Din sökning på "*" gav 528140 sökträffar
A beta 40 Oligomers Identified as a Potential Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia worldwide, yet the development of therapeutics has been hampered by the absence of suitable biomarkers to diagnose the disease in its early stages prior to the formation of amyloid plaques and the occurrence of irreversible neuronal damage. Since oligomeric A beta species have been implicated in the pathophysiology of AD, we reasoned
In vivo photosensitizer tomography inside the human prostate
Interstitial photodynamic therapy (IPDT) provides a promising means to treat large cancerous tumors and solid organs inside the human body. The treatment outcome is dependent on the distributions of light, photosensitizer, and tissue oxygenation. We present a scheme for reconstructing the spatial distribution of a fluorescent photosensitizer. The reconstruction is based on measurements performed i
Molecular Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen i världen bland kvinnor och bara i Sverige insjuknar varje år runt 7000 personer. Vi vet att omkring 10-15% av fallen troligen beror på ärftliga faktorer och det har under senare tid gjorts stora insatser för att klargöra exakt vilka arvsanlag som har betydelse för utveckling av sjukdomen. Under början av 90-talet identifieradeHereditary breast cancer constitutes a considerable fraction of the total number of breast cancer cases occurring each year. Up until recently very few breast cancer predisposing genes were known, but many new common polymorphisms contributing to increased cancer susceptibility are continuously being identified. This thesis has focused on familial breast cancer and identifying as well as investi
Material Characterization in Partially Filled Waveguides Using Inverse Scattering and Multiple Sample Orientations
We present a method aimed at reducing uncertainties and instabilities when characterizing materials in waveguide setups. The S-parameters for a rectangular waveguide loaded with a rectangular sample block are measured for three different sample orientations, and the corresponding geometries are modeled in a finite element program, taking any material parameters as input. The material parameters of
Prediction of Intradialytic Hypotension Using Photoplethysmography
Intradialytic hypotension is the most common acute complication during conventional hemodialysis treatment. Prediction of such events is highly desirable in clinical routine for prevention. This paper presents a novel prediction method of acute symptomatic hypotension in which the photoplethysmographic signal is analyzed with respect to changes in amplitude, reflecting vasoconstriction, and cardia
Gli1 Is an Inducing Factor in Generating Floor Plate Progenitor Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Generation of mesencephalic dopamine (mesDA) neurons from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) requires several stages of signaling from various extrinsic and intrinsic factors. To date, most methods incorporate exogenous treatment of Sonic hedgehog (SHH) to derive mesDA neurons. However, we and others have shown that this approach is inefficient for generating FOXA2+ cells, the precursors of mesDA
A Complementary Technique To Carbon Dioxide De-Airing In Open Cardiac Operations? Reply
Turbo Charged Low Temperature Combustion - Experiments, Modeling and Control
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ekonomin och välfärden är starkt beroende av tillförlitlig transport och energiförsörjningsteknologi. En stor del av denna teknik bygger på användandet av förbränningsmotorer. Då dessa till antalet är så stort utgör de tillsammans en stor miljöbelastning. Därför måste det läggas stora resurser på förbättrad motorstyrning och avgasrening. En av restprodukterna från förBoth the global economy and the society in general are dependent on the availability of reliable transportation. Most transportation technology involves the use of internal combustion engines in one way or another. Because of the large numbers of internal combustion engines in use around the world, their emissions have a significant environmental impact. Therefore, considerable efforts have been i
SCExV: a webtool for the analysis and visualisation of single cell qRT-PCR data.
Single cell gene expression assays have become a powerful tool with which to dissect heterogeneous populations. While methods and software exist to interrogate such data, what has been lacking is a unified solution combining analysis and visualisation which is also accessible and intuitive for use by non-bioinformaticians, as well as bioinformaticians.
Picosecond dynamics in a millimetre-wave RTD-MOSFET wavelet generator
The performance of a millimetre-wave wavelet generator under picosecond-pulsed trigger operation conditions has been evaluated experimentally. The reactively-loaded resonant tunnelling diodes metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor circuit is shown to generate well-formed wavelets for control pulse-lengths down to approximately the free-running carrier oscillation period. Transient circu
Fetal scalp blood sampling during labor: an appraisal of the physiological basis and scientific evidence
Fetal cardiotocography is characterized by low specificity; therefore, in an attempt to ensure fetal well-being, fetal scalp blood sampling has been recommended by most obstetric societies in the case of a non-reassuring cardiotocography. The scientific agreement on the evidence for using fetal scalp blood sampling to decrease the rate of operative delivery for fetal distress is ambiguous. Based o
Review of Gunnar Granberg (ed.), "Kyrkan i Gamla Uppsala. Från katedral till församlingskyrka" (2014)
Critical review of Gunnar Granberg (ed.), "Kyrkan i Gamla Uppsala. Från katedral till församlingskyrka" (2014)
Notes on a Century. Reflections of a Middle East Historian
No title
Effects of increasing doses of glucagon-like peptide-1 on insulin-releasing phases during intravenous glucose administration in mice
Chan HM, Jain R, Ahren B, Pacini G, D'Argenio DZ. Effects of increasing doses of glucagon-like peptide-1 on insulin-releasing phases during intravenous glucose administration in mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 300: R1126-R1133, 2011. First published February 9, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00687.2010.-The increase in insulin secretion caused by glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and GLP-1 m
Direct and indirect aggression and victimization in adolescents - Associations with the development of psychological difficulties.
Background Previous research has established that direct and indirect forms of aggression differ in their association with gender and type of psychological difficulties. One purpose of the present study was to test if the same applies to direct and indirect victimization. A second purpose was to study these associations not only cross-sectionally (as in most previous research) but also longitudina
Climate-driven ecosystem succession in the Sahara: The past 6000 years
Desiccation of the Sahara since the middle Holocene has eradicated all but a few natural archives recording its transition from a "green Sahara" to the present hyperarid desert. Our continuous 6000- year paleoenvironmental reconstruction from northern Chad shows progressive drying of the regional terrestrial ecosystem in response to weakening insolation forcing of the African monsoon and abrupt hy
The effects of water availability on root growth and morphology in an Amazon rainforest
This study examined how root growth and morphology were affected by variation in soil moisture at four Amazon rainforest sites with contrasting vegetation and soil types. Mean annual site root mass, length and surface area growth ranged between 3-7 t ha(-1), 2-4 km m(-2) and 8-12 m(2) m(-2) respectively. Mean site specific root length and surface area varied between 8-10 km kg(-1) stop and 24-34 m
Income Inequality, Economic Growth and Stroke Mortality in Brazil: Longitudinal and Regional Analysis 2002-2009.
Stroke accounts for more than 10% of all deaths globally and most of it occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Income inequality and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita has been associated to stroke mortality in developed countries. In LMIC, GDP per capita is considered to be a more relevant health determinant than income inequality. This study aims to investigate if income inequal