Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar
Open Access to music research in Sweden – the pros and cons of publishing in university digital archives
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Olika sätt att definiera mognadsgrad - en jämförelse
Alignment Practices Affect Distances in Software Development: A Theory and a Model
Coordinating a software project across distances is challenging. Even without geographical and time zone distances, other distances within a project can cause communication gaps. For example, organisational and cognitive distances between product owners and development-near roles such as developers and testers can lead to weak alignment of the software and the business requirements. Applying good
Utjämningspolitiken - fungerar den?
The Effect of a Massive Wage Push on Income Distribution and Employment. Evidence from the 1920 Eight-Hour Workday Reform in Sweden and Its Aftermath
In 1920, the working day in Swedish industry and services was cut from 10 to 8 hours without wages being cut correspondingly. This change resulted in a dramatic wage push, with real wages increasing by about 50 percent in the years from 1919 to the deflation of 1921–22. This paper studies the consequences of this wage push for real wages, unemployment, profits and investments. Since agriculture wa
eGIS+, Flexible Learning Models within Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Vocational Training
A successful previous project E-GIS (Leonardo da Vinci programme) was implemented during 2002-2006. The objectives were to establish co-operation between European Universities and GIS users and to develop modularised courses intended for flexible learning. Ten partners from six European countries (BU, LT, NO, NL, PT, SE) participated. During the project a study program, 100 % Internet based, corre
Gators trafiktålighet. Kvalitetsbeskrivning av blandtrafiknät. Preliminärrapport
Gendered Attitudes Towards Physical Tending Amongst the Piously Religious of Late Medieval Sweden
Gendered differences concerning intellectual and physical religious expressions in medieval Europe have previously been discussed by several medievalists. It has been suggested that medieval male piety was expressed primarily in practical and intellectual terms within canonical rituals and in verbalized form in prayers and mass. Female piety, on the other hand, is thought to have been expressed in
Risk Management in Outsourced Logistics
Benchmark simulation model No 2 in Matlab-Simulink: towards plant-wide WWTP control strategy evaluation
A Methodology to Control the Microstructure of Plasma Sprayed Coatings
Popular Abstract in Swedish Plasmasprutning är en process för beläggning av tunna skikt av olika material såsom metallegeringar, polymerer och keramer. Användningsområdena är åtskilliga, från titanstekpannor till oxidationskydd och värmeisolerande skikt i JAS planets motor. Plasmasprutnings processen genererar en plasmalåga när en gas, vanligtvis argon, sönderdelas mha elektrisk energi. PlasmalågaThe aim of this thesis is to enhance the overall understanding of the plasma spray process and increase control and reproducibility of the coating properties. This was performed by establishment of relationships between controllable process parameters, in-flight properties of the injected particles (velocity and temperature), and microstructure properties. The relationships were used to establish
Information Society Initiatives in Botswana: An Analysis and Recommendations for Action
The paper deals with various initiatives undertaken, or to be undertaken, by Government of Botswana, and which may be looked upon as "Information Society" initiatives. These initiatives are critically analysed and conclusions are drawn from the authors' analysis. Based on conclusions, the authors make certain recommendations regarding implementation of the initiatives.
Kompetent lera ger stabil grund åt ESS
The Mechanics of Constitutive Modeling
Constitutive modeling is the most intensive research field within solid mechanics. This work offers a comprehensive, parallel treatment of constitutive models and appropriate numerical solution strategies, at a conceptual level and with discussion of specific models for illustration. The exposion of each topic is self-contained and complete with extensive references for further reading. The gener
Berättelsen om den helige Kristoffer i det medeltida Danmarks kalkmåleri
Utgångspunkten för denna behandling av Kristofferbilden är dess mellanställning, mellan representationsbild i Panofskys betydelse och legendserie, dess visande av en handling i en enda bild, och att grtaden av handling i bilden tycks skifta mellan olika perioder. Jag uppfattar handlingen som ett attribut, och söker utforska hur det blivit så, och varför just i detta fall. Eftersom handlingen i sig
Human Beta-microseminoprotein expression, with special reference to gastric mucosa, atrophic corpus gastritis and gastric carcinoids
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning (Popularised summary in Swedish) Beta-microseminoprotein är ett äggviteämne (protein) som först hittades i sädesvätska (seminalplasma). Det är inte känt vad det har för funktion. Man känner i dag inte till någon som har brist på Beta-microseminoprotein eller någon sjukdom som beror på Beta-microseminoprotein. Den genetiska arvsmassan Human Beta-microseminoprotein is a 94 amino acid protein with 10 cysteins present in seminal plasma and on many mucosal surfaces in the body. The function of the protein is unknown. The purpose of this investigation was to study the distribution of Beta-microseminoprotein in the human body, especially in the stomach. The latter was studied under both normal and pathological conditions. A radioimmu