

Din sökning på "*" gav 534548 sökträffar

Att vara ung mamma i Helsingborg

The aim of this essay was to examine women who had their first child in the ages of 18-19 years old and their experiences of being a young mother in the Helsingborg municipality and to examine if there is any support for these women in the Helsingborg municipality. The method was based on a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with three mothers and two professional social workers. Th

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The aim of this study is to examine norms about gender and sexuality, expressed and reproduced in relation between young people based on sex education in the danish primary school. By norm-critical approach the aim is to show how visability can challenge the binary idea of gender together with heteronormativity and open up to alternative views of gender and sexuality. The main empirical material c

'The Passion of the Consumer'

Abstract Title ‘The passion of the consumer’ Seminar date 30/5- 2012 Course BUSN29 Master thesis Author Forat Al Haider Advisor Ulf Elg Keywords Community, Culture capital, Identity, Social links, CCT Thesis purpose The main aim with this research is to contribute to influential and decisive theory within the lines of Consumer behaviour and identity by applying various Consumer Culture theories

Economic Growth in Sweden, 1870-2000. Essay on Human Capital Contribution

In this paper, we analyze the role which human capital played in Swedish economic growth over the late nineteenth-twentieth centuries. It has been shown that Swedish development over the considered period may be divided into three sub-periods, which have particular features when it comes to interrelations between human capital and economic growth. In the first sub-period (1888-1933), the Lucasian

Biståndshandläggning - en fråga om skälig levnadsnivå

The purpose of this paper was to examine how care managers in municipal elderly care work and how they relate to the term reasonable standard of living and the term dignity in their occupation. Also if care managers are affected by municipal directives and administrative procedures in their work and if those have an impact on how care managers relate to the terms responsible standard of living and

Ledarskap i betraktarens öga - En kvalitativ studie av förhållandet mellan internkommunikation och förtroende.

Interna relationer spelar en avgörande roll för organisationers välmående. En grundsten för en god relation är att förtroende existerar, och för att forma förtroende krävs välfungerande kommunikation. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilken roll internkommunikationen spelar i en organisation där medarbetarna känner lågt förtroende för sin ledning, samt hur olika förväntningar på ledarskap påverkaInternal relations play a decisive role in organizations wellbeing. A cornerstone in a relationship is trust, and building trust requires communication. This study aims to investigate what effect internal communication has in an organization where employees experience a lack of trust for their management, and how different expectations on leadership can affect trust. We aim to achive this by inter

Att överföra intertextualitet. Om svårigheterna kring att översätta en text full av citat och anspelningar

Detta magisterarbete grundar sig på min analys och översättning av boken The Body: An Essay av Jenny Boully, utgiven år 2007. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys som till stor del bygger på Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledins Vägar genom texten (1997) och Rune Ingos Konsten att översätta (2007). Denna analys åtföljs sedan av en genomgång av ett antal problem som jag stötte på under översättningsar

Att använda sociala medier för att attrahera medarbetare

The purpose of this study was to examine how a staffing- and recruitment company uses social media as a communication channel to attract employees. This was a qualitative study in order to gain a deeper understanding of how and why the phenomenon is used. Another way to immerse, one company was selected, thus became a case study. A convenience sample resulted in five interviews with employees. The

Nitrogen footprint vs. life cycle impact assessment methods : a comparison of the methods in a case study

Kväveföreningar påverkar miljön på flera sätt när de kommer ut i luft och vatten, bland annat så sker övergödning och försurning men även ozonkoncentrationen kan påverkas i troposfären och stratosfären. Effekterna som kväve ger upphov till har inte fått mycket uppmärksamhet i klimat- och miljödebatter, istället har fokus varit koldioxidutsläppen. Konceptet kvävefotavtryck introducerades nyligen soNitrogen species have several environmental effects when emitted to water and air, such as eutrophication and acidification but they may also alter the ozone concentration in the troposphere and stratosphere. These effects have not received much attention in the climate and environmental debates, instead the focus has been on carbon emissions. Nitrogen footprint is a newly introduced concept among

Ojämställda konstruktioner? En diskursanalys av diskrimineringslagens konstruktioner av kön, genus och sexualitet

