

Din sökning på "*" gav 533669 sökträffar

Capturing killer acquisitions in the digital sector: Article 102, EU Merger Control and Commission’s approach

The ‘killer acquisition’ -phenomenon has been a subject of heated discussion for past several years. It usually describes as a situation where the target company, commonly a start-up, is acquired by an incumbent and its innovation products are discontinued. This leads to a loss of both competition and innovation, causing a harm to consumer welfare. Their prevalence is still mostly unknown, but res

Are Ecuador’s social capabilities progressing and developing resilience to shrinking? A regional comparative study, 1970-2020

New research suggests that the key to explaining the development gap might be resilience to shrinking instead of increasing growth rates. Latin America is considered an improving region from the growth rate point of view in development, but not so much from the shrinking perspective. Plus, country case study is needed as the region itself is highly heterogenous. One of the countries that has lagge

Islamic and Conventional Banking Systems in the Middle East and Northern Africa region (2012-2021)

The health of the financial system has vital influence on the economic growth and development of a country. Banking systems are a key component of the financial systems and therefore, the economic importance of banks should never be underestimated. However, it is not just the financial performance of these banks that determines their success in the economic arena but also, their resilience leve

Hamnarna; från stuvare och småskutor till stordrift i infrastrukturnoder

ABSTRACT Strukturförändringar inom industrin i kombination med ny sjöfartsteknologi och utbyggda väg- och järnvägsnät innebar omvälvningar i Sveriges hamnar. Under andra hälften av nittonhundratalet skedde stora förändringar i många av kusthamnarna, såväl volymmässigt som lokaliseringsmässigt och organisatoriskt. I denna studie dras paralleller kring hur hamnrörelsen utvecklades i tre skilda regio

The relationship between the three dimensions of sustainable development

Sustainable development is a widely discussed concept, and it is needed because the world is facing a massive global challenge of climate change. Sustainable development is envisioned as an all-inclusive concept of three dimensions; environment, economy, and society. However, there are trade-offs between these three dimensions. Thereby, there is a need for an enhanced understanding of the relation

Can you trust the process? A study about the relationship between governance structures and management control in Swedish municipalities

Title: Can you trust the process? A study about the relationship between management control and governance structures in Swedish municipalities Seminar date: 1st of June, 2022. Course: BUSN79, Degree project in Accounting and Finance, Master level, 15 ECTS Authors: Madeleine Axelsson and Victor Hedman Supervisor: Johan Dergård Keywords: Governance in public sector, New public management, Post-new

Balancing Dual Logics for a Greener Future - A qualitative study on a sustainable social venture

The significant rise of environmental problems attracts entrepreneurs that are willing to take action towards a greener transition. Sustainability-driven entrepreneurs are continuously reshaping the business landscape. However, ventures that aim to combine both profit and sustainability goals often face the risk of mission drifts. This jeopardizes their reason for existing in the first place. Ther

The Instant Need to Shop

Abstract Title: The Instant need to shop - A qualitative study mapping out retailers perception of instant shopping Course: SMMM40, Service Management: Master’s (Two Years) Thesis (Spring 2022) Authors: Louise Borg & Siri Lindgren Supervisor: Devrim Umut Aslan Date of submission: 2022-05-17 Key words: Instant shopping, Instagram, technology adaptation, retailer-consumer encounter, digital

Social Policy Assessment of the Gendered Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers in Argentina on Female Beneficiaries: A critical analysis of empowerment and emancipation.

Conditional cash transfers are a popular social policy across Latin America. Often focused on investments in early childhood education and care, the social policy requires conditionalities such as educational attainment and healthcare to achieve human capital development. In the short-run the severity of poverty will be reduced by the immediate relief provided by transfers, whereas the conditional

Exploring Reward Alternatives to Money - Non-monetary rewards and employee engagement in the online travel market

Title: Exploring Reward Alternatives to Money - Non-monetary rewards and employee engagement in the online travel market Subject: MGTN59, Degree project - Management Challenges Authors: Eirini Argyrouli and Theodora Saade Advisor: Rikard Larsson Keywords: Non-monetary rewards, Engagement, Travel Industry, Career Model, Career Motives, Career Awareness, Online travel Market, Employee Engagement

