

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Internal Crisis Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Association With Work-Related Stress: A Mixed Methods Study

In previous years, the crisis communication literature has increasingly emphasised the need for closer examination of internal crisis communication, thereby focussing on employees during crises. Additionally, so far, no research has been conducted exploring internal crisis communication and its impact on employee well-being. The present study aimed at closing this gap by investigating whether inte

"A Global Concern Through Local Lenses" A Human Rights-Based Approach to Georgia’s Law and Policy Framework on Disaster- and Climate Change-Induced Internal Displacement

Every year, millions of people are internally displaced as a result of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change. Considering that climate change acts as a “threat multiplier”, thus, posing a serious risk to the fundamental rights, such as the rights to life, health, food, an adequate standard of living of individuals and communities worldwide, it is expected that the magnitude of this i

Recombinant Food Proteins Expressed in E. coli as Complement to Plant Proteins in the Protein Shift

Increased awareness regarding nutrition, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare has sparked a trend to shift away from animal proteins. The phenomenon is referred to as the protein shift and has resulted in a higher demand for alternative protein sources. This dissertation aims to study potential opportunities and challenges of using recombinant food proteins expressed in Escherichia col

"Mitt mål är att vara dummast i rummet" - En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer i startups uppfattar sin roll som ledare

Syftet med studien är att nyansera kunskapen om ledarskap i startups genom att undersöka hur chefer i denna kontext uppfattar sin roll som ledare. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Studien är kvalitativ med en socialkonstruktionistisk utgångspunkt och en abduktiv ansats. Studien visade att cheferna belyser arbete för att främja gruppen samt att resultat,

The Effect of No-da on Politeness in Japanese

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the effect the no-da construction has on the politeness of two sentence types: requests and quotations followed by opinion. The purpose is, more specifically, to examine whether claims regarding the effect no-da has on these sentence types, made by Kuno (1973) and McGloin (1980), can be supported or not. The claim regarding requestive sentences, made by bot

Friluftsmänniskor har ryggen fri - En kvalitativ studie om hur konsumenter av friluftskläder förklarar hanteringen av gapet mellan hållbarhetsattityd och konsumentbeteende

Forskningsfråga: Hur förklarar konsumenter hanteringen av gapet mellan hållbarhetsattityd och beteende vid konsumtion av friluftskläder? Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka hur konsumenter förklarar och beskriver diskrepansen mellan hållbarhetsattityden och beteendet vid konsumtion av friluftskläder. Vidare belyses detta utifrån teoretiska ramverk gällande hantering av gapet för att tillförResearch question: How do consumers explain the management of the gap between the attitude towards sustainability and behavior when consuming outdoor clothing? Purpose: The study aims to investigate how consumers explain and describe the discrepancy between the attitude towards sustainability and the behaviour when consuming outdoor clothing. This will be elucidated with theoretical frameworks re

Characterisation of Low-Level Jets and their Influence on Low-Level Clouds over the Baltic Sea; Östergarnsholm Observatory, Sweden

Vindar och moln har stor betydelse för jorden. Vindar är viktiga genom deras påverkan på dagens och framtida väder (och indirekt på prognoser), eftersom de kan transportera varm eller kall luft, fuktig eller torr luft, mellan olika områden och därmed bidra till att väderförhållandena rubbas så fort vindriktningen ändras. Moln är viktiga genom deras påverkan på jordens strålningsbalans. Således är In this study, about two years of data from Östergarnsholm in the Baltic Sea are used to analyse offshore low-level clouds (LLCs) influenced by low-level jets (LLJs) in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. The LLJs are passages of strong horizontal winds near the surface and are measured using a Doppler LiDAR, which provides information about the wind speed and wind direction up to 300 meters. I

The Impact of a Technological Shift on the R&D to Corporate Performance Relationship: A Case Study in the Automotive Industry

Purpose: This paper aims to determine if the relationship between R&D and future firm performance changes once there is a shift in technology. Methodology: Econometric inference, Pooled OLS, hypothesis testing. Empirical foundation: Sample set comprised of companies within the automotive industry between 2001 and 2016. Conclusion: Positive contribution of R&D on future firm performance,

The Volunteer App - Increasing Volunteer Engagement Through User Experience and Behavioral Design

Sweden is one of the countries in Europe with the largest percentage of volunteers in the population. At the same time, challenges in the society are increasing. Events such as the migration crisis 2015, the wildfires 2018 and the Covid-19 pandemic have shown an expanding interest among people to contribute to society. As a private person it can be hard to know where to start when wanting to becom