Den här uppsatsen behandlar förbudet mot diskriminering på grund av kön, sexuell läggning och könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck så som det stadgas i 2008-års diskrimineringslag (2008:567), förarbeten och rättspraxis. Diskrimineringslagen samlar diskrimineringsförbuden som tidigare varit utspridda i flertalet lagar. Syftet var att förenkla lagstiftningen och förstärka skyddet mot diskrimineThe topic of this essay is the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation and transgender identity or expression, as determined by the 2008 Discrimination Act (2008:567), preliminary work and practice. The Discrimination Act collects prohibitions of discrimination that previously were scattered across several acts. The purpose was to simplify the regulation and streng

The water footprint of winter wheat in Sweden

Studien syftar till att beräkna det gröna, blå och grå vattenfotavtrycket vid odling och produktion av höstvete och tre fallstudier av höstvete-produkter; drivmedelsetanol, kärnvetemjöl och makaroner. Beräkningarna har utförts för Sverige under perioden 2008-2010 och täcker ungefär 80 % av den svenska produktionen av höstvete under de berörda åren. Södra Sverige delades in i 18 klimatzoner för vilThis study attempts to calculate the green blue and gray water footprint of the crop production of winter wheat and three derived winter wheat products: liquid fuel ethanol, wheat flour and macaroni. The calculations were done for Sweden for the period 2008-2010, covering an average of 80% of the annual winter wheat production. The south of Sweden was divided into 18 climate zones for which suffic

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Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka vilket modus som spansktalande använder i den underordnade satsen när den styrs av matrissatsen [no dudo /de/ que]. Om matrissatsen är nekande bör detta, enligt grammatiken, styra indikativ i den underordnade satsen, under förutsättning att talaren inte har för avsikt att förringa innehållet. Vår hypotes är emellertid att gängse bruk strider mot de

Hel, ren, mätt och trygg - om omsorgspersonals syn på välbefinnande, självbestämmande och samtycke inom demensvården

Clean, fed, clothed and safe. Professional caregivers description of self-determination, consent and well-being in the dementia care. The aim of this study was to analyze how professional caregivers in dementia care describe older persons’ self-determination and consent. The aim was also to analyze how the staff described older persons’ well-being. The empirical material used was semi-structured

Empowering Consumers : The potential of product-related environmental information for ICT consumer products to trigger sustainable consumption

Nowadays consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental impacts caused by their consumption habits. As a result their consumption patterns and information needs have changed. Currently, product-related environmental information for ICT consumer products is not easily available. In addition, the general perception of ICT practitioners is that private consumers are not asking for environment

Divestitures in Metal Industry: Motives, Types and Value Creation Effect

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to empirically estimate the divestiture announcement effect on the shareholder’s wealth for metal-producing companies using the event study methodology and to analyze firm and industry-specific factors that can affect/cause these announcement effects by implying the cross-sectional analysis. Data Selection: Research sample contains information regarding d

Participation in Sustainable Housing: A case study of participation in a Swedish housing cooperative’s sustainability efforts

Sustainable development is now a part of environmental, social, and economic agendas all over the world. Sustainability projects are cropping up in urban areas, including projects in the housing sector aimed at sustainable regeneration. Simultaneously, it is now recognized that public participation is an essential character of implementing change. And within sustainability participation, it is con

The Case for Green Roofs. Exploring green roof policy as a tool to increase urban sustainability. A Case Study of Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago is a country with a long history in the hydrocarbon industry. This makes the country one of the wealthiest in the Caribbean region and most poised to be at the edge of innovation and sustainable technology use. However, unsustainable urban development practices have resulted in increasing negative impacts. Governments world-wide have been introducing policies and regulations to

Imagery and Class in Abd el-Malik Nuri’s Short Story The South Wind

The purpose of this study was to analyze selected passages of the short story The South Wind by the Iraqi writer Abd el-Malik Nuri, which was done in order to find out how the description of characters, setting, and events, are related to class. The main research questions dealt with how the use of word choice and imagery are used in connection to the setting and characterization, but also how the


Syftet med min uppsats var att belysa det förhållande som utgör arbetstiden med beaktande av övertidsinlösen eller med ett annat ord löneväxling. Såsom många andra rättsområden spelar EU-rätten även här en avgörande roll. Jag har valt att redogöra för den svenska lagstiftningen genom att redovisa arbetstidslagen och hur den förhåller sig till arbetstidsdirektivet (2003/88/EG). Till följd av att ar

Institutional Feasibility - the end or the means in emissions trading?: Evaluating the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme

This thesis evaluates the institutional feasibility of the New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) policy during its formation, design, and implementation as well as how the related changes in the regulatory framework affected the policy and market behaviour. Using a set of complementary analytical methods, the research investigates the institutional developments and complexities of the NZ ET