

Din sökning på "*" gav 537713 sökträffar

Med läsarsiffror som dagordningssättare : en studie om analysverktyg och läsarens indirekta påverkan på journalisten

This is an interview-based study that aims to test the validity of the Agenda Setting Theory. As it was written before the Information Age, it claims that the public agenda (readers) have no real influence over the media agenda (newspapers). As the digitalization of journalism made analytical tools widely available to web editors, it may be possible that the media agenda today is much more depende

Arbetsgivarens möjlighet att avsluta en anställning vid arbetsvägran

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att analysera det svenska rättsläget avseende arbetsvägran och när arbetsgivare, utifrån de analyserade grunderna, kan avsluta en anställning genom uppsägning eller avsked. I såväl doktrin som praxis görs en uppdelning mellan specifik och allmän arbetsvägran. Specifik arbetsvägran kan leda till uppsägning medan allmän arbetsvägran kan leda till avsked. ArbetsdomstolThe purpose of this essay is to analyse the Swedish legal situation regarding refusal to work and when employers can terminate an employment through notice of termination or dismissal based on analysed reasons. In both doctrine and case law a distinction is made between specific and general refusal. Specific refusal can lead to termination of notice, while general refusal can lead to dismissal. T

On the relationship between green preferences and returns

Abstract The care for the environment in investment situations is rising among different groups of investors, due to social and psychological factors. Existing studies on nonpecuniary preferences for the environment are focused on measuring the proportion of individuals with green agendas, whereas we focus on measuring also magnitudes, i.e. how much future wealth are people actually prepared to gi

“Ha ha ha. Looks like the case is closed, ha ha ha” A Corpus Study of Imitative Interjections in the English Language

The focus of this bachelor’s essay is to investigate non-lexical interjections. In this study, imitative interjection proves to be an appropriate term for interjections such as mm-hmm and wow, with non-lexical properties distinguishing them from hey and yes. This essay aims to explore if this specific group can be extracted from a corpus, and further, if it is possible to detect any similarities a

Den sällsynta strejken - En studie om politisk strejk och dess rättsliga ramar

Under sommaren 2019 uppmanades de svenska fackliga organisationerna att utlysa en strejk för klimatet. Klimatstrejken skulle innebära en strejk i politiskt syfte, vilket därmed nekades av centralorganisationerna. Diskussionen om fackförbunden borde utlyst strejk samt om de då hade haft rättsligt stöd, gjorde frågan om politisk strejk högaktuell. Denna uppsats utreder de rättsliga ramarna för polDuring the summer of 2019 the Swedish trade unions were requested to announce a strike for the climate crisis. A strike for the climate would have meant a strike for political purposes, and therefore the trade unions abstained. The discussion on whether the trade unions should have announced a strike, and if they would have had the legal right to do so, made the question about political strike in

Idolizing Consumption: An Exploration of the K-pop Albums’ Relevance in a Digital Age

This thesis looks into the rise of the K-pop album, examining how physical CDs retain relevance in a digital age. Concepts of collectability, authenticity and the gaze are explored in relation to these unique products. The relationship between consumer and K-pop ‘idol’ is understood through a semiotic breakdown of visual narratives within the product, in conjunction with the reimagined structure o

Anknytningsteori i praktiken : en intervjustudie med socialarbetare i spädbarnsverksamheter.

The aim of this study is to explore how child welfare social workers interpret Attachment Theory, how it is understood as a treatment tool in practice and what similarities and differences can be identified in those practices. The method chosen for this study was qualitative interviews with four professional child welfare social workers, from three different welfare organizations working with infa

Trigram och torklingar. Om översättning av kulturem och påhittade ord i en kinesisk science fiction-roman

Denna uppsats utgör andra delen av ett magisterarbete vars första del är en översättning av utvalda delar av romanen Santi av Liu Cixin från kinesiska till svenska. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys, i vilken verket som helhet och i synnerhet de översätta delarna avhandlas. På källtext¬analysen följer ett avsnitt med en kort diskussion om de överväganden och ställningstaganden som varit av vi

Robbing the hood : finding solutions for regulating the rental accommodation sector of the for-profit sharing economy in Berlin

The sharing economy is currently widely discussed and politically of great importance, especially in urban areas. After a first rise in public interest due to a potential decrease of consumption, engaged actors are now calling for regulation mechanisms to defend the concept against the co-option by large incumbent firms, who transform the original idea into new economic opportunities. The accommod

No shared vision for the sharing economy? : exploring the transformative potential of the non-profit sharing economy in Southern Sweden

Consumerism contributes to sustainability problems of social fragmentation and environmental degradation. In response to this the sharing economy is a relatively new and rapidly growing phenomenon. While the for-profit sharing economy has received considerable academic attention and critique, there is a lack of research that explores the alternative: the non-profit sharing economy. This paper addr

