

Din sökning på "*" gav 526500 sökträffar

On the importance of hysteresis and heterogeneity in the numerical simulation of unsaturated flow

Soil hydraulic properties in field scale porous media are distributed with large spatial heterogeneity. Thus, detailed understanding of micro-physical properties leading to macro-scale heterogeneity is important for generalizing purposes in modeling. Hysteretic water retention properties greatly affect solute transport under unsaturated condition. In this study, laboratory infiltration experiments

Generation of X-rays For Medical Imaging By High-power Lasers - Preliminary-results

PURPOSE: To evaluate the use of x-ray imaging performed with a high-power laser system in biologic and medical studies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A compact terawatt laser system based on chirped pulse amplification in titanium-doped sapphire was used. X rays were generated by irradiating a high-atomic-number target (tantalum). RESULTS: When photons with an energy below 10 keV were removed with use of


Tomosynthesis is a three-dimensional imaging technique based on the reconstruction of several planar radiographs. During the image acquisition in tomosynthesis, the X-ray tube moves around the detector which is often stationary, and a number of projection images are taken from different angles. Individual slices from the reconstructed volume can be studied. With the effective reduction of the visi

Navigationsstöd i vardagen

Projektet har haft som mål att i samarbete med människor med funktionsnedsättning utvärdera en navigationstjänst baserad på vänskap, personkännedom, mobiltelefoni, GPS och digitala kartor. Med navigation menas att transportera sig till ett avsett mål. I

An Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer and pressure drop on the bend surface of a U-duct

This work concerns experimental and numerical studies of pressure drop and heat transfer for turbulent flow inside a U-duct and in particular the bend part. Such duct geometries can be found in many engineering applications where cooling air extracts heat from hot internal walls of the duct, e.g., passage cooling inside gas turbine blades. The details of the duct geometry were as follows: the cros

Digestion and absorption of galactolipids

Popular Abstract in Swedish TARMENS UPPTAG AV GALAKTOLIPIDER Världens vanligaste fettmolekyler Inuti cellerna hos alla växter finns en komponent som kallas kloroplast. I kloroplasten sker den livsviktiga fotosyntesen där energi från solljuset omvandlar koldioxid och vatten till socker och syre. Inuti kloroplasten finns en stor mängd membraner som kan liknas vid en bunt platta säckar. Genom dessa Galactolipids: digalactosyldiglyceride (DGalDG), monogalactosyldiglyceride (MGalDG) and sulfoquinovosyldiglyceride (SQDG) are the major lipid components in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts i.e. the site of photosynthesis in plants. They are the most abundant membrane lipids in nature, and thus important sources of essential fatty acids for herbivores and omnivores. This thesis investigates the

Scaling of proton acceleration driven by petawatt-laser-plasma interactions

The possibility of using high-power lasers to generate high-quality beams of energetic ions is attracting large global interest. The prospect of using laser-accelerated protons in medicine attracts particular interest, as these schemes may lead to compact and relatively low-cost sources. Among the challenges remaining before these sources can be used in medicine is to increase the numbers and ener

The Tupian Expansion

This chapter explores the expansion of the Tupian peoples across greater Amazonia to better understand the mechanisms and processes of cultural and linguistic contact and change. Tupian languages are or were spoken among indigenous groups distributed from the Brazilian Atlantic coast through Paraguay to the eastern Andean slopes of Peru. The investigation uses GIS (Geographical Information Systems

Off-task Engagement in a Teachable Agent based Math Game

A previous study compared two student groups that played a mathematics game based on a teachable agent. One group played with, and the other without, the inclusion of a social conversation module: a chat between the student and the teachable agent. Results were that students who used the game with the chat included had a more positive experience of the game and learned more in the sense of teachin

Integration av numeriska metoder i kemiteknikutbildningen

Kemiteknikprogrammet fick en ny utbildningsplan 2001. Enligt den gamla utbildningsplanen fanns det en valfri kurs i numerisk analys under årskurs 4 med ett fåtal studenter. I den nya utbildningsplanen integrerades numeriska metoder med kemiteknik redan under första terminen. Metoder undervisas där problemställningen finns. Vi har valt att kalla undervisningen i numeriska metoder för beräkningstekn

New Isomers in the Neutron-Rich Region Beyond 208Pb

The region of neutron-rich nuclei beyond 208Pb has been very difficult to explore due to its high mass and exoticity. However, recent experimental improvements allowed one to perform a quite extended isomer decay spectroscopy of these nuclei.

A Current Swedish Survey on Attitudes to Science-and-Religion

Artikeln presenterar resultat från en enkätundersökning bland 2000 personer bosatta i Sverige. I enkäten ställdes bland annat frågor om synen på förhållandet mellan naturvetenskap och religion. Resultaten ger vid handen att man uppfattar naturvetenskap och religion som kompletterande varandra, och att denna uppfattning är vanligare med högre utbildning. Uttalade ateister uppfattar i hög utsträckni

Histopathology indicates lymphatic spread of a pelvic retroperitoneal ectopic pregnancy removed by robot-assisted laparoscopy with temporary occlusion of the blood supply.

Abstract Retroperitoneal ectopic pregnancies are extremely rare and a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge as an early diagnosis is difficult and all treatments entail a risk for severe bleeding. We present a case of a live completely retroperitoneal ectopic pregnancy in the right obturator fossa. Following 3D color Doppler vaginal ultrasonography to evaluate the relation to larger blood vessels t

Transformation of polarized light information in the central complex of the locust.

Many insects perceive the E-vector orientation of polarized skylight and use it for compass navigation. In locusts, polarized light is detected by photoreceptors of the dorsal rim area of the eye. Polarized light signals from both eyes are integrated in the central complex (CC), a group of neuropils in the center of the brain. Thirteen types of CC neuron are sensitive to dorsally presented, polari