

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

ELMB microcontroller firmware and scada integration for the LHCb muon detector readout control system

The LHCb system requires high efficiency muon detection into LHC bunch crossing: 95% into a 25 ns time window. To reach such efficiency many parameters of the detector readout apparatus have to be calibrated and adjusted and its channels must be aligned in time. In addition, essential characteristics must be monitored to guarantee a good working condition of the apparatus (to avoid loss of efficie

The muon front-end control electronics of the LHCb experiment

The LHCb muon readout apparatus is made of 1368 Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers (MWPC) and 24 Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) chambers connected to 7632 16-channel front-end boards, resulting in 122.112 channels to be read out. After a pp collision, all the resulting signals must be read within 25 ns, before the next collision. The large-scale of the system and the time constrains naturally led to

The role of the MYD88-dependent pathway in MPTP-induced brain dopaminergic degeneration

BACKGROUND: Mounting evidence supports a significant role of inflammation in Parkinson's disease (PD) pathophysiology, with several inflammatory pathways being suggested as playing a role in the dopaminergic degeneration seen in humans and animal models of the disease. These include tumor necrosis factor, prostaglandins and oxidative-related stress components. However, the role of innate immunity

The critical role of the MyD88-dependent pathway in non-CNS MPTP-mediated toxicity

A growing body of evidence supports a role of inflammation in the loss of central nervous system neurons both to acute and chronic insults, while its contribution to the loss of neurons in the enteric nervous system remains largely uninvestigated. We have addressed this issue by exploring the role of inflammation in dopaminergic (DAergic) myenteric neuronal degeneration secondary to MPTP lesioning

Automatic Creation of Multilingual Semantic Networks from Wikipedia

This paper describes the automatic creation of semantic networks from Wikipedia. Following Lipczak et al. (2014), we constructed the graphs corresponding to the semantic networks by merging across languages the categories manually assigned by the users. This results in a network of related concepts for each entity of Wikipedia. We used these networks as a component of an entity linking system. the

Thyroid function and survival following breast cancer

Background: Thyroid function has been associated with breast cancer risk, and breast cancer cell growth and proliferation. It is not clear whether thyroid function affects prognosis following breast cancer but, if so, this could have an important clinical impact. The present study analysed prospectively collected measurements of free tri-iodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (T4), thyroid-stimulating

Increased Plasma cGMP in a Family With Autosomal Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa Due to Homozygous Mutations in the PDE6A Gene

Purpose: To describe genotype and phenotype in a family with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP) carrying homozygous mutations in the gene for the α-subunit of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-hydrolyzing phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6A). Moreover, to compare their plasma cGMP levels to controls, exploring the possible role for cGMP in RP diagnostics.Methods: Seven siblings and their p

Engaging with The Bridge : cultural citizenship, cross-border identities and audiences as ‘regionauts’

This article explores civic engagement with the Danish/Swedish crime series The Bridge (Danmarks Radio/Sveriges Television 2011–) based on qualitative interviews with 113 audience members, and drawing on the notion of cultural citizenship. The perspective of cultural citizenship, as understood and operationalized mainly by Hermes, is married with critical perspectives on the crime drama genre and

Experimental Uncertainties of the Heat Flux Method for Measuring Burning Velocities

The laminar burning velocity is a fundamental property of combustiblemixtures important for kinetic model validation as well as for practicalapplications. Many efforts are directed towards its accurate determination.The heat flux method is one of the commonly recognized methodsfor measuring laminar burning velocity, however, the information on theaccuracy of the method is scattered in the literatu

Src-like adaptor protein 2 (SLAP2) binds to and inhibits FLT3 signaling

Fms-like tyrosine kinase (FLT3) is a frequently mutated oncogene in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). FLT3 inhibitors display promising results in a clinical setting, but patients relapse after short-term treatment due to the development of resistant disease. Therefore, a better understanding of FLT3 downstream signal transduction pathways will help to identify an alternative target for the treatment

Atomic diffusion and mixing in old stars : VI. The lithium content of M30

Context. The prediction of the Planck-constrained primordial lithium abundance in the Universe is in discordance with the observed Li abundances in warm Population II dwarf and subgiant stars. Among the physically best motivated ideas, it has been suggested that this discrepancy can be alleviated if the stars observed today had undergone photospheric depletion of lithium. Aims. The cause of this d

Efficient computation of the quasi likelihood function for discretely observed diffusion processes

An efficient numerical method for nearly simultaneous computation of all conditional moments needed for quasi maximum likelihood estimation of parameters in discretely observed stochastic differential equations is presented. The method is not restricted to any particular dynamics of the stochastic differential equation and is virtually insensitive to the sampling interval. The key contribution is

Highly coordinated proteome dynamics during reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency

Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is a process whose mechanistic underpinnings are only beginning to emerge. Here, we applied in-depth quantitative proteomics to monitor proteome changes during the course of reprogramming of fibroblasts to iPSCs. We uncover a two-step resetting of the proteome during the first and last 3 days of reprogramming, with multiple functionally related

Modelling nutrient transport from forest ecosystems to surface waters : The model ForSAFE-2D

Skogar tillhandahåller en mångfald av produkter och tjänster som alla är kopplade till vattenresurser. Träd behöver vatten för att växa och samtidigt förändrar träd kvalitén och kvantiteten av avrinningen genom modifiering av vatten- och näringsämneskretsloppet. Förståelsen av samspelet mellan skog och vatten är grundläggande för att kunna utvärdera konsekvenserna av naturlig och antropogen påverkForests provide multiple products and services which are all are linked to water resources. Trees need water to grow and, at the same time, they change the quality and the quantity of runoff by modifying water and nutrient cycling. The understanding of the interactions between forest and water is fundamental to assess the consequences of natural and anthropogenic pressures, such as climate change