

Din sökning på "*" gav 530173 sökträffar

Facilitated expansion of human embryonic stem cells by single-cell enzymatic dissociation

Traditionally, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are propagated by mechanical dissection or enzymatic dissociation into clusters of cells. To facilitate up-scaling and the use of hESC in various experimental manipulations, such as fluorescence-activated cell sorting, electroporation, and clonal selection, it is important to develop new, stable culture systems based on single-cell enzymatic propag

The role of second-order probabilities in decision making

The importance, legitimacy and role of second-order probabilities are discussed. Two descriptive models of the use of second-order probabilities in decisions are presented. The results of two empirical studies of the effects of second-order probabilities upon the rank orderings of bets are summarized briefly. The bets were of three basic types and involved a wide variety of first- and second-order

Role of electronic localization and charge-vibrational coupling in resonant photoelectron spectra of polymers: Application to poly(para-phenylenevinylene)

A combination of x-ray absorption and resonant photoemission (RPE) spectroscopy has been used to study the electronic structure of the one-dimensional conjugated polymer poly (para-phenylenevinylene) in nonordered (as prepared) thin films. The dispersion of RPE features for the decay to localized and delocalized bands are qualitatively different. A theory for band dispersion of RPE in polymers is

Attachment och förlåtelse : attachmentmönsters betydelse för individens tankar, känslor och beteenden inför förövare

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att studera eventuella skillnader vad gäller förlåtelse beroende av attachmentmönster. Deltagare i studien (N = 359) var gymnasieelever från Malmö. De instrument som användes var Brennan, Clark and Shaver's Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) och Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI). Resultatet visade att ECR:s avoidance dimension var negThe purpose of this dissertation was to study potential differences in forgiveness depending on attachment-styles. The sample (N = 359) consisted of upper secondary school students from Sweden. The instruments that were used after translation and standardization were: Brennan, Clark and Shaver's Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) and Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI). The results showed th

Design and characterization of extreme-ultraviolet broadband mirrors for attosecond science

A novel multilayer mirror was designed and fabricated based on a recently developed three-material technology aimed both at reaching reflectivities of about 20% and at controlling dispersion over a bandwidth covering photon energies between 35 and 50 eV. The spectral phase upon reflection was retrieved by measuring interferences in a two-color ionization process using high-order harmonics produced

Microarray analysis of gliomas reveals chromosomal position-associated gene expression patterns and identifies potential immunotherapy targets.

Gliomas are among the most aggressive malignant tumors and the most refractory to therapy, in part due to the propensity for malignant cells to disseminate diffusely throughout the brain. Here, we have used 27 K cDNA microarrays to investigate global gene expression changes between normal brain and high-grade glioma (glioblastoma multiforme) to try and better understand gliomagenesis and to identi

Digital RFI suppression in DMT-based VDSL systems

In this paper, we propose a method for suppressing radio frequency interference (RFI) in discrete multitone (DMT) based very high bit rate digital subscriber line (VDSL) systems. The method operates in the frequency domain of a DMT system. First, we derive a model of how an unknown narrow-band RF signal is mapped onto the DMT carriers. Then, by measuring the RFI on a few unused DMT carriers we are

Moisture absorption, mass loss and evaporative resistance of permeable clothing in a transient condition

The water vapour resistance of clothing ensembles is not as commonly determined as dry thermal insulation. The measurement techniques are more complicated and the measurement values differ among laboratories. Due to complicated moisture transfer process through clothing ensemble, the moisture absorbed and evaporated varies in transient and steady state phases depending on properties, thickness of

A new dissolution microcalorimeter: calibration and test

A new batch microcalorimetric vessel for the determination of enthalpies of dissolution of small amounts of easily or slightly soluble solids was developed at University of Lund, Sweden and was tested at University of Porto, Portugal. The vessel forms part of a series of twin heat conduction microcalorimeters. In a series of consecutive dissolution steps up to four samples, each 0.1-3 mg, can be i

Evolution of hepatitis C virus variants following blood transfusion from one infected donor to several recipients: a long-term follow-up

Variants of hepatitis C virus (HCV) from a single infected blood donor and 13 viraemic recipients who were traced were examined by sequencing and cloning to determine the extent of virus diversity in hypervariable region 1. Serum-derived viral isolates were studied from the donor when his HCV infection was discovered in 1993, in his recipients that year (0·3–5 years post-transfusion) and 5 years l

Calculation of Clothing Insulation by Serial and Parallel Methods: Effects on Clothing Choice by IREQ and Thermal Responses in the Cold

Cold protective clothing was studied in 2 European Union projects. The objectives were (a) to examine different insulation calculation methods as measured on a manikin (serial or parallel), for the prediction of cold stress (IREQ); (b) to consider the effects of cold protective clothing on metabolic rate; (c) to evaluate the movement and wind correction of clothing insulation values. Tests were ca

The polyamines spermidine and spermine retard the platination rate of single-stranded DNA oligomers and plasmid

The presence of polyamines in living cells is crucial for survival. Due to their high net charge at physiological pH, polyamines effectively charge neutralize the phosphodiester backbone of DNA in an interaction that also may protect the DNA from external damage. We here present a study illustrating the influence of spermidine and spermine on the platination reactions of the model oligonucleotides

Survey of the management of patients with minor head injuries in hospitals in Sweden

OBJECTIVES: Development of guidelines for quality assurance in head injury care has to be based on knowledge about how today's management is organized. To address the need for guidelines in minor head injury (MHI), the authors studied management practice in Sweden. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional mail survey including all 76 hospitals treating head-injured patients. The questionnaire outli