Confined Purpose - A study of the link between individual and corporate purpose

This study explores the concept of an individual purpose, aiming to give an answer to the question of why we work. By giving an in depth, real life example of a sustainable company, a Swedish coffee roastery, we aim to uncover why it is people work there and how this interacts with the corporate purpose. By conducting a qualitative study of the link between individual and corporate purpose within

Impact of Antibody Activity and Sample Stability on Protein Expression Profiling Using Antibody Microarrays

En viktig del av kroppen immunsystem är antikroppar, ett protein med förmåga att känna igen en specifik struktur på en annan molekyl (antigen). Varje antikropp känner igen ett specifikt antigen och binder hårt till detta när det påträffas. På så sätt märker antikroppar ut exempelvis bakterier så att de kan elimineras av andra delar av immunförsvaret. Antikroppars unika egenskaper har visat sig gå Antibody microarray is a tool used for protein expression profiling that takes advantage of the high specificity of antibodies. The tool has numerous of potential applications, such as detection of disease biomarkers, but also has some potential limitations that must be considered. Variations in antibody activity between different production batches and altered analyte levels in samples due to imp

Refining the orbits of the planets in HD 207832

The star, HD 207832, has two Jupiter-like planets on orbits with poorly constrained eccentricities. The eccentricities are 0.27 +0.22 -0.10 and 0.13$^{+0.18}_{-0.05}$ respectively. Notably, the two sigma error allows eccentricities up to 0.71 for one of the planets. Due to the large error bars, one aim of this project is to refine them. This is done by simulating the system for different initial e

Horan och madonnan : en innehållslig idéanalys av den offentliga debatten kring prostitution och surrogatmödraskap i Sverige

Inrättandet av den så kallade sexköpslagen år 1999 följde på insikten att prostitution är en patriarkal praktik, där män betalar för kvinnors kroppar, och således utgör ett hinder för jämställdhet mellan könen. Detta perspektiv har dock inte intagits i debatten avseende surrogatmödraskap. I en statlig offentlig utredning från 2016, konstaterades det att en kriminalisering inte vore ett effektivt sThe purchasing of sexual services has been criminalized in Sweden since 1999. The decision to only criminalize the buyers and procurers within the sex industry followed upon the identification of prostitution as a societal issue, where patriarchal structures are reproduced through the buying and selling of women’s bodies. In the public debate regarding surrogacy, however, this perspective is not g

Are Pop-Cultural References in Advertising Funny Enough?

The purpose of this research is to extend the theory of humor research and add a new nuance to humor theory. Additionally, the study intends to measure the effect different humorous content types have on ad likability and purchase intention, as well as the relationship between the two. A mixed method approach was applied, conducting focus groups and questionnaires in order to study and understand

Den förnybara framtiden - en rättsekonomisk analys av det svenska elcertifikatsystemet

För att uppnå nationella klimat- och miljömål måste den förnybara elproduktionen i Sverige öka inom de närmaste decennierna. Det svenska elcertifikatsystemet är ett marknadsbaserat finansiellt stödsystem med målet att skapa incitament till en ökad förnybar elproduktion. Uppsatsen syftar till att förmedla en överblick av elcertifikatsystemet som är reglerat genom lagen (2011:1200) om elcertifikat. In order to achieve the national climate and environmental objectives, the renewable energy production in Sweden must increase within the next few decades. The Swedish green certificate system (Sw: elcertifikatsystemet) is a market-based financial support system aimed at creating incentives for increased renewable energy production. The purpose of this thesis is to present an overview of the elect

Hope is not a strategy - A qualitative case study about managerial practices in an Explorative Interactive Coupled Open Innovation Collaboration

Research Questions: within the context of an Explorative Interactive Coupled Open Innovation Collaboration: How can the managerial practices affect the collaboration status leading to collaborative inertia? and How can the concept of goal congruence be understood as an antecedent for collaborative inertia? Methodology: The research was conducted as a qualitative case study of an explorative inter

Miljöinformation i vardagen : representationer av luftföroreningar på den kinesiska mikrobloggsajten Sina Weibo

This study explores how micro-bloggers on the Chinese social media site Sina Weibo have come to represent air pollution. By bringing visual and textual narratives on social media to the forefront, the aim of my study is to highlight an understudied everyday information aspect of pollution – the digital flow of visual and textual representations – which citizens encounter and co-produce in their ev

Comparing patient reported experience measures and patient reported outcome measures after breast cancer surgery for women aged 18-51 years and 52 years and older

Modern healthcare strive for efficiency by implementing fast-track programmes to optimize postoperative recovery. When forming new health care interventions, it is important to consider the patient perspective. Breast cancer patients in Sweden are treated according to a standardized care plan to optimize postoperative recovery. Previous studies indicate that women of different age groups experienc