

Din sökning på "*" gav 540027 sökträffar

Absorption efficiency and physical bounds on antennas

The all spectrum absorption efficiency appears in the physical bounds on antennas expressed in the polarizability dyadics. Here, it is shown that this generalized absorption efficiency is close to $1/2$ for small idealized dipole antennas and for antennas with a dominant resonance in their absorption. Also, the usefulness of this parameter is analyzed for estimation of antenna performance. The res

Physical bounds on the partial realized gain

An antenna identity, derived from the forward scattering sum rule, shows that the partial realized gain of an antenna is related to the polarizability of the antenna structure. The partial realized gain contains the mismatch, directivity, efficiency, and polarization properties of the antenna. The antenna identity expresses how the performance depends on the electrical size and shape of the antenn

Indefinite articles and definite forms in Swedish children with specific language impairment

In many languages, children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) show frequent omission of articles. Most articles in these languages are weak monosyllables. In Swedish, indefinite articles are prosodically comparable to articles in other languages, but definiteness is usually expressed through a suffix. We examined the use of articles in Swedish-speaking children with SLI in spontaneous data a

Severe Head Injury. Evaluation of Acute Treatment and Rehabilitation

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling diskuteras förbättringar inom skallskadevården både vad gäller akut behandling och rehabilitering. Bakgrund Svåra traumatiska hjärnskador är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till död eller bestående invaliditet i västvärlden. Trafikskador dominerar, men fall (i samma plan eller från hög höjd), misshandel samt skottskador förekommer även. De två senare Mortality after severe head injury can be considerably reduce with a therapy using physiological principles for brain volume regulation and preserved microcirculation, with the main purpose of restricting the rise in ICP to reasonable levels simultaneously with preservation of adequate blood supply. This study shows that the ?Lund Concept? can reduce mortality in patients with severe traumatic bra

Fable and Lutheranization in 16th and early 17th century Sweden

This paper argues that the Reformation and the adoption of Lutheranism as a state religion had a great and lasting impact on the history of the Aesopic fable in Sweden. During the 16th and early 17th century, it is shown, the genre was explicitly Lutheranized and ascribed vital functions in the process of Lutheran confessionalization within the Swedish national state. In particular, it is demonstr

Modeling Thermal Radiation With Focus on Particle Radiation in Grate Fired Furnaces Combusting MSW or Biomass: A Parametric Study

This parametric study shows that thermal radiation from particles, fly ash and char, can be highly relevant for estimating the radiative heat flux to surfaces in grate fired furnaces, especially to the hot bed. The large effects of particle radiative heat transfer come from cases with municipal solid waste (MSW) as fuel whereas biomass cases have moderate effect on the overall:radiative heat trans

An efficient programmable engine for interpolation of multi-standard video coding

This paper presents an efficient programmable engine that supports diverse interpolation algorithm in different video coding standards, such as H.264/AVC, and the Chinese national standard, AVS. It is a VLIW(very long instruction word) and SIMD(single instruction multiple data) hybrid architecture which could issue four ALU operations and one memory reference or a branch operation in every clock c

Imitatio som pedagogisk princip

Från det vi föds är vi inställda på att lära. Vi iakttar människorna som omger oss och gör som de; vi lär oss tala, samspela, kommunicera. Vi lär genom att imitera. Drivkraften att lära genom efterbildning är något vi använder i retorikundervisningen; våra studenter utvecklar sina egna färdigheter i tal, skrift, läsning och lyssning genom att studera goda exempel och efterbilda dem. Principen kall