

Din sökning på "*" gav 534207 sökträffar

Från byggnadsträl till järnskattebonde. Arbetskraftsrekrytering och produktionslokalisering i det medeltida Skåne

The article is about the labours, dealing with stone transport, quarrying and building of the big chatedrals in Skåne. How they later are emploied in constructing the Parrish churches and after that are found as colonising and iron producing farmers in the waste land of northern Skåne. The thesis is that it is a big group of slaves, imported from the west slavonic area. First used as Construction

Separable Lyapunov functions for monotone systems

Separable Lyapunov functions play vital roles, for example, in stability analysis of large-scale systems. A Lyapunov function is called max-separable if it can be decomposed into a maximum of functions with one-dimensional arguments. Similarly, it is called sum-separable if it is a sum of such functions. In this paper it is shown that for a monotone system on a compact state space, asymptotic stab

Returns of the Other: The Roles of Repetition and Representation in Mass-Media Coverage of Japan-Taiwan Relations

This dissertation is a thematic reading of 1,574 items from four Japanese and three Taiwanese major daily newspapers published in the 2000-2008 period. It argues that the concepts of repetition and representation play key structural and narrative roles in the sources and outlines how these concepts operate and how they interrelate on a content level as well as on a level of larger media frameworks

Power and Social Ontology

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen presenteras en teori om social makt, baserad på nya utvecklingar inom fältet social ontologi. Jag argumenterar för att en begreppsanalys av social makt kan berikas genom att dra nytta av resultaten inom social ontologi, men även att detta fält kan berikas, och faktiskt kräver, en analys av maktbegreppet. Social makt beror på existensen av andra sociala fThis work presents an account of social power based on recent advances in social ontology. It is argued that a conceptual analysis of social power can be informed by developments in social ontology, but also that this field can be enriched, and in fact requires, an analysis of this central social concept. Social power is dependent on the existence of various kinds of social phenomena, such as ins

Prediction of disease progression in early rheumatoid arthritis. A study of some imaging and laboratory variables.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nya möjligheter att förutsäga sjukdomsutvecklingen vid tidig ledgångsreumatism. I denna avhandling presenteras resultaten från sex studier av patienter med tidig reumatoid artrit (RA) – ledgångsreumatism. Syftet med avhandlingen var att i det tidiga sjukdomsskedet, så snart som möjligt efter diagnos, försöka skaffa information om hur sjukdomen kommer att utvecklas - om Objective: To investigate the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), assessment of bone mineral density (BMD) and antibodies to citrullinated proteins (anti-CCP) in predicting radiologic outcome in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Patients: All patients were included in the BARFOT programme (baseline). The patients had rheumatoid arthritis of recent onset with mean disease duratio

Due process in European competition procedure: a fundamental concept or a mere formality?

Europeans have long taken a relaxed approach to due process requirements. Mere formalities should not prevent an efficient implementation of competition law, but rather be practical and foreseeable. With the Lisbon Treaty things are changing. A fair process and equality of arms based on fundamental human rights stipulations require that procedural safeguards are ensured. Recent case law developmen


When exploring possible energy saving measures for existing buildings different technical solutions should be investigated. In Malmö, Sweden, a 1930s hospital in a park setting has been refurbished with a general sustainability goal. For one of the buildings a glass-façade has been added to an existing 80-year old brick building. Measurements of relevant temperatures have been made including meas

Protein Interactions Involving the Laminin G-type Domains of Vitamin K-dependent Protein S.

The studies described in this thesis focus on the involvement of the two laminin G-type domains of vitamin K-dependent protein S in various biological contexts. The G-type domains are located in the C-terminal sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)-like region. In human plasma, the majority of protein S circulates in a high-affinity complex with the complement regulatory protein C4b-binding protein (

Degradation of LDPE LLDPE and HDPE in film extrusion

The degradation of different polyethylenes, LDPE, LLDPE, and HDPE, with and without antioxidants and at different oxygen concentrations in the polymer granulates have been studied in extrusion coating processing. The degradation was followed by On Line Rheometry, Size Exclusion Chromatography, Surface Oxidation Index measurements, and GC-MS Chromatography. The degradations starts in the extruder w

A Common Framework for Kinetic Depth, Reconstruction and Motion for Deformable Objects

In this paper, problems related to depth, reconstruction and motion from a pair of projective images are studied under weak assumptions. Only relative information within each image is used, nothing about their interrelations or about camera calibration. Objects in the scene may be deformed between the imaging instants, provided that the deformations can be described locally by affine transformatio