

Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar

A Single-Year Cosmic Ray Event at 5410 BCE Registered in 14C of Tree Rings

The annual 14C data in tree rings is an outstanding proxy for uncovering extreme solar energetic particle (SEP) events in the past. Signatures of extreme SEP events have been reported in 774/775 CE, 992/993 CE, and ∼660 BCE. Here, we report another rapid increase of 14C concentration in tree rings from California, Switzerland, and Finland around 5410 BCE. These 14C data series show a significant i

Demonstrating trustworthiness when collecting and sharing genomic data : public views across 22 countries

Background: Public trust is central to the collection of genomic and health data and the sustainability of genomic research. To merit trust, those involved in collecting and sharing data need to demonstrate they are trustworthy. However, it is unclear what measures are most likely to demonstrate this. Methods: We analyse the ‘Your DNA, Your Say’ online survey of public perspectives on genomic data

I gränslandet mellan juridik och politik : Högsta domstolen och den åländska lagstiftningsprocessen

Kontrollen av den åländska lagstiftningen sker efter att lagtinget antagit lagen, men före den träder i kraft. Lagkontrollens aktörer är Ålandsdelegationen (ÅD) och Högsta Domstolen (HD), men även Republikens President (RP) som kan stoppa en åländsk lag genom att använda sin i självstyrelselagen inskrivna vetorätt. HD har en central roll i kontrollen av lagstiftningen då dess utlåtanden i praktike

Coherent J / ψ and ψ ′ photoproduction at midrapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV

The coherent photoproduction of J/ψ and ψ′ mesons was measured in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector. Charmonia are detected in the central rapidity region for events where the hadronic interactions are strongly suppressed. The J/ψ is reconstructed using the dilepton (l+l−) and proton–antiproton decay channels, while for the ψ′ t

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OBJECTIVES: Degenerative mitral valve disease is the most common indication for mitral valve repair in the Western world. The aim of this study was to study the long term outcome of mitral valve repair for degenerative mitral valve regurgitation in Iceland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study of 101 consecutive mitral valve repair patients (average age 57.7 years, 80.2% male) operated in I

Sound psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure Self-Report

OBJECTIVE: To describe data completeness, targeting and reliability of the Swedish version of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure Self-Report (s-SCIM-SR). DESIGN: Translation and reliability study. SUBJECTS: Programme participants (n = 48) and peer mentors (n = 42) with spinal cord injury enrolled in the INTERnational Project for the Evaluation of "activE Rehabilitation" (inter-PEER). METHODS: Th

Less improvement following meniscal repair compared with arthroscopic partial meniscectomy : a prospective cohort study of patient-reported outcomes in 150 young adults at 1- and 5-years’ follow-up

Background and purpose — Meniscal repair may reduce long-term risk of knee osteoarthritis compared with arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM), whereas patient-reported outcomes may be poorer at short term than for APM. We compared patient-reported outcomes in young adults undergoing meniscal repair or APM up to ∼5 years after surgery. Patients and methods — We included 150 patients aged 18–40 ye

Reevaluating the Influence of Leaders Under Proportional Representation : Quantitative Analysis of Text in an Electoral Experiment

We propose that leaders play a more important role in voters' party sympathy in proportional representation systems (PR) than previous research has suggested. Voters, from the 2018 Swedish General Election, were in an experiment asked to describe leaders and parties with three indicative keywords. Statistical models were conducted on these text data to predict their vote choice. The results show t

Towards Soft Circuit Breaking in Service Meshes via Application-agnostic Caching

Service meshes factor out code dealing with inter-micro-service communication, such as circuit breaking. Circuit breaking actuation is currently limited to an "on/off" switch, i.e., a tripped circuit breaker will return an application-level error indicating service unavailability to the calling micro-service. This paper proposes a soft circuit breaker actuator, which returns cached data instead of

The Aurora kinase/β-catenin axis contributes to dexamethasone resistance in leukemia

Glucocorticoids, such as dexamethasone and prednisolone, are widely used in cancer treatment. Different hematological malignancies respond differently to this treatment which, as could be expected, correlates with treatment outcome. In this study, we have used a glucocorticoid-induced gene signature to develop a deep learning model that can predict dexamethasone sensitivity. By combining gene expr

Trichilones A–E: New Limonoids from Trichilia adolfi

In addition to the trichilianones A–D recently reported from Trichilia adolfi, a continuing investigation of the chemical constituents of the ethanol extract of the bark of this medicinal plant yielded the five new limonoids 1–5. They are characterized by having four fused rings and are new examples of prieurianin-type limonoids, having a ε-lactone which in 4 and 5 is α, β- unsaturated. The struct

Plastic work constrained elastoplastic topology optimization

An elastoplastic topology optimization framework for limiting plastic work generation while maximizing stiffness is presented. The kinematics and constitutive model are based on finite strain linear isotropic hardening plasticity, and the balance laws are solved using a total Lagrangian finite element formulation. Aggregation of the specific plastic work combined with an adaptive normalization sch

A novel multi-source data fusion method based on Bayesian inference for accurate estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration over eutrophic lakes

A novel multi-source data fusion method based on Bayesian inference (BIF) was proposed in this study to blend the advantages of in-situ observations and remote sensing estimations for obtaining accurate chlorophyll-a (Chla) concentration in Lake Taihu (China). Two error models (additive and multiplicative) were adopted to construct the likelihood function in BIF; the BIF method was also compared w

Question intonation in Southern Swedish

Swedish has been generally assumed not to have any well-defined question intonation. However, with respect to Southern Swedish, Lindblad & Gårding (1973) present data showing final rises in polar (Y/N) questions. Gårding (1979) also assumes a broader and higher F0 range in Y/N questions than in statements, particularly on the final focussed word. The present study investigates the extent to wh