

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Kostnadseffektiv och legitim styrning för en minskad köttkonsumtion

The production of animalistic food has prooven to be environmentally harmful in several ways, and since it is hard to solve the problem through measures directed towards the production, it may be relevant as a political scientist to investigate; how we might use political instruments to lower the consumption of meat, assuming we want the instruments to be cost-effective and legitimate. I've s

Integration i all ära... -En studie om relationen mellan interna och externa värden hos Öresundsbrokonsortiet

Den här uppsatsen baseras på en jämförelse mellan de interna värden som står att finna i Öresundsbrokonsortiets styrdokument och de reklamannonser som producerats av organisationen under 2009. Som en följd av skillnaderna mellan reklamannonserna och de interna dokumenten uppstår en motsättning och spänning i vad som utgör organisationsidentiteten för Öresundsbrokonsortiets medarbetare. Den här mot

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Ethical trends across the Western hemisphere of Global Civil Society (GCS) may equal ethics to be out of date, unless it is globalized in, an ethically justifiable manner, which in this paper is called ”ethicalization”. Whether the ethical current can catch momentum with globalizations speed of time, concurrently maintaining consistency is a challenge faced by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), a

Bosnien & Hercegovina och det politiska systemet efter Dayton - Etnisk polarisering som en konsekvens av ”Consociational Democracy”?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the impact of the Dayton Accords in relation to ethnic division. As part of Lijphart’s theory of Consociational Democracy he proposes a set of institutional solutions for how to create sustainable democracy in divided societies. My hypothesis was that the principles laid forth by Lijphart would have a negative impact on ethnic division in the country. Si

Målmedveten krigsföring : 'Targeted killings' i en tvärvetenskaplig debatt

In this essay the notion of targeted killings is reviewed through arguments about law and philosophy based on two different newspaper articles written by Daniel Byman and Richard A. Wiley. Targeted killings in the articles context of the Israel-Palestine conflict are categorized in too three argument concepts in my analysis, the three concepts are effectiveness, legality and morality. Targeted kil

Rättskraften hos tillstånd enligt miljöbalken - Särskilt om det allmänna villkoret

För att bedriva miljöfarlig verksamhet krävs tillstånd från det allmänna i de flesta fall. Dessa tillstånd meddelas med stöd av miljöbalken och ger verksamhetsutövaren ett skydd mot framtida inskränkningar i verksamheten från både det allmännas som från enskildas sida. Ett tillstånd har rättskraft så till vida att förelägganden inte kan skärpa tillståndet i de frågor som behandlats i tillståndet.

A Search for Leadership

In 2000 Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmö in Sweden got connected by the 18km long Øresund Bridge. The bridge’s explicit purpose was not only to physically connect Denmark and Sweden but also to support the development of the cross-border region, the Øresund Region. The Øresund Region contains many knowledge intense organizations, entities and inhabitants holding a lot of knowledge. Today these acto

Intelligence and State-Building

This master’s thesis contributes to the theoretical development of the role of intelligence services in state-building. To that end it establishes a theoretical framework consisting of current research in the field of intelligence and state-building. The role of the Kenyan intelligence services in the Kenyan state-building endeavor is then thoroughly analyzed using a range of primary and secondary

Vart är kommunikationen på väg? - En jämförande analys mellan traditionella och moderna PR-byråers syn på kommunikationsteknologins utveckling samt sociala medier.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur traditionella PR-byråer och moderna PR-byråer ser på kommunikationsteknologins utveckling. Fokus är inriktat på sociala medier eftersom det är en stor del av teknologins utveckling och PR-branschens kommunikation. Uppsatsens teorier används som verktyg för analyskapitlet och består av kommunikationsteorier, PR-branschens historia

Geographical Indications in the 21st century - what, when and how? A Critical Review of the Legal Framework for GI Protection and GI-Related Trade in the International Community

Intellectual property is a very important type of asset in today’s business world. Since business in the Western World grows increasingly based and dependent on know-how and technological development, intangible assets such as trademarks, copyrights and patents plausibly represent greater economic value to economic actors here than other, physical, assets do. Although it is comparatively unknown

The role of policy making in the Amazon - A case study of deforestation in Brazil

This case study investigates what role the government decisions and policies have for deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. The decisions and policies are part of the immediate causes of deforestation, which exists in a theoretical framework that I have developed. This theoretical framework constitutes of three levels: underlying causes, immediate causes and sources, which lead to deforestation.

Weaving Livelihoods: A study of the determinants and effects of Livelihood Diversification on Guatemalan weaving households

The objective of this study is to explore the rationale behind livelihood diversification behavior of rural Guatemalan households involved in the weaving sector. Livelihood diversification behavior stems from the necessity for rural households to manage risk, accumulate assets, cope with sudden environmental crises or pursue diversification as a natural strategy stemming from a historically social

Skillnader i det gemensamma. En analys av kvinnokonventionens övergripande mål

This essay studies the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) from the perspective of postcolonial theory, feminism and intersectionality. The theoretical framework constitutes the basis of this analysis. The aim of the analysis is to discuss the goals of equality and non-discrimination in CEDAW. This essay brings up the idea of women as a homogenous

Priming av rättvisa och lojalitet: effekter på implicita attityder

Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine if priming of norms by using scrambled sentences can affect results on an implicit test. The primed norms were justice and loyalty. In addition there was a control group. As method for measuring the result we used a SPFT-test (Sorting Paired Features Task, Barn-Anan et al., 2009 ). This test is a variation of the well established Implicit Associati