Din sökning på "*" gav 508940 sökträffar
Digitalisering och personlig integritet: En systematisk kunskapsöversikt
Påhittad Eslövspåg mest kände lundastudenten?
Om den litterära rollfiguren Sten Stensson Stéen, dess upphovsman John Wigforss och förmodade förebild Berndt Bengtsén.
Automatic Tuning and Adaptive Control—Past Accomplishments and Future Directions
Fertility and Economic Stress in Southern Sweden, 1829-1867
Kan Feldenkraismetoden fördjupa, bredda, och effektivisera röst- och rörelseundervisningen vid Teaterhögskolan i Malmö?
Åtskillnad och särbehandling
Colour Doppler Flow Measurements using Surface Integration of Velocity Vectors (SIVV): effect of colour flow gain, pulse repetition frequency and number of imaging planes
Principles and Practice of Ultrafast Heating Cycles for Thermoplastic Based Composites Using Magnetic Field Technology
Shakespeares sonett nr 18 - Jämförelser av fem svenska tolkningar
Framing the public: the policy process around xenotransplantation in Latvia and Sweden 1970-2004
A crucial debate is under way concerning the public's participation in biotechnology decision-making processes. This study, concerning the policy process around xenotransplantation (XTP) in Latvia and Sweden in the period 1970-2004, focuses on how scientific experts and politicians view the public and the public's participation in the process of developing policy regarding XTP. Drawing on intervie
Inledning - idrott i förändring
Dipole bands in nuclei approximate to Sn-100
Recognition schemes in tourism: from eco to sustainability
Performance of a multifunctional PV/T hybrid solar window
A building-integrated multifunctional PV/T collector have been developed and evaluated. The PV/T solar window is constructed of PV cells laminated on solar absorbers and is placed in a window behind the glazing. To reduce the costs of the solar electricity, reflectors have been introduced in the construction to focus radiation onto the solar cells. The tiltable reflectors render a possibility to c
Den legala acceptfristen. En analys med utgångspunkt i rättsfallet NJA 2004 s. 862
Introducing Support for Release Planning of Quality Requirements - An Industrial Evaluation of the QUPER Model
In market-driven product development and release planning, it is important to market success to find the right balance among competing quality requirements. To address this issue, a conceptual model that incorporates quality as a dimension in addition to the cost and value dimensions used in prioritisation approaches for functional requirements has been developed. In this paper, we present an indu