Din sökning på "*" gav 534692 sökträffar
Packaging Logistics Information and Performance in the Swedish Retail Supply Chain
The availability and exchange of required packaging logistics information is critical to achieve an efficient, effective and responsive retail supply chain. The use of well defined packaging-related information that is available for all actors in the supp1y chain also facilitate an integrated and supply chain oriented packaging development. The objective of this paper is to investigate and describ
Reconciliation of Work and Family Life: Policies and Practicies in Western Europe.
No title
This contribution probes the notion of non-nationalist civic identity in the context of the EU, and looks at the media's potential role in developing it.
Filosoferna har bara tolkat världen (Marx) Om praxisbegreppet
Praxisbegreppet, sedan existentialismen och marxismens stora dagar, har lämnat upplysningens säkra marker för att istället växa inom en så kallad postmodern världsåskådningsram. Denna åskådningsram kräver ett närmande som är månskiftande, en eklektisk reflexion som i slutändan innebär en dekonstruktion av postmodernismen.
Fire Resistance of Concrete Structures
A prediction of structural behaviour and fire resistance is presented for some different types of concrete members. This is made by use of two computer programs TASEF-2 and CONFIRE for thermal and structural response, respectively. Fire resistance times predicted by CONFIRE for different failure criteria and those obtained from different design recommendations are compared for a simply supported p
Calculation of Boltzmann fractions for the prediction of temperature-insensitive absorption lines
A critical assessment of a widely applied approach for the prediction of temperature-insensitive absorption lines is presented. This approach was found to suffer from significant shortcomings.
Optimising the clinical use of tomotherapy
Popular Abstract in Swedish En av tre svenskar drabbas av cancer. Hälften av de som behandlas för sin cancer får strålbehandling som en del av sin behandling. Teknikutvecklingen gör att strålbehandling kan levereras på mer och mer avancerade sätt. Det är dock svårt att veta vilka patienter som verkligen gynnas av behandling med en avancerad teknik och i så fall med vilken typ av avancerad teknik. Radiotherapy is one of the major tools for treating cancer. Through research and technical development radiotherapy is becoming more advanced with new treatment techniques emerging. In the work presented in this thesis, well-known methods have been used, or modified for use, and new methods have been introduced in order to optimise the clinical use of an advanced radiotherapy treatment technique,
Danska forskare hoppas på jätteanläggning till Lund: Kopplingen till kärnkraft gynnar Sverige
Industrial districts
Chromatic Amplitudes and Line-of-Sight Velocity Variations for the Pulsating DB White Dwarf GD 358
We report on preliminary results from time-resolved optical spectroscopy of the He-rich variable white dwarf GD 358.
Creative knowledge environments. The influences on creativity in research and innovation
The aim of this book is to improve our understanding of creative knowledge environments. The various chapters analyse creative and innovate activities as carried out by individuals, groups and organisations. The book’s focus is on identifying and understanding the factors relating to the working environment that are conducive to human creativity and innovation. The editing of the book has been a c
Konjunktiva fakta och distinktionen mellan agent-neutrala och relativa skäl
Douglas Portmores förslag på hur vi skall skilja mellan agent-neutrala och agent-relativa skäl disktureras. Enligt förslaget utgörs normativa skäl av en särskild typ av så kallade konjunktiva fakta – dvs. sådana sakförhållanden som råder enligt sanna kontrafaktiska utsagor. Ansatsen är lovande. Emellertid, det också finns en del otydligheter med förslaget som behöver närmare utredas. Uppsatsen lyf
Extended Producer Responsibility as a driver for product chain improvement
En straffrättslig bro över Öresund. Professor Carl Torp och den svenska strafflagsreformen
The Catch of Maui: Coral Gardens in the Past and Present of the Tongan Islands
Convenient Representations of Structured Systems for Model Order Reduction
In control theory there exist two convenient representations of a model, which are transfer functions and state-space matrices. However, structure in the transfer functions is not clearly seen in the state-space form, and on the other hand structure in the state-space form is not clearly seen in the transfer functions. The main reason for this is that Laplace transformation destroys most types of
Hemma hos - Intimitetens kommodifiering i landsbygdsturism
Themis v. Xiezhi: Assessing Judicial Independence in the People's Republic of China under International Human Rights Law
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bedömning av domstolarnas oberoende i Folkrepubliken Kina ur ett människorättighetsperspektiv.The first of three parts in this study elaborates on international human rights law and drawing on the most essential international instruments and jurisprudence, the criteria constituting judicial independence are distilled as a framework for assessment. The point of departure is that judicial independence is a necessary guarantee for the enjoyment of human rights rather than a privilege of judge
Implementation Aspects of Antenna Selection for MIMO Systems
Antenna selection is a promising technique for reducing complexity of multiple-antenna (MIMO) systems. In antenna selection, more antenna elements than RF transceiver chains are available for up-conversion and down-conversion. A subset of the available antenna elements is selected and connected to the RF chains. The reduction in the number of RF chains helps to reduce the implementation cost of mu