

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Is problematic social media use associated with higher addictions (alcohol, smoking, and waterpipe) among Lebanese adults?

Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between problematic social media use, alcohol use disorder, and smoking addiction through both cigarettes and waterpipe, among a sample of Lebanese adults. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out between January and April 2019. It enrolled 461 residents of the community randomly selected from Lebanon's districts in a proportionate rate. Results: Hig

The association between bmi and 90-day mortality in patients with and without diabetes seeking care at the emergency department

Background: The impact of body mass index (BMI) on mortality varies with age and disease states. The aim of this research study was to analyse the associations between BMI categories and short- and long-term mortality in patients with or without diabetes seeking care at the emergency department (ED) with acute dyspnoea. Population and methods: Patients aged ≥18 years at ED during daytime on weekda

Large eddy simulation of soot formation and oxidation for different ambient temperatures and oxygen levels

This paper presents the numerical study of soot formation and oxidation processes across different ambient temperatures (900K, 1000K, and 1100K) and oxygen levels (15% and 21% O2) using large eddy simulation coupled with a two-equation soot model. The predicted ignition delay time, lift-off length and soot distribution show good agreements with the corresponding experimental data. A stronger oxida

Att upptäcka och återupptäcka klassisk sociologi

Sociologi är läran om samhället, om människan som social varelse, om hur individen relaterar till sig själv och till andra. Sociologin analyserar hur och på vilka villkor människan formar samhället och omvänt hur samhället och gruppen formar människan i tid och rum. Under 1800-talet utmejslades sociologin först som allmänt ämne och så småningom som en vetenskaplig disciplin vid universiteten med s

Improving Firm’s Economic and Environmental Performance Through the Sustainable and Innovative Environment : Evidence From an Emerging Economy

Businesses in the present era are dealing with a complex and unprecedented brew of social, environmental, and technological trends. This requires sophisticated, sustainability-based management. Yet organizations are often reluctant to place sustainability core to their business strategies with the mistaken belief that the costs associated with environmental investments outweigh the benefits. The G

Response to comment on “A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago”

Our paper about the impacts of the Laschamps Geomagnetic Excursion 42,000 years ago has provoked considerable scientific and public interest, particularly in the so-called Adams Event associated with the initial transition of the magnetic poles. Although we welcome the opportunity to discuss our new ideas, Hawks’ assertions of misrepresentation are especially disappointing given his limited examin

Household Behaviour in Ireland, Sweden, the US and the UK under Rationing

The pandemic-induced economic crisis has seen a massive build up in savings across Europe and North America as households could not spend their income as they normally would. The last time that consumers were seriously rationed was during the Second World War. This paper models the behaviour of households during the War years and its immediate aftermath in Ireland, Sweden, the US and the UK. We fi

Volatile organic compound emission in tundra shrubs : Dependence on species characteristics and the near-surface environment

Temperature is one of the key abiotic factors during the life of plants, especially in the Arctic region which is currently experiencing rapid climate change. We evaluated plant traits and environmental variables determining leaf temperature in tundra shrubs and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions with field measurements on deciduous tundra shrubs, Salix myrsinites and Betula nana, and everg

The role of motion management and position verification in lymphoma radiotherapy

In the last decades, the substantial technical progress in radiation oncology offered the opportunity for more accurate planning and delivery of treatment. At the same time, the evolution of systemic treatment and the advent of modern diagnostic tools allowed for more accurate staging and consequently a safe reduction of radiotherapy (RT) target volumes and RT doses in the treatment of lymphomas.

20 years after To Err Is Human : A bibliometric analysis of ‘the IOM report's’ impact on research on patient safety

Modern safety science owes much of its current theories and practical approaches to the critical analysis of socio-technological disasters in the nuclear, chemical, maritime, and aviation industries at the end of the 1970 s and in the 1980 s. The medical field by contrast, was not challenged by a single high profile event, but by the release of a single report by the Institute of Medicine in 1999:

Quantification of pulmonary pathology in cystic fibrosis-comparison between digital chest tomosynthesis and computed tomography

Purpose: Digital tomosynthesis (DTS) is currently undergoing validation for potential clinical implications. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential for DTS as a low-dose alternative to computed tomography (CT) in imaging of pulmonary pathology in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Methods: DTS and CT were performed as part of the routine triannual follow-up in 31 CF patients. Exte

Comparison of organ absorbed doses in whole-body computed tomography scans of paediatric and adult patient models estimated by different methods

This study aimed to identify the uncertainty in estimations of organ absorbed dose using dedicated software by comparing with corresponding doses measured in physical phantoms. The comparison was performed for whole-body computed tomography (CT) obtained as part of positron emission tomography. Whole-body CT scans provide an advantage in terms of comparison because all organs are in the primary be

A collective alternative to the Inward Turn in environmental sustainability research

It has become quite common in environmental sustainability research to promote the influencing of so-called inner dimensions of individuals as means to address pressing environmental problems such as climate change, what we refer to as the Inward Turn. We argue that the conceptual foundations of the Inward Turn, an extreme form of methodological individualism, limit it significantly as a strategy

Underexpression of Gcm2, a master regulatory gene of parathyroid gland development, in adenomas of primary hyperparathyroidism

OBJECTIVE: Glial cells missing (Gcm) was first identified as a binary switch between neuronal and glial determination in Drosophila. Two homologues of Drosophila Gcm have been identified in mice and humans, namely Gcm1 and Gcm2. Mouse Gcm2 is restricted to parathyroid tissues and Gcm2 was recently identified as a master regulatory gene of parathyroid gland development as Gcm2 knockout mice lack pa