

527998 sökträffar

Subspace-based Identification of Compliance Dynamics of Parallel Kinematic Manipulator

A high-bandwith robot-workpiece interaction requires a stiff robot without resonances in the frequency range of operation. In this article, the compliance dynamics of the Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic robot were identified using subspace-based identification and physical modeling. Measurements were performed both with a camera vision system developed and with a laser tracker. Although promising si

Estimation in Binary Choice Models with Measurement Errors

In this paper we develop a simple maximum likelihood estimator for probit models where the regressors have measurement error. We first assume precise information about the reliability ratios (or, equivalently, the proxy correlations) of the regressors. We then show how reasonable bounds for the parameter estimates can be obtained when only imprecise information is available. The analysis is also e

Alfonso Pecha, Epistola solitarii ad reges

The Epistola solitarii was written by Alfonso of Jaén, St. Birgitta's Spanish confessor, who was editor-in-chief of her Revelationes. It defends the heavenly origin and inspiration against those who claimed that she was inspired by the devil.

Levandet och döendet i symbios

In this article I analyse the HBO TV-series SIX FEET UNDER, and it's depiction of life and death, or more correctly: living and dying. I focus on the intermedial aspects of story and how it produces meaning in images, words, and music. I briefly present the story and the main characters; then I analyze the opening vignette (which opens every episode), and the final scene.

Tacit Knowing of Thralls : Style Negotiation and Hybridization among the Unfree in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Sweden

In this paper, cultural transmission between Slavs and Scandinavians from ca 900 to 1250 is discussed. Cultural identity and identity negotiation through style are topics often studied in higher social strata of societies. Emblemic style is maintained and displayed in jewellery or other eye-catching parts of the material culture to distinguish oneself in relation to others. However, the constructi

Article 31

Article 31 remains a vital provision of the 1951 Convention as much as an uneasy compromise. It is a rather complex provision affecting a much broader range of issues than the criminalization of immigration infractions and detention. Due to the difference between contemporary migratory realities and those of the drafting period, it is not straightforwardly applied. Resort to the travaux préparatoi

The History of African Development

The History of African Development aims to draw experts in the field of African History and African Development Studies together around an open access textbook for African teachers and undergraduate students. The textbook is reaching out to all African and non-African scholars willing to contribute a concise chapter (ca. 5000 words). The chapters describe and explain various aspects of historical

Interactions between Motivation, Emotion and Attention: From Biology to Robotics.

A model of emotional conditioning is ex- tended with a cortical model where stimulus codes compete for activation. This system is combined with motivational inputs that mod- ulate both sensory and emotional processing. The extended model is able to reproduce the attentional blocking effect. It can also learn to switch between different sensory targets when the motivational state changes. The relat

Experimental context classification: incentives and experience of subjects

There is a need to identify factors that affect the result of empirical studies in software engineering research. It is still the case that seemingly identical replications of controlled experiments result in different conclusions due to the fact that all factors describing the experiment context are not clearly defined and hence controlled. In this article, a scheme for describing the participant

Call Me Call Me for Some Overtime - On Organizational Consequences of System Changes

Today a broad body of literature has emerged within the IS research community investigating the organizational consequences of IS implementations. However in view of these developments, it seems that practitioners are still faced with implementation problems, such as user dissatisfaction, resistance and mismatches between the new technology and existing work practices. It is this tension, within a