

Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar

Compact & Lightweight Antenna Designs for Harmonic Radar Application

The purpose of this paper is to design a new lightweight and compact antenna system for harmonic radar applications to be used to trace the migration of the Bogong moths. The main approach adopted in this paper to solve this problem is to build three antennas suitable for use in the real environment, where the modeling and the simulations were done in CST Microwave Studio Suite 2018. The principle

WikUp - Quick learning in Augmented Reality using Wikidata

Tänk dig att du sitter i ett möte. Någon nämner någonting som kallas ’MVP’. Du tänker: ”MVP... Vad är det? ” Tänk ifall du snabbt kunde få upp en förklaring, som svävar i luften framför dig. Den här förklaringen gör att du kan hänga med i vad personen pratar om. Skönt! Det är många gånger vi stöter på ord eller förkortningar som vi inte har hört förut. Kanske har vi hört, men glömt bort vad de beLearning is something everyone has to do. Different approaches to facilitate the process of learning has been tried throughout history. With technologies such as Internet, and augmented and virtual reality there might be possibilities to devise new ways of learning. In this thesis I aim to explore an idea for such a new way of facilitation of learning, as well as exploring how to design for augmen

PhyloPyPruner: Tree-based Orthology Inference for Phylogenomics with New Methods for Identifying and Excluding Contamination

Motivation: Large-scale phylogenetic analyses rely on orthology inference to curate sets of sequences related by speciation rather than gene duplication. Graph-based ‘orthology’ inference approaches cluster sequences together based on an all-versus-all BLAST, followed by filtering by hit fraction, Markov clustering, or both, but the output of such approaches often contains paralogous sequences. Tr

Benefits and challenges of implementing emerging technologies in a humanitarian supply chain

Technology utilisation and implementation of new technologies are critical success factors for humanitarian supply chains and the possibility to improve humanitarian operations by the use of technology has been gaining increasing attention, especially since the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Despite this increase, the theory on emerging technologies within the humanitarian supply chain is still very limit

Investigating brand identity transfer in brand experience through in-store and online channels

The concept of brand identity has gained increased interest in recent years from both researchers and practitioners. Despite that, there have been no studies so far linking brand identity to brand experience. The aim of this paper is to investigate how a brand’s identity is transferred in brand experience through in-store and online channels, namely the website and social media (Instagram and Face

Limited edition: Collaborations between luxury brands

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to see what luxury brands gain from a limited-edition collaboration in terms of segment, positioning and target group and based on the identity prism, see what characteristics that are transferred from and to the brands in the collaboration. Design/methodology/approach: First a literature review is presented with relevant theories for the purpose of the paper

Intra- & Interspecific Interactions Between the Non-Indigenous Round Goby, Neogobius melanostomus, and the Native Benthic Community of Öresund

Numerous broad insights have emerged in the last decades concerning the invasive non-indigenous round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and its expanding presence in the Baltic Sea. The waters surrounding the Danish isles are the final frontiers separating the Baltic Sea from the North Sea, and although they offer highly favourable habitats, the biotic resistance in Öresund by native competitors might

Relative compound eye size differences in Bombus species – investigating the influence of habitat, sex and caste

Bumble bee compound eye sizes in different climates Bumble bees are important pollinators with over 250 species spread over the world. One could even argue that they are the cornerstones of life as we know it, considering their immense task of pollinating almost everything we eat, as well as everything that what we eat eats. But how does the bumblebee do all this, in all these vastly different p

Suitability of Dynamic Latches for Sub-VT Operation

Suitability of Dynamic Latches for Sub-VT Operation Sina Borhani Soc11sbo@student.lu.se Department of Electrical and Information Technology Lund University In the past the major concerns of VLSI designers were the performance and area of electronic devices but right now because of technology scaling in CMOS and also with the substantially growth in portable computing gadgets like smart phones

Det socialt hållbara Malmö - Fallet Malmö som stad i interurban konkurrens

Despite a generally increasing quality of life over time, a disparity of life quality between groups of different socioeconomic status is becoming more apparent. Signs of this can be seen in differences in life expectancy which, together with health issues, are closely linked to social sustainability and thus also to sustainable development. A strategy to achieve growth, which is a goal for most c

