

Din sökning på "*" gav 534558 sökträffar

Varför får inte mamma bli partner? – En studie om påskrivande revisorer och jämställdhet

Titel: Varför får inte mamma bli partner? – En studie om påskrivande revisorer och jämställdhet. Seminariedatum: 2015-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69 Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå Författare: Carl Miörner, Eric Ohlson, Jakob Widin Handledare: Amanda Sonnerfeldt Nyckelord: revision, revisionsbranschen, genus, påskrivande revisor, föräldraskap, homosocial reproduktion. Syfte: att beskriva jäm

The Southern Gas Corridor and Turkey's Pipeline Politics at the Post-Cold War Period

The energy resources (notably oil and gas) are of strategic significance for national power. The resources are significant in both economic terms constituting the drivers of global economy and in political terms. The political essentials of the resources make their “high card” status in the international political gamble. The “high card” status stems from the assessment that the holder of the “car

Towards a Mobile Indigeneity? The Case of Indigenous Students from the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Dhaka, Bangladesh

The purpose of this thesis was to examine how increased mobility of indigenous student migrants in Dhaka from the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh affects notions of belonging and indigeneity. By applying a theoretical framework of mobility, global interconnectedness and lifestyle the study challenged representations by indigenous rights advocates of indigenous people as inherently immobile an

The Demand for Lobbying in the European Union - A Comparative Study On The European Commission’s and The European Parliament’s Institutional Demands For Lobbying Input

Lobbying in the European Union (EU) is a highly discussed and disputed phenomena. The main focus on lobbying in the EU is concerned with how and why lobbyists interact with institutional actors, rather than exploring both sides of the occurrence. The aim of this thesis is to explore and compare whether the European Commission and the European Parliament have different demands for lobbying input. T

En studie av indata i energiberäkningar utförda i ett system- och bygghandlingsskede

Sammanfattning Titel: En studie av indata i energiberäkningar utförda i ett system- och bygghandlingsskede Författare: Joel Nilsson och Sven Lundgren, civilingenjör Väg- och Vattenbyggnadsprogrammet vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH. Handledare: Hans Bagge, Avdelningen för byggnadsfysik inom Institutionen för Byggoch Miljöteknologi vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH. Hans Söderling, NCC Construction

Vård- och omsorgsdidaktisk kommunikation med hjälp av interaktiva medier

Sveriges kommuner och landsting har fått i uppdrag att starta projekt för att nationen skall bli ledande i IT i ett kommande informations- och kunskapssamhälle. Inom vården används tekniska hjälpmedel alltmer för övervakning i hemmet och internet används för dokumentation, vårdplanering, rådgivning mm. Denna undersökning granskar i första hand: Hur hälsovetare och sjuksköterskor i E-hälsans regi a

The dominant logic of an industry: exploring a holistic view of value capture

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationship between environmental factors and value capture capabilities and their effect on value capture. A qualitative Case Study was conducted based on interviews from five Key Account Managers and the CFO and CEO of a Business to Business firm operating in the Nordic region. This thesis shows that despite having a superior value offering and high

Childhood in wonderland

Lewis Carroll’s books Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (1871) are both set in the young girl Alice’s dream worlds. For more than a hundred years, adults as well as children have enjoyed losing themselves in the nonsensical stories. But is there more to the stories than mere nonsense? Using Anna Freud’s theory on child development to d

Avfallsförebyggande i miljonprogramsområden – En fallstudie i Karlslund, Landskrona

Avfallsförebyggande syftar till att förhindra uppkomsten av avfall och är det högst uppsatta målet inom svensk och europeisk avfallshantering. Trots det har avfallsmängderna fortsatt att öka och de prognoser som gjorts inför framtiden visar att mängderna kommer fortsätta att öka med befintliga styrmedel. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka om avfallsförebyggande åtgärder kan anpassa till dWaste prevention aims at preventing the generation of waste and is the highest target of the Swedish and European waste management. Nevertheless, the amount of waste continues to increase, and the projections made for the future show that volumes will continue to increase with the existing policy instruments. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether waste prevention measures can be ada

Explaining the Performance of Swedish Mergers & Acquisitions: Follow the Money or the Stock Market?

