemission electron microscope (XPEEM) determination of magnetic and luminescence origins for two CoxZn1-xO films. The cobalt fraction x of radio frequency co-sputtered samples were 0.86(2) and 0.92(2), respectively. Films were ferromagnetic and semiconductive. Unique narrow green color lines beside the ZnO intrinsic emissions were found with a decay time

Evaluate scintillation response over a continuous energy region

A recently developed fast analysis technique utilizing a time of flight (TOF) telescope is demonstrated to obtain relevant quantitative data on material scintillation response to energetic He particles. With the superior energy resolution and fast response of the TOF telescope, the energy of individual particles before impinging on a scintillator crystal can be determined with a high count rate, a

The role of dopamine and serotonin in suicidal behaviour and aggression

Serotonin and dopamine are two monoamines which are known to interact with each other. Their role for suicidal behaviour, aggression and mood are reviewed in this chapter. We found a substantial amount of evidence for the relevance of a serotonin and dopamine model of aggression, and for aggression as a major risk factor for suicide. Evidence was found that serotonin and dopamine also may be invol

The Effects of Transient Retinal Detachment on Cavity Size and Glial and Neural Remodeling in a Mouse Model of X-Linked Retinoschisis

PURPOSE. To determine the cellular consequences of retinal detachment in retinoschisin knockout (Rs1-KO) mice, a model for retinoschisin in humans. METHODS. Experimental retinal detachments (RDs) were induced in the right eyes of both Rs1-KO and wild-type (wt) control mice. Immunocytochemistry was performed on retinal tissue at 1, 7, or 28 days after RD with antibodies to anti-GFAP, -neurofilament

Tumour-specific HMG-CoAR is an independent predictor of recurrence free survival in epithelial ovarian cancer

Background: Our group previously reported that tumour-specific expression of the rate-limiting enzyme in the mevalonate pathway, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutharyl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoAR) is associated with more favourable tumour parameters and a good prognosis in breast cancer. In the present study, the prognostic value of HMG-CoAR expression was examined in tumours from a cohort of patients wit

Performance of the AGATA Gamma-ray Spectrometer in the PreSPEC Set-up at GSI

In contemporary nuclear physics, the European Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) represents a crucial detection system for cutting-edge nuclear structure studies. AGATA consists of highly segmented high-purity germanium crystals and uses the pulse-shape analysis technique to determine both the position and the energy of the γ-ray interaction points in the crystals. It is the tracking algorithms

Integration of HIV and cervical cancer screening perceptions of healthcare providers and policy makers in Uganda

Background: HIV-positive women have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer (CC) compared to the HIV-negative women. Despite this, HIV and CC screening programs in many developing countries have remained disintegrated. Therefore, the objective of the study was to explore perceptions of healthcare providers (HCP) and policy makers (PM) about integration of HIV and CC screening services in U

Usability testing and redesign of library Web pages at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering: a case study applying a two-phase, systematic quality approach

Introduction: The Lund University Faculty of Engineering's LibQual+® survey 2007 showed that students and faculty had difficulties finding the information they needed at the libraries' Websites. To be able to improve the Websites, we needed to find out how the users navigated the Websites, as well as what content they needed. Method: Twenty-four students and faculty members were filmed and audio-t

The Causative Classification of Stroke system An international reliability and optimization study

Background: Valid and reliable ischemic stroke subtype determination is crucial for well-powered multicenter studies. The Causative Classification of Stroke System (CCS, available at http://ccs.mgh.harvard.edu) is a computerized, evidence-based algorithm that provides both causative and phenotypic stroke subtypes in a rule-based manner. We determined whether CCS demonstrates high interrater reliab

Financial Contracts in PIPE Offerings: The Role of Expert Placement Agents

We examine how Private Investment in Public Equity (PIPE) contracts allocate contingent cash flow rights between investors and issuers and the role of placement agents in PIPE contract design. Issuers advised by expert agents agree to more investor-friendly terms than issuers advised by nonexpert agents. Expert agents appear to help issuers understand the payoff consequences of negotiable terms. M

A mixing study in a double-Rushton stirred tank

Computational and experimental methods have been used to investigate the flow field, power and mixing time in a fully baffled stirred vessel with two six-blade Rushton turbines. Flow in a stirred tank involves interactions between flow around rotating impeller blades and stationary baffles. In computational fluid dynamics (CFD), the flow field was developed using the sliding mesh (SM) approach. Th