

Din sökning på "*" gav 529269 sökträffar

Expansion pattern and risk of rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms that were not operated on

OBJECTIVE: To analyse the outcome of selective management of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms, the expansion patterns of the aneurysms, and the factors that influenced the rate of rupture. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Malmo General Hospital, Lund University, Malmo, Sweden. SUBJECTS: 155 patients (96 men and 59 women) with abdominal aortic aneurysms who were not selected for operat

Representativity of a postal public health questionnaire survey in Sweden, with special reference to ethnic differences in participation

AIM: Non-participation in health surveys is a common phenomenon. When differences between participants and non-participants are considerable, the external validity of the sample survey may decrease and false conclusions might be drawn about the health status of the population. For this reason, the authors aimed to investigate the representativity of a postal questionnaire survey performed in the c

Palearctic Sympiesis acalle and Sympiesis gordius (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) in North America: Taxonomic changes and a review of Nearctic host records

The Palearctic eulophids, Sympiesis acalle (Walker) and S. gordius (Walker), are widespread in North America where they have been known as S. bimaculatipennis Girault and S. marylandensis Girault. respectively. To update their taxonomy, we have established seven new synonyms: Astichus bimaculatipennis Girault, Sympiesis bimaculata Crawford, and S. meteori Girault = S. acalle (Walker); and, S. mary

Evaluation and Mitigation of Industrial Fire Hazards

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett beräkningsprogram, "FREIA", lämpligt för industriell brandriskanalys presenteras. Programmet beräknar skada på människor inom och utom en byggnad på grund av en brand eller ett utsläpp av farligt gods. För några av de i riskanalysen ingående momenten har ytterligare forskning utförts. Dessa områden är: Detektion, Släckmedel samt Brännskada på människa. Det är i dagA tool suitable for conducting industrial fire and explosion hazard analysis is presented, together with an identification of weak links in the hazard evaluation chain. For some of the weak links additional research has been carried out. The tool, "FREIA", evaluates the consequences for humans and components due to fires and accidental releases indoors and outdoors using established engineering m

Morphine metabolism after major liver surgery.

BACKGROUND: Impaired metabolism of morphine may lead to an increase in sedation and respiratory depression. METHODS: In the present study we investigated morphine pharmacokinetics in patients who had undergone liver resection (n = 15) compared to a control group undergoing colon resection (n = 15). Morphine was administered IV by patient-controlled analgesia. Plasma concentrations of morphine, mor

Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is up-regulated in human epithelial cells by IL-1 beta, but not by TNF-alpha

Synthesis of the antimicrobial protein neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) increases dramatically in bronchial epithelial cells and alveolear type II pneumocytes during lung inflammation. IL-1beta induces a >10-fold up-regulation of NGAL expression in the type II pneumocyte-derived cell line A549 cells, whereas TNF-alpha, IL-6, and LPS had no effect. Similar IL-1beta selectivity was

Genome-wide structural and functional protein characterization by ab initio protein structure prediction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många av alla kemiska processer som pågår i våra kroppar utförs av proteiner. När de inte fungerar blir vi sjuka. I vissa fall, till exempel vid Alzheimers sjukdom eller Creutzfeld Jacobs sjukdom, beror det på att ett visst protein har fel form. Att förstå hur proteiner antar sin slutliga form och vad det har för inverkan på proteinets funktion är således viktigt. ÅVery little is known about a considerable part of all proteins and it is time consuming and expensive to study each individual protein to determine its function, structure and cellular role. Proteins retain structural, functional and sequential characteristics from ancestral proteins and hence two proteins that share a common ancestor, i.e. are homologs, will to some extent have similar sequen

Effect of woodland patch size on rodent seed predation in a fragmented landscape.

Predation on large woody plant seeds; chestnuts, acorns and sloe kernels, was studied in deciduous forests of two size classes: small woodlots (< 1 ha) and large woods (at least 25 ha) in southern Sweden. Seeds used for the study were artificially distributed on the forest ground and seed predation measured as seed removal. Predation rate was similar in both types of woods. However, rodent density

Analys och utveckling av system för registrering av vårdbehov och vårdinsatser till äldre i kommunal vård och omsorg. - En delstudie i SNAC Rapport 2

Den offentliga statistiken inom äldreomsorgsområdet är för närvarande begränsad till mängdstatistik (Statistik - socialtjänst 2000:5, Socialstyrelsen 2000 och Hälso- och sjukvårdsstatistisk årsbok 1999, Socialstyrelsen 2000). Från denna statistik erhålles uppgifter om antalet äldre som får vård och hjälp fördelade på ålder, kön och vårdinsats samt vårdkostnader. För att få insikt i äldreomsorgssys

Characterization of the annexin I gene and evaluation of its role in type 2 diabetes

In a previous study, we identified suggestive linkage between type 2 diabetes and a locus on chromosome 9p13-q21. This region contains the gene annexin I (ANXA1), encoding a protein suggested to be involved in both insulin secretion and insulin action. In this study, we sequenced the exon/intron boundaries of the human ANXA1 gene and performed mutation screening in 41 individuals from the initial