

Din sökning på "*" gav 534548 sökträffar

GIS-based multi-criteria analysis framework for geofence planning of dockless bike-sharing

Dockless bike-sharing is growing in many cities around the globe. At the same time issues related to this type of urban mobility such as illegal or improper parking behavior are becoming more frequent. The implementation of parking zones delineated by geofences has been discussed as a possible solution for these issues. This master thesis project aims to develop a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis

Development of chemical kinetic mechanisms for combustion of hydrocarbons with fluorinated compounds

Electric vehicles are becoming more common as one of many solutions to the increasingly serious problem of global warming. This comes with new safety challenges as batteries can upon malfunction or abuse enter thermal runaway and as a result catch fire or explode. The gases released from thermal runaway has been determined experimentally in published studies and have been shown to contain fluorina

Det ska vara snabbt och smidigt

Vi har i vår studie undersökt hur Generation X:s köpbeteende och köpprocess ser ut när de konsumerar via e-handel. Vår forskningsfråga till studien var enligt följande: Hur ser Generation X köpprocess ut när det kommer till e-handel? Vi inleder uppsatsen med en presentation av tidigare forskning om konsumenters köpbeteende och köpprocess samt hur generationsforskning har varit användbart för att s

Protected Areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo: An Effective and Equitable Tool for Forest Conservation?

Tropical rainforests cover large parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In light of recent surges in deforestation in the country, protected areas are a decisive component of the national conservation strategy. Intended to preserve ecosystems, the way in which these areas are organized can have vital implications for people who reside within them through the changes they cause to environmental

Den nya redovisningskonsulten? En studie om digitaliseringens påverkan på redovisningskonsultens yrkesroll och goda redovisningssed

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur redovisningskonsulten upplever förändringar i sin yrkesroll till följd av digitaliseringen, och vilken påverkan digitala instrument har på hur god redovisningssed efterföljs inom redovisningsbranschen. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur intern kontroll av digitala instrument används för att legitimitet och tillförlitlighet i redovisningen uppnås.

External Knowledge in Court - A Qualitative Study Regarding how Swedish Judges Handle and Perceive Specialized Knowledge from Professionals

This study investigates the inner workings of the juridical field when faced with specialized knowledge from professionals, specifically from dog handlers. As such, the study wishes to explore how the Swedish courts understands the law’s division of information providers into witnesses and experts, how information challenges are solved and if other factors may influence how courts handle and perce

The Increased Value in Appealing to Brand Community Members - A Comparison with Regular Customers

Title: The Increased Value in Appealing to Brand Community Members - A Comparison with Regular Customers Date of seminar: June 3rd, 2021 Course: BUSN39 - Degree Project in Global Marketing - Master Level Authors: Klara Dunehav & Okka Mennenga Supervisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Keywords: Brand Communities, Brand Value, Fashion Brands, Qualitative Research Thesis Purpose: Identifying differences i

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Vi ser en förändring i relationen mellan det samtida individualiserade jaget och en ny typ av emotionell marknadsföring. Genom att undersöka det svenska rakhyvel-företaget Estrids Instagramflöde och image tar vi reda på om och hur dessa kan tänkas genomsyras av denna emotionella cool-kapitalism. Med hjälp av teorier grundade i postfeminism, transparens och audience labour utreder vi den roll emoti

Modevarumärkens användning av influencers i marknadsföringssyfte : en fallstudie om NAKD och Nelly.com

Denna uppsats handlar om hur modevarumärken använder sig av influencers för att marknadsföra sig till sina konsumenter på sociala medie kanalen Instagram. För att undersöka detta användes två stycken fast fashion företag, NAKD och Nelly.com. Undersökningen har gjorts under en begränsad tidsperiod och utifrån det material som finns på deras Instagram kanaler används diverse teorier och metoder för

Anpassningsbar och tillgänglig - En kvalitativ studie om studenters upplevelser av konceptet flexibilitet genom deltidsjobb inom detaljhandeln

I denna studie beskrivs och analyseras deltidsanställda universitetsstudenters upplevelser inom den svenska detaljhandeln. Det identifierade forskningsproblemet utgår från förväntningar på anpassningsbarhet och flexibilitet som finns på unga deltidsarbetande och studerande vuxna, samt hur dessa förväntningar hanteras av studenterna. Detta är relevant och av värde att studera för att utveckla empir

Effects of Carbon Functionalization on Hydrogen Oxidation Underneath Graphene Flakes