Kapitalackumulation i staden och de strategiska möjligheterna till social kamp

This bachelor thesis explores how the changing political economic conditions of the built environment in Spain and Barcelona has affected the social struggle. Using a theoretical framework built on David Harvey’s conceptualization of the circuits of value in conjunction with Neil Flingstein and Doug McAdam’s sociological model of Strategic Action Fields, I will weave together the macro processes o

Doing and undoing gender in Lithuanian media representations of alcoholism

Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera hur genus kan göras och ogöras med fokus på kvinnor i relation med alkoholiserade män samt hur det avspeglar och påverkar marginalisering i det litauiska samhället. Undersökningen är avgränsad till en tidsperiod oktober 2016 och oktober 2018 och fokuserar på Litauen. I syfte att hitta relevanta artiklar och kartlägga kontexten i vilken dessa är producerade användsThe aim of my thesis is to perform a media study of how gender is done and undone in Lithuanian news stories regarding women in a relationship with alcoholic men and how it reflects and affects the broader marginalization in the Lithuanian society. The research is limited to the time period between October 2016 and October 2018 and the chosen country is Lithuania. In order to find relevant article

Masters of war : Sweden’s dual role as a humanitarian superpower and arms exporter

Context/Purpose/Material: Sweden, portrayed as a humanitarian superpower, has been widely criticised for the export of military equipment to Saudi Arabia, a state on the other side of the spectrum, as a human rights-violating authoritarian regime. Sweden is still continuing the export to Saudi Arabia, despite Saudi Arabia’s human rights violations both within and outside the country. The purpose o

Assessing evolution of ice caps in Suðurland, Iceland, in years 1986 - 2014, using multispectral satellite imagery

Den pågående klimatförändringen är som mest uttalad i Arktis och påverkan på kryosfären har accelererat under de senaste årtiondena. Den här studien undersöker möjlihgeterna att applicera multispektrala satellitdata inom Kryosfärsstudier. Studieområdet täcker istäcksområdena Mýrdalsjökull och Eyjafjallajökull, belägna i Suðurland på Island. Analysen baseras sig på Landsatdata. Studien inkluderar eThe study focuses on the application of multispectral satellite imageries in glaciological studies. It aims to assess how the Icelandic glaciers have evolved over the last decades (from the 1980s to 2014). The study area covers Mýrdalsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull ice caps located in Suðurland, Iceland. The cryosphere is an integral part of the global climate system. Its occurrence is dependent on

Restriktioner vid häktning i svensk gällande rätt - i ljuset av Europakonventionens artikel 3

För att en häktad person inte ska kunna försvåra brottsutredningen går det att ålägga denne restriktioner avseende möjligheterna till kontakt med omvärlden. Det kan emellertid vara mycket påfrestande att vara häktad med restriktioner. Artikel 3 i Europakonventionen innehåller ett förbud mot tortyr samt mot omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling eller bestraffning. Artikeln kan aktualiseras vid anvIn order to prevent a pre-trial detainee from obstructing the criminal investigation it is possible to impose restrictions on the possibilities of contacting the outside world. However, it can be very challenging to be detained with restrictions. Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which contains a prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, can be ap

Den straffrättsliga legalitetsprincipen vid straffmätning och lagtolkning

Den straffrättsliga legalitetsprincipen ställer upp krav på att det måste finnas stöd i lag för att en gärning ska kunna utgöra brott och straff kunna utdömas. När HD för första gången skulle tillämpa straffskalan för mord sedan den ändrats i juli 2014 var principen central. HD valde att bortse från lagändringen från 2014 med hänvisning till att dess syfte inte gick att förena med lagtexten och atThe principle of legality in criminal law demands that there must be support in law for an act to constitute a crime and for penalties to be imposed. When the Swedish Supreme Court for the first time was to apply the range of punishment for murder since it changed in July 2014 the principle of legality was of major interest. The Supreme Court chose to ignore the change from 2014 on the grounds tha

Officialprincipen i upphandlingsmål – En analys av RÅ 2009 ref. 69 och HFD 2015 ref. 55

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur förvaltningsdomstolarnas utredningsskyldighet förhåller sig till en eventuell åberopsbörda som kan åläggas parterna i vissa typer av mål. För att uppnå detta syfte har jag använt mig av en rättsdogmatisk metod. I undersökningen har jag främst studerat rättskällor, såsom litteratur och domar från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. Uppsatsen inleds med tre deskri