

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Community driven energy system transition : an action research case study of the energy system transition in Röstånga

The European Energy production system is in transition towards renewable energy sources (RES). Concrete targets have been set through the European Union “Energy Roadmap 2050”. The transition has started by national states but concrete action towards the targets has been mainly taken up at a local level. In this context, this research work aims at exploring how can a community trigger and drive an

Behind the Red Nose: Identity construction through emotional work - The case of Hospital Clowns

The aim of this thesis is to further explore the impact of emotional work on identity, looking at the case of hospital clowns. From an interpretive angle, we build up on theories of emotional labour, emotional work and multiple identity construction as a point of reference for our abductive interpretations and analysis. Our fieldwork included in-depth interviews and observations of hospital clowns

Giving the Environment a Voice? Access to Justice for NGOs in the EU post the Aarhus Convention

I denna uppsats kommer jag att titta på hur miljöorganisationers talerätt har förändrats i EU efter det att EU ratificerade Århuskonventionen. Århuskonventionen ger individer och miljöorganisationer talerätt gällande tillgång till information, rätt att delta i beslutsprocesser, men också gentemot privatpersoner eller myndigheter som strider mot den nationella miljölagstiftningen. EU har införlivatIn this thesis I will look at how access to justice for NGOs has changed in the EU after the Union became a party to the Aarhus Convention. The Aarhus Convention gives individuals and environmental NGOs access to justice regarding access to environmental information, public participation in decision-making, but also in regard to private persons or public authorities in breach of national environme

p110α Proteomics and PTEN Localization in Breast Cancer Models

Breast cancer is the most common cancer type among women. The 5-year survival rate for invasive breast cancer is generally good at approximately 80-85%, however it is not uncommon for late recurrences to develop – the relative survival at 15 years is approximately 60%, in contrast to for example uterine cancer where the 5-year is about 80% and very few late deaths occur (80% survival at 15-years).

Asylsökandes rättigheter : en analys av mänskliga rättigheter inom svensk asylmottagning.

Do asylum seekers hold human rights or are human rights bound to citizenship? That is the main underlying question that this essay is trying to answer. The chosen material is an investigation made by the Swedish government about the situation surrounding asylum seekers in Sweden. The analysis consists of the politics around migration, different parts of an asylum seeker’s life and what kind of dev

CSR i förändring : en jämförelse av H&M:s hållbarhetsrapporter från år 2002 respektive år 2012

The purpose of this essay is to describe H&M's Corporate Social Responsibility reports from 2002 and 2012 and their views on CSR. To describe the development of CSR based on two books, CSR: Företagsansvar i förändring by Maria Grafström, Pauline Göthberg and Karolina Windell and Värdeskapande CSR hur företag tar socialt ansvar by Tommy Borglund and the co-authors Hans De Geer and Mats Hall

Vem kommer till tals? En analys av utländska val mellan 1986 och 2013

Uppsatsen Vem kommer till tals? är skriven av Carl-Johan Mölstad och Ingrid Lundqvist i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Institutet för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i medieteorier kring nyheter och journalisters påverkan på samhället och syftar till att studera huruvida det skett en förändring över tid i vilka aktörer som kommer till tals i rapporteringe

Arkiverad muntlig tradition - Studie av visdokument vid Skånes musiksamlingar

Most people seem to prefer to receive information through oral transmission. In this study I examine how recordings of oral documents behave in an archival context. The documents that are examined are recordings of songs, sang by a single informant over several years, that has later been incorporated as records at Skånes musiksamlingar. The study filters the oral documents through a continuum thin

Can False Recollections be Eluded? The Effect of Event-Boundaries on False Memories.

This paper investigates the effect of event-boundaries on false memories. The Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm was used to test the emergence of false memories in 42 Lund University students and an event- boundary was used to see if this reduced the susceptibility to false recall. The subjects viewed an array of 50 words, one at a time, which each was semantically connected to one of five “

Tracing images in American and Russian oratory : an analysis of Russian and American rhetoric within the context of the Syrian conflict

This essay is an analysis of American and Russian oratory within the context of the conflict in Syria. The purpose of the analysis is to delineate Russian and American understandings of an eventual military intervention in Syria, as well as depicting which images of the self and the enemy that are mediated through both countries' rhetoric. This search for images is based on the idea that power

Prospektering i samhällsnyttans tjänst? En problematiserande utredning av lagstiftningen för beslut om undersökningstillstånd, enligt minerallagen (1991:45), och dess verkningar.

Framställningen syftar till att utreda och problematisera den svenska minerallagstiftningen avseende förfarandet då Bergsstaten meddelar beslut om undersökningstillstånd. Författaren intar en kritisk hållning till att lagen saknar förutsättningar att beakta motstående intressen, liksom till mineral-intressets starka position som allmänt intresse. Valda delar ur minerallagstiftningens historia belThis paper aims to investigate and problematize the Swedish mineral act in regard to the Mining Inspectorate’s (Bergsstaten) procedure for granting exploration permits. The writer takes a critical stance towards the fact that the law has no provisions for taking into account conflicting interests, as well as to why the mineral interest maintains such a strong position as a public interest. Select

Fredsbevarande kvinnor : en analys av hur kvinnor som tjänstgör i fredsbevarande operationer framställs i artiklar från FN:s nyhetscenter

Kvinnor utgör en relativt ny komponent inom FN:s fredsbevarande operationer och ökar stadigt i antal. Därför är det viktigt att utvärdera hur kvinnor porträtteras i mediediskursen, eftersom media kan bidra till att reproducera könsstereotyper eller sträva mot social förändring. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken bild som förmedlas genom FN:s nyhetscenter av kvinnor som tjänstgör i FNWomen are a relatively new component in the UN peacekeeping operations and are steadily increasing in number. Hence it is essential to evaluate how women are being portrayed in media discourse, since media has a vital role in the reproduction of gender stereotypes, or has the possibility to strive towards social change. The purpose of this paper is to examine how women, serving in UN peacekeeping

Re-presenting the Universe: The Cosmic Perspective and its Expressions in Carl Sagan's Cosmos

In this thesis, Carl Sagan’s television series and book Cosmos is studied. Theories and concepts from literary studies (and related fields) are used to analyze the so-called “cosmic perspective”. The cosmic perspective is shown to be complex, composed of four different but related perspectives: space; time; humanity and cosmic evolution; and history of science and exploration. A number of ambiguit

Hur är en socialarbetare?

In this paper I have investigated the construction of the professional social worker in Swedish journals and newspapers. My empiric material is a collection of major articles published in Sweden between 2002 and 2012. The thirteen articles analyzed in this paper is a selection from 1250 relevant articles found between these years. When analyzing the empirical material I have been working with a di