

Din sökning på "*" gav 533077 sökträffar

Nanostructure of the deep eutectic solvent/platinum electrode interface as a function of potential and water content

The interfacial nanostructure of the three most widely-studied Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs), choline chloride:urea (ChCl:Urea), choline chloride:ethylene glycol (ChCl:EG), and choline chloride:glycerol (ChCl:Gly) at a Pt(111) electrode has been studied as a function of applied potential and water content up to 50 wt%. Contact mode atomic force microscope (AFM) force-distance curves reveal that fo

Model-dependent small-angle scattering for the study of complex organic materials

Background: Small-angle scattering (SAS) is a powerful technique capable of determining the sample averaged structure of systems within sizes ranging from 1 nm to ~500 nm. This is particularly useful when applied to the study of self-assembled organic systems. Objective: This review article introduces the method of model-dependent analysis of small angle scattering. Method: The underlying mathemat

Öppen tvångsvård - en vårdform förenlig med rättssäkerhetskraven?

En grundläggande utgångspunkt inom ramen för all vård i Sverige är patientens frivilliga medverkan. Inskränkningar i patientens självbestämmanderätt måste ha erforderligt lagstöd för att kunna legitimeras. Som exempel på en sådan inskränkning kan nämnas Lagen (1991:1128) om psykiatrisk tvångsvård, LPT, som i viss utsträckning tillåter vård och behandling utan patientens samtycke. Lagen delas in i A fundamental principle for healthcare in Sweden is the voluntary participation of the patient. Restrictions on the patient’s right to decide whether or not to undergo medical treatment require a legal basis in order to be legitimised. An example of such a restriction is the Act (1991:1128) on compulsory psychiatric care, LPT, which allows care and treatment without the patient’s consent. The act

Performance of [18F]RO948 PET, MRI and CSF neurofilament light in the differential diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy

Introduction: The diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is often challenging since PSP may clinically resemble other neurodegenerative disorders. Recently, the tau PET tracer [18F]RO948, a potential new biomarker for PSP, was developed. The aim of this study was to determine the ability of three different biomarkers, including [18F]RO948 PET, to distinguish PSP patients from healthy co

The cranial anatomy and relationships of Cardiocorax mukulu (Plesiosauria: Elasmosauridae) from Bentiaba, Angola

We report a new specimen of the plesiosaur Cardiocorax mukulu that includes the most complete plesiosaur skull from sub-Saharan Africa. The well-preserved three-dimensional nature of the skull offers rare insight into the cranial anatomy of elasmosaurid plesiosaurians. The new specimen of Cardiocorax mukulu was recovered from Bentiaba, Namibe Province in Angola, approximately three meters above th

Insights into the mechanisms of interaction between inhalable lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles and pulmonary surfactant

Pulmonary delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) using nanoparticle-based delivery systems is promising for local treatment of respiratory diseases. We designed dry powder inhaler formulations of siRNA-loaded lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles (LPNs) with aerosolization properties optimized for inhalation therapy. Interactions between LPNs and pulmonary surfactant (PS) determine the fate of inh

Interleukin-4 reduces insulin secretion in human islets from healthy but not type-2 diabetic donors

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with low-grade inflammation. Here we investigate if the anti-inflammatorycytokine interleukin-4 (IL-4) affects glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in human islets from nondiabetic(ND) and type-2 diabetic (T2D) donors. We first confirmed that GSIS is reduced in islets from T2Ddonors. Treatment with IL-4 for 48 h had no further effect on GSIS in these isle

Monumenten i landskapet. En landskapsarkeologisk studie i Reslöv och Östra Karaby socknar med byarna Reslöv, Högestorp, Åkarp, Sibbarp och Östra Karaby

In this essay, I make a landscape archaeological analysis of the parishes of Reslöv and Östra Karaby. By studying both the visible and the hidden cultural landscape, with a focus on the Middle Ages, I identify different structures in the landscape. The starting point is the registered monuments that are documented in the Cultural Environment Register at The Swedish National Heritage Board. By loca


We study the geometric significance of Leinster’s notion of magnitude for a compact metric space. For a smooth, compact domain X in an odd-dimensional Euclidean space, we show that the asymptotic expansion of the function MX(R) = Mag(R·X) at R = ∞ determines the Willmore energy of the boundary ∂X. This disproves the Leinster-Willerton conjecture for a compact convex body in odd dimensions.

Interferometrically stable, enclosed, spinning sample cell for spectroscopic experiments on air-sensitive samples

In experiments with high photon flux, it is necessary to rapidly remove the sample from the beam and to delay re-excitation until the sample has returned to equilibrium. Rapid and complete sample exchange has been a challenge for air-sensitive samples and for vibration-sensitive experiments. Here, a compact spinning sample cell for air and moisture sensitive liquid and thin film samples is describ

Predictors of influenza in the adult population during seasonal and A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic influenza periods

SUMMARY We aimed to assess whether the characteristics of influenza-like illness (ILI) cases in the general population were similar during the seasonal and pandemic A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza periods. We conducted a study using a general population database, which included demographic (sex, age) and clinical (underlying medical conditions, influenza vaccination status) information on more than 80 000

Error propagation in nuclear models

In this thesis we perform error analysis of a nuclear model based on density-functional theory developed in Lund. The Lund model allows us to perform calculations of nuclear spectra more efficiently by constructing a simple effective Hamiltonian reproducing the quadrupole deformation and pairing interaction strength parameters of a spherical Hartree-Fock reference functional. This constraining of

Bacteriophage M13 Aggregation on a Microhole Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Substrate Produces an Anionic Current Rectifier : Sensitivity toward Anionic versus Cationic Guests

Bacteriophage material (M13, wild-type) deposited as a film onto a poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) substrate (6 μm thick with a 20 μm diameter laser-drilled microhole) has been investigated for ion conductivity and ionic current rectification effects for potential applications in membranes. The M13 aggregate membrane forms under acidic conditions (in aqueous 10 mM acids) and behaves like a micr

Influence of Aromatic Structure on the Thermal Behaviour of Lignin

Lignin, a natural biopolymer and abundant by-product, is a particularly promising feedstock for carbon-based materials and a potentially sustainable alternative to phenolic resins, which are typically derived from crude oil. The source and method used to isolate lignin have a large impact on the thermal properties of the polymer, and can affect resultant materials prepared from lignin. Previous in

Suveräna pengar + Nerväxt = Sant?

A fundamental restructuring of the economic system is a necessary step toward a truly sustainable society. To make this possible, new policy proposals within the economic sector need to be developed and existing ones analysed, with potential for improvement brought up. This thesis investigates how well the proposal of Sovereign Money in Sweden correlates with the aims of degrowth. Using four princ

An introduction to classical molecular dynamics simulation for experimental scattering users

Classical molecular dynamics simulations are a common component of multi-modal analyses of scattering measurements, such as small-angle scattering and diffraction. Users of these experimental techniques often have no formal training in the theory and practice of molecular dynamics simulation, leading to the possibility of these simulations being treated as a `black box' analysis technique. This ar