Effects of carbon functionalization on the catalytic properties of the space underneath epitaxial graphene flakes on Ir(111) are investigated with Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of oxygen hydrogenation. The 0.1 mbar oxygen atmosphere hosting O-intercalated graphene flakes was replaced with hydrogen pulses lasting 50 s each, triggering the water formation. Underneath prisChemical reactions confined to near atomic scales have many hypothesized applications. The demand for ever smaller electronical components with superior electric properties for example requires atoms to group in specific shapes that can only be cast in confined spaces. Biological cells are an example of confined reactions in the nature. Hence, in order to recreate those processes, to develop bette

Smart Cities: A New Path Towards Sustainability. A comparative analysis between smart cities in and outside the Nordic region

More and more people are moving to cities all over the world, to look for better educational or employment opportunities as well as take advantage of social benefits and technological network by the cities. Rapidly increasing urbanisation and climate change are creating new challenges for cities to undertake, which is where many cities turn to implementing the smart city concept. The purpose of th

Establishing the paleodemography of S: t Nicolai High Medieval cemetery - An evaluation study of the Transition Analysis 3 method

Paleodemography is the study of evaluating and reconstructing ancient populations based on the processes of fertility, mortality and migration. In addition, structural variables such as life expectancy, population distribution and population density are included in order to calculate the demography of a given population at a given time. The paleodemographic processes and variables are all dependen

Disarray in the language: A sociolinguistic study of kotoba no midare

The following thesis investigates Japanese native speakers’ attitudes towards linguistic changes and the degree to which they associate it with social aspects and changes on a wider- encompassing spectrum. More specifically, the study looks at the phenomenon commonly known as kotoba no midare (“disarray in the language”), a notion that has long been part of the Japanese public discourse surroundin

Aerotaxy-grown GaAs nanowires using Ga seed particles

Aerotaxy offers an alternative method for the manufacturing of semiconductor nanowires. Instead of seeding growth on an expensive substrate, aerosol seed particles act as the catalyst for the Vapor–Liquid–Solid growth in a hot flow through reactor. This thesis investigates the possibility of self-seeded GaAs nanowires grown from Ga seed particles replacing the regularly employed Au, hence eliminat

“Det här med metoder att bli lyssnad på är nog det vi jobbar på med varje, varje dag” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om metoder för ungdomars delaktighet i den svenska representativa demokratin

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att få förståelse för hur det dubbla syftet med ungdomsråd att både lära ut om demokrati och ge inflytande åt ungdomar bör förstås utifrån syftena som ungdomar har med att vara delaktiga i demokratin. Studien operationaliseras genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex ungdomar mellan 14-16 år från fyra kommunala ungdomsråd i kommuner med olika socioekonomiska förutsättniThe aim of this thesis is to gain an understanding about how the double purpose with youth councils to both teach democracy and to give youth an opportunity for influence ought to be understood based on the purposes that young people have with participating in democracy. The study is operationalised by qualitative interviews with six youths between the ages of 14-16 from four different municipal y

Showrooms: the future of online and offline retailers? - An explorative comparison of showrooms’ value contribution to the customer experience

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate from a consumer perspective, showrooms’ value contribution to the customer experience, and if there are differences in contribution whether the company, opening a showroom, derives from online or offline formats. Methodology: Conducting the study philosophies of epistemology and ontology was regarded, where the social constructionism stance was

The impact of different evapotranspiration models in rainfall runoff modelling using HBV- light

The choice of which potential evapotranspiration (PET) model to use when estimating streamflow using a rainfall-runoff model have been the topic of many studies. The aim with this thesis was to assess the robustness of six different PET models using HBV-light as rainfall-runoff model over three catchments in Sweden. The robustness was evaluated by using a differential split sample test (DSST) base

Accessories for Trimble Geospatial: Transforming the way surveyors work

This report describes the research, conclusions, and result of my Master Degree thesis project in Industrial Design at Lund University. The thesis was completed during the spring semester of 2018. The work was carried out in collaboration with Trimble Geospatial in Danderyd, Sweden. The main purpose of this thesis was to explore the future methods of working with geospatial instruments - s

Det ambivalenta skrattet: en studie om komikens roll för meningsskapande i internetmemes

This thesis uses the humour theories of Michael Bachtin to analyse how meaning is constructed in internet memes, with a focus on the discourse created in online incel forums. The study focuses on iterations of the meme Virgin vs. Chad as an example of how masculinity is negotiated with the help of comedic expression. The dynamics of masculinity is understood through Raewyn Connell’s theoretical fr