

Din sökning på "*" gav 527792 sökträffar

Receptive field plasticity profoundly alters the cutaneous parallel fiber synaptic input to cerebellar interneurons in vivo

The cutaneous parallel fiber (PF) receptive fields of cerebellar stellate and basket cells in the cerebellar C3 zone in vivo are normally very small but can be dramatically enlarged by climbing fiber (CF)-dependent plasticity. To analyze the effects of this receptive field plasticity, we present for the first time whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from these interneurons during natural and electri

Virtual reality therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy for social phobia: A preliminary controlled study

Social phobia is one of the most frequent mental disorders and is accessible to two forms of scientifically validated treatments: anti-depressant drugs and cognitive behavior therapies (CBT). In this last case, graded exposure to feared social situations is one of the fundamental therapeutic ingredients. Virtual reality technologies are an interesting alternative to the standard exposure in social

Severe retinopathy in type 1 diabetic patients is not related to the level of plasma homocysteine

The vascular-injuring amino acid homocysteine was previously shown to be increased in plasma in type 1 diabetic patients with clinical signs of nephropathy. Previous studies have also shown an inconsistent relationship between the development of diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy, indicating different pathogenetic mechanisms. In this study, plasma homocysteine was measured in 25 type 1 diabetic

Cereal beta-glucans: use in foods to improve functionality and health.

The EU beta-glucan project is discussed together with the important diet related health issues, coronary heart disease and diabetes. Aspects considered include: effects of life-style and diet on the development of disease; the ability of cereal beta-glucans to lower plasma lipid levels and improve glucose tolerence; characteristics of beta-glucans; beta-glucans preparation and characterization; de

Using semantic web techniques for validation of cognitive models against neuroscientific data

Neuroinformatics is the information science infrastructure of neuroscience. It relates to the tools, databases, models and mechanisms of information flow that serve all of the clinical and research efforts in this field. There have been several attempts to create neuroinformatic systems, but none seem to have reached wide spread adoption yet. This is especially true in the in the area of cognitive

Cages in tandem: Management control, social identity, and identification in a knowledge-intensive firm

Developments in organization studies downplay the role of bureaucracy in favour of more flexible arrangements and forms of organizational control, including socio-ideological control. Corporate culture and regulated social identities are assumed to provide means for the integration and orchestration of work. Knowledge-intensive firms, which typically draw heavily upon socio-ideological modes of co

Nonparametric estimation of mixing densities for discrete distributions

By a mixture density is meant a density of the form pi(mu) (.) = f pi(theta) (.) x mu(d theta), where (pi(theta))(theta Theta is an element of) is a family of probability densities and mu is a probability measure on Theta. We consider the problem of identifying the unknown part of this model, the mixing distribution A, from a finite sample of independent observations from pi(mu). Assuming that the

On the mutual information between frequency bands in speech

In this paper we investigate the mutual information in speech between the spectral envelope of the high frequency band and low frequency bands of various widths. Direct methods on the computation of the mutual information often result in an excessive amount of data required even for modest situations. We reduce the required amount of data by quantizing the low band leading to a lower bound express

Breast cancer patients' experiences of lymphoedema

The aim of this study was to explore employed women's experiences of light or moderate arm lymphoedema following breast cancer treatment in order to gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon. Twelve women took part in a semistructured interview. A qualitative method with a phenomenological approach was applied to analyse data. in order to integrate the experiences in the everyday life of the

Cloning and characterization of a promoter flanking the early B cell factor (EBF) gene indicates roles for E-proteins and autoregulation in the control of EBF expression.

The early B cell factor (EBF) is a transcription factor shown crucial for the development of B lymphocytes. The protein is expressed from the earliest stages of B cell development until the mature B cell stage, but the control elements responsible for the regulation of the gene are unknown. In this study, we report of the identification of a promoter region flanking the EBF gene. Several transcrip

On the influence of the basis set superposition error on calculated vibrational frequencies

The relation between the so called basis set superposition error and intramolecular vibrational frequencies calculated at the Hartree Fock SCF level of approximation was investigated. A linear conformation of HF dimer was chosen as test system for the investigation. It was found that the direct basis set superposition error for the studied system is rather small. It was further found that the shif

The 5f(3) manifold of the free-ion U3+ : Ab initio calculations

The energy levels of the 5f(3) manifold of the free-ion U3+ Up to 30 000 cm(-1) are calculated with two well stabilized ab initio methods based on the two-component Hamiltonians of Cowan-Griffin-Wood-Boring and Douglas-Kroll-Hess. Although the corresponding experimental data do not exist, estimates made out of experiments on the 50 manifold of U3+ in solids are usually referred to as the experimen

Clinical and experimental studies on wear and osteolysis in total joint replacement

Popular Abstract in Swedish Total höftledsplastik är en vanlig och mycket framgångsrik behandling av smärttillstånd i höftleden. Enligt svenska höftplastikregistret opererades 12651 patienter år 2002 men 1056 patienter fick samma år genomgå ett utbyte av sin höftledsprotes (revision). Att höftleden vrids ur led (luxation) upprepade gånger eller infektion kan vara orsaken till revision men det vanlTotal hip arthroplasty is a very successful procedure. Despite this fact, however, a certain portion of patients has to be revised. One major reason for revision is the wear of the polyethylene leading to loosening and osteolysis. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate linear wear and migration of cemented, all - polyethylene sockets and polyethylene liners in total hip arthroplasty. The a

Mn-induced NO dissociation on Pd(100)

The changes in the NO adsorption properties of Pd(1 0 0) due to the addition of Mn have been investigated using high resolution core level photoelectron spectroscopy. The Pd(1 0 0) surface was modified by forming a c(2 x 2)-PdMn surface alloy at two different Mn coverages, giving surfaces partly and fully alloyed, respectively, as shown by scanning tunneling microscopy. NO adsorption on the alloy

Proliferation of the breast epithelium in relation to menstrual cycle phase, hormonal use, and reproductive factors

The proliferative rate in normal breast epithelium from 58 women undergoing reduction mammoplastics was studied using the formalin resistant antibody Ki-S5, and related to age at operation, menstrual cycle phase, family history of breast cancer, height and weight, parity, and hormonal use. The breast tissue from women operated on in the luteal menstrual cycle phase (day 15-28 among oral contracept