

Din sökning på "*" gav 533507 sökträffar

Är det dags att märka vår vattenförbrukning? - en studie av intresset av en ny livsmedelsmärkning om vattenåtgång samt dess utformning

Denna uppsats studerar intresset hos svenska företag och konsumenter för en märkning om vattenåtgång på livsmedel från gröda/djur till färdig vara. Vid produktion av det flesta typer av varor finns en vattenåtgång med mer eller mindre skadlig påverkan på miljön beroende på liter per kilo, geografisk allokering och årstid. De miljöeffekter vattenåtgången innebär är majoriteten av konsumenterna omed

Statistisk analys av variationer i data från flygburen laserskanning för skoglig inventering

In 2007, the swedish government decided to let the authority of land survey produce an updated height surface model with higher resolution. The data collection for the modelling is performed with airborne laser scanning, which in this form can be used in several other applications. One of these additional applications for the laser data is inventory of forest. The method most frequently used for t

Återanvända processen i Delmia

In this master thesis a process in Delmia was created for digital test assembly. Delmia is a computer program for simulations, at Scania Delmia is used for simulating truck assembly. The process created was made to be easily reused in future tests. The base of the process came from the best practice document for manufacturing at Scania. To do this a study of the systems at Scania was made to get a

Warm glow and evaluation modes: Effects of separate and joint evaluation on anticipated warm glow from charitable giving

The present research tests how different evaluation modes (separate and joint) affect anticipated warm glow resulting from helping behavior. Warm glow can be defined as the positive feelings that arise from helping behavior. In two survey studies, participants were asked to anticipate how strongly they thought they would experience warm glow-related feelings in different situations in which they d

The effect of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) on different fibrinogen quantification methods in elective neurosurgery.

Background: Fibrinogen, a plasma protein essential for clot formation, can reach critically low levels during bleeding. The most commonly used method to determine fibrinogen is the photometric Clauss method. Intravenous colloid fluids can lead to falsely high values of fibrinogen when measured with the photometric Clauss method in comparison to an immunologic method. The main objective of this stu

Can We Trust the Measurement of Trust?

This study investigates the concept of ‘trust’ through exploring the relationship between answers to a standard survey questions and behaviour observed in an economical experiment. The survey question has been used in a wide range of reports and studies related to economic development. Therefore, ensuring that the survey question has high validity and that it accurately captures the level of trust

Sweet and Sour: The Self-employment Experience of the Chinese Immigrants in the UK

In recent years, self-employment has emerged as an important avenue of economic livelihoods for immigrants in the western world, including the Chinese immigrants. The debate on immigrant self-employment has been widely discussed across academia and given a considerable attention by researchers, policymakers and governments. This study addresses the self-employment experience of Chinese immigrants

The protection of migrant women subjected to domestic violence under the framework of the Council of Europe. A feminist approach

Migrant women facing domestic violence in the Council of Europe have been traditionally characterised, except in some national countries, as not having any legal possibility to leave the situation with proper resources, or being able to guarantee their stay in the country they are living. Since the approval of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and

Anknytningsstil och val av psykoterapiutbildning och berättelser om anknytning

Syftet med studien är att dels undersöka om terapeutens anknytningsstil är en prediktor för val av terapiinriktning, och dels hur det kan se ut i psykoterapeutens upplevelsevärld i berättelser rörande centrala anknytningsteoretiska teman: närhet, distans, beroende och oberoende. Studien använde sig av självskattningsinstrumentet RQ som besvarades av 57 psykoterapistuderande samt nio genomförda per

Substitution Kinetics of Palladium Pincer Complexes

The substitution reaction of complexes, (PCNR)PdCl, where R = (methyl) (1), (ethyl) (2) and(propyl) (3), with iodide where studied in 1-10 mM LiCl in methanol. The substitution was followed under pseudo first order conditions with an excess of incoming and leaving ligand. The high reactivity of complex 1 was attributed to the low steric bulkiness of the methyl substituent. The order of reactivity

R&D efficiency and Ownership: Evidence from the Biotechnology Sector in China

In the west, out-innovating China has been a frequent proposal to deal with the feared threat posed by China’s rapid industrialization. However, China is not content with being only a manufacturing economy and has subsequently introduced multiple programs to foster research and development domestically. One of the most prominent sectors targeted by China’s programs and upheld by the west as their

Ergonomisk förpackningsdesign för bättre handhälsa. En studie inom vården.

This thesis is about the overlooked workload nurses’ hands are daily exposed to. This workload is made up of small tasks, seemingly requiring small efforts that together and over time can cause considerable muscle wear. A large number of these tasks consist of opening packages constructed to ensure that the products are sterile. In this study, the effects these packages have on the users were exam

Strategiskt arbete för minskad nedskräpning- En studie av kampanjen Pellekan i Mölndals kommun

Trash can harm both the environment and humans. It can maintain for a long time in the environment before degrading and during that time it can pollute soils and poison animals. This study focuses on the Pellekan campaign which started to reduce littering in the city of Mölndal. The campaign has been working the same way from the start in 2002 and now is time to evaluate how well it worked. For th

Kvinnan och fostret: En diskursanalys av Europadomstolens syn på den kvinnliga kroppen

Kvinnor har låtit utföra abort under alla tider. Under merparten av historiens gång har ingreppet emellertid behandlats som ett samhälleligt tabu och var därför olagligt i flertalet länder fram till mitten på 1900-talet. Den sexuella revolutionen under 1960- och 1970-talet, i kombination med stora vetenskapliga framsteg på området för mänsklig reproduktion, har kommit att spela en avgörande roll fWomen have performed abortions during all times. For most of history abortion, however, has been treated as a social taboo and was therefore illegal in most countries until the mid 1900’s. The sexual revolution during the 1960’s and 1970’s, combined with major scientific advances in the field of human reproduction, has come to play a critical role in a changed view of the role of women in society.

Aktionsforskning: Att översätta och tillämpa en manual med fokus på att leda barn och ungdomar med autismspektrumtillstånd fram till förståelse för vad en autismspektrumdiagnos innebär.

Föreliggande uppsats ger inblick i processen att översätta en metod från engelska till svenska med allt vad det innebär av språkliga avväganden, kulturella anpassningar och tidsanpassningar för att få första etappen klar, själva översättningen. Dessutom tillämpas metoden på en grupp för att se om ytterligare anpassningar behövs till den specifika målgruppen. Denna tillämpning analyseras genom fråg

Study of three proteins in uracil catabolism pathway

This study focused on expression, purification and functional characterization of three key proteins (Urc1p, Urc2p and Urc8p) in the newly discovered uracil catabolism (URC) pathway. A novel expression system was established by using Saccharomyces kluyveri as a host organism for expression of 6-His tagged Urc1p and Urc2p. Moreover, URC8 gene was cloned in pET151/D-TOPO vector and expressed in Esch