Suicide Narratives in Contemporary Japanese Newspapers: An Analysis of Media Inventories

Suicide in Japan has long been a debated topic. In recent decades, the focus has turned towards the media and the Werther effect (copycat suicides), which seemed to spark some arguable Moral Panics throughout the 2000s. In the following decade, suicides have subsequently decreased. As a result of this decrease has been a lack of research focusing on the media and suicide in the 2010s. Drawing on n

Young voices from a precarious Japan : A qualitative study on young educated women’s experiences of their life situations and perception of the future in Japan

Recent generations of Japanese youth face a diminished and precarious labour market and are pushed to the anxious margins of the society. Many are feeling less secure about the future and this precarisation is disproportionately affecting women. The social and economic precariousness is being intensified by the Covid-19 pandemic and this change of circumstances affect women to a larger extent. The

Sustainable Development and Income Inequality

Income disparities and planetary boundaries present worldwide threats to social stability and security. An extensive body of literature studies the determinants of income inequality. Generally, economic growth and environmental sustainability are found to have moderating effects on income inequality. Adjusted net savings (ANS) is a composite indicator measuring sustainable development assessin

Evolution and Differentiation of Large Icy Moons

Purpose: In preparation of several future missions with the objective to research the large icy moons of the Solar System, it is necessary to have a cohesive understanding of the conditions that might lead to the formation of liquid oceans in these moons. The purpose of this work is to create a numerical model for simulating the temperature evolution of the cores of large icy moons. Method: AssumiIn the early 17th century when Galileo Galilei first decided to point a telescope at Jupiter, he noticed four faint objects placed around it on the same line. As he spent more and more nights viewing them he realised that instead of moving in the same direction as Jupiter these four objects in fact orbited the planet itself. This proved that it is possible for another body to be the centre of grav

Ett jord(bruks)nära beslut

Att exploatera jordbruksmark är idag en debatterad fråga. Det tar många år för jordbruksmarken att utvecklas och marken är avgörande för Sveriges livsmedelsproduktion. Samtidigt som marken kring våra städer behövs för att bygga nya bostäder och verksamheter. Idag finns det ett skydd i 3 kap. 4 § miljöbalken (MB) för brukningsvärd jordbruksmark mot exploatering som inte är av väsentligt samhällsintExploitation of agricultural land is today a debated issue. It takes many years for agricultural land to develop and the land is important to preserve for food production. However, land in general is also needed for the development of new housing and new businesses. Today agriculture land is protected by Chapter 3, Section 4 of the Swedish Environmental Code. This section protects agricultural lan

The Demography of Climate Change Concern and Willingness to Act. A Multilevel Investigation of Sociodemographic Determinants in Selected European Countries.

The measures to mitigate and adapt to global warming constitute fundamental changes to human- environmental interactions and peoples' deep-rooted habits and lifestyles. However, tools to deal with climate change have varying impacts on groups constituting society, leading to different climate change- related attitudes and behaviors. This thesis examines differences depending on individuals'

Monitoring wetland cover changes during the past two decades within the protected areas of the Sudd wetland in South Sudan using MODIS data

Suddträsket är ett internationellt erkänt våtmarksområde av stor betydelse som ligger beläget längst Vita Nilen i Sydsudan. Våtmarkens unika ekologiska miljöer har lett till skapandet av flera naturskyddsområden för bevarandet av de naturliga habitaten och dess ovärderliga ekosystemtjänster. Tillsyn av skyddsområdena bidrar i allmänhet till deras bevarande. Däremot har de pågående politiska osäkerThe Sudd wetland, situated along the White Nile in the Republic of South Sudan, is recognized internationally for its unique environmental features. The distinctive ecological characteristics have resulted in the creation of numerous nature reserves in efforts to conserve the habitats and ecosystem services provided. Monitoring changes within the nature reserves usually contributes to their protec

Munskydd i kollektivtrafik En rättssociologisk studie om Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendation

Battling the covid-19 pandemic, the Swedish authorities focal point as to reducing the spread of infection has mainly been brought about by the issuing of recommendations. The aim of this study is to examine the compliance of the recommendation issued by The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) regarding the carrying of masks in public transport. The results were explained using t

Food choices: Negotiating identities and feeling at home in the social landscape of sharing a meal

This study highlights the sociocultural aspects of food consumption to analyse how identity, relationships and meaning is created in relation to food and meals. By using qualitative methods, a cultural analytical approach and theoretical perspectives by Sara Ahmed and Pierre Bourdieu, the aim is to create a deeper understanding of the sociocultural aspects of food, how it is consumed and how socia