Shapes - Next Generation IoT sensors

Denna uppsats är baserad på ett projekt inom produktutveckling av nästa generations IoT-sensorer för företaget Sensative AB. Projektet tar vid där ett pilotprojekt, färdigställt i januari 2022, slutade, vid samma företag och av samma författare. Projektet fokuserar på att solidifiera och utveckla den design som gjordes i pilotprojektet, samt att utforska nya designidéer för ytterligare trådlösa seThis Master Thesis is based on a project in the product development of the next generation of IoT-sensors for the company Sensative AB. The project commences where a pilot study, finished in January 2022, concludes at the same company by the same author. The project focuses on solidifying and developing the design made in the pilot study, as well as exploring new design ideas for additional wirele

The role of economic actors in the Colombian armed conflict

This thesis assesses the role of two economic actors in the Colombian armed conflict: a multinational company in the agricultural sector and artisanal and small-scale miners in the extractive sector during one of the worst episodes of violence in the Urabá region of Colombia (1990 – 2003). The document combines an analysis of particular business characteristics and a description of the historical

A Manager’s Role in the Return-to-Work process of a Burnt-out Employee

This study aims to contribute knowledge to the needs of managers in support of the return-to-work process of a burnt-out employee. This study explores managers’ perspectives on the organisational factors that they experience, how these factors affect them in the return to work process for a burnt out employee, and how these factors affect their feeling of being supported by their organisations and

Åtgärdsprogram inom vattenförvaltning: Förutsättningar för utveckling av en lokalt anpassad förvaltningsplan för Vombsjön

Vombsjön är en sjö belägen I sydvästra Skåne som fyller en viktig roll som dricksvattenreservoar. Sjöns avrinningsområde består till ca 70% av jordbruksmark vilket har medfört långvarig påverkan på vattenkvaliteten från lokalt näringsläckage. I dagsläget finns ingen lokalt anpassad förvaltningsplan för Vombsjön utan den förvaltas utifrån den regionala förvaltningsplan som gäller för hela SödrLake Vomb is situated in the southwest of Skåne, Sweden, and is important due to its role as drinking water reservoir. The lake is situated in highly cultivated farmland and is highly influenced by nutrient rich run-off water. There is no locally adapted water management plan for lake Vomb and the lake is currently managed under a regional water management plan which covers the entire Southern B

Vokalfält och formantfrekvenser hos barn med svenska som modersmål i årskurs 3, 4 och 5

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka formantfrekvenser F1 och F2 i svenskans nio långa vokaler /ɑː, ɛː, uː, oː, iː, eː, øː, yː, ʉː/ samt avstånd mellan vokaler /i, ɛ, ɑ, u/ i vokalfält hos barn med typisk talspråksutveckling som hade svenska som modersmål i årskurs 3, 4 och 5. Normaldata för F1 och F2 är relevant då flera kliniska grupper har rapporterats avvika för dessa akustiska mått. Metod:Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine formant frequencies F1 and F2 for the nine long vowels in Swedish /ɑː, ɛː, uː, oː, iː, eː, øː, yː, ʉː/ and the distance between vowels /i, ɛ, ɑ, u/ in the vowel space of children with typical speech development who had Swedish as a first language, in grades 3, 4 and 5. Norm data for F1 and F2 are relevant since several clinical groups have been reporte

Simulating UAV Flight in Augmented Reality

Vi presenterar en simulator-applikation där användarna kan lära sig att flyga drönare. Tack vare en innovativ användning av augmented reality (AR) skapas en verklighetstrogen flygupplevelse. De första flygsimulatorerna började dyka upp i början av 1900-talet och har sedan dess utvecklats till en central del av nästan all flygutbildning. Modern teknologi gör att simulatorerna kan utformas på ett sThis thesis describes the design and development of a UAV simulator application prototype, which uses augmented reality technology and runs on a tablet device. The purpose of the application is to act as a complementary educational tool for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pilots in training. The field of commercial unmanned aviation is rapidly growing, and with it the need for structured and standar

Challenges for adoption of Data Democratization: A study of users’ perception of BI usage

This research investigates the subject of Data Democratization (DD), the effect it has on fact-based decision-making, and how users perceive this within the organization. DD is a fairly new initiative, empowering more employees with increased access to data to improve their use of it and to a greater extent be able to make decisions based on data. The idea for this paper originated from the lack o

Bias in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Systems: Analyzing the risks and contributors from a data perspective

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing to take over decision making in different industries, the threat that comes with the use of these systems is also increasing. One major threat is the risk of these systems acting biased, causing discrimination to parts of the population. To tackle the risk of AI systems acting biased it is important to understand how these biases originate in the firs

Doing the Doughnut: Exploring how Swedish multinationals develop sustainable innovations to drive transformation

This qualitative study explores whether sustainable innovation by multinational enterprises (MNEs) can lead