Title: Explaining the performance of Swedish mergers & acquisitions - Follow the money or the stock market? Seminar date: 2015-06-04 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project in Corporate Finance, Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS-Credits Authors: Eleonor Andræ, Leonard Bergström, Ebba Friberg, Gustav Krieger Advisor: Rikard Larsson Key words: CAR, Pretax operating cash flow, Mergers, Sweden, Regression analy

No title

This thesis examines ideas and representations on the Danish West Indies as they have been performed in a Danish context between 1905 and 2003, and looks into a series of questions regarding this: What is being represented in the empirical material and how does it relate to the historical and social context it was produced within? How are Danes and Afro-Caribbeans respectively represented in the m

Vapengravar och krigaridentitet

This thesis is about understanding weapon graves and the symbols in the grave goods. To try and see what lies hidden behind the Viking Age warrior identity and understand the theatrical side of Viking Age graves. By analyzing the weapon and equestrian graves the author hopes to see the mentality of the peoples during the Viking Age. The grave goods are the key to understand people’s beliefs and vi

Relocate or Stay put: Exploring family mobility choices in the wake of 2004 tsunami in Laamu atoll, Maldives

The question of choice is a fundamental issue in the discussion of human mobilities. In the context of natural disaster and resettlement programs, the affected population is reduced to victims devoid of agency, and their movements concluded as passive reactions. However, the post-tsunami mobility behaviour of the families in the Maldives after the devastating 2004 tsunami paints a very different p

När började plattektoniken? : bevis för plattektoniska processer i geologisk tid

Plattektoniska processer formar idag vår jord genom vulkanism, relaterad till divergenta och konvergenta plattrörelser. Hur länge har plattektoniken existerat och hur kan vi spåra plattektoniska processer bakåt i tiden? Detta kandidatarbete behandlar och diskuterar olika typer av plattektoniska indikatorer, hur de går att koppla till moderna processer och hur tillförlitliga de anses vara. Moderna Plate tectonic processes shapes our earth due to volcanism, related to divergent and convergent plate motions. When did plate tectonics begin and how can we trace plate tectonic processes throughout time? This Bachelor thesis address and discuss different plate tectonic indicators and their reliability. Modern analogues are indicators that can be linked to modern plate tectonic processes, and does

When Patenting biotechnology becomes contra-productive to the aim of the Biotech Directive

Biotechnology has been regarded as the problem child of modern Patent Law for a long time. The legislation concerning biotechnology is in constant fluctuation, changing as the case law constantly develops. This leads up to uncertainty regarding what is to be considered as patentable, and what is not. Even today, no stable solution has been found. Furthermore, ethical concerns are given a place w

Den territoriella begränsningen och extraterritoriella tillämpningen inom immaterialrätten och den internationella privat- och processrätten

Det internationella immaterialrättsliga rättssystemet har etablerats på grundsatsen att immaterialrättigheter är territoriella och därmed begränsade sett till innehåll och omfång till respektive skyddsland. Den territoriella begränsningen bekräftas av bl.a. Bernkonventionen och Pariskonventionen på området och är väl förankrad i svensk rätt, dock väldigt sällan i lagtext. Eftersom immaterialrättigThe international intellectual property system has been established on the principle that intellectual property rights are territorial and therefore limited, with respect to content and scope, to the country of protection. The territorial limitation in intellectual property law is enshrined in the Berne Convention and the Paris Convention and is well rooted in Swedish law, albeit to a large extent

Chirally Symmetric Technicolor Model: A possible origin of the Higgs Boson

This thesis investigates a possible extension to the Standard Model: the Chirally Symmetric Technicolor Model. The motivation is to explain the origin of the electroweak interaction scale by introducing a new interaction. The thesis is based on the two-flavour Technicolor model presented in ”Chiral-Symmetric Technicolor with Standard Model Higgs boson” by Pasechnik et. al. [1], and extends it to t

Unveiling the power of selling spare-parts as a happy-meal

Companies selling industrial machines are seeing a shift where profits are moving from new sales, towards retrieving revenue throughout the whole customer life cycle. Instead of selling new machines, the companies in the industry need to look towards what is referred to as “the aftermarket”. The aftermarket is the part of the market where spare-parts and maintenance services are sold to existing c

Renovering av 70-talsvilla

Hur renoverar vi en 70-talsvilla så att dagens krav på energianvändning nås? Vad finns det för tänkbara åtgärder med detta i åtanke och med hänsyn till eventuella fuktproblem? Vad är våra rekommendationer efter denna studie för referenshuset samt för hus av liknande typ från 70-talet? Målet med studien är att ta fram förslag på en bättre konstruktion dels för referenshuset och dels för 70-talshus

Hydropolitics: The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Transboundary Regional Water Cooperation - The Case Study of the Good Water Neighbours Project

Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority share scarce-water basins on which they rely. Official water agreements in the area have been seen to be insufficient and protection of the common waters is vital to ensure sustainable water use. Water gives a chance and challenge for cooperation, particularly as the geopolitical situation constitutes an obstacle. The aim of this study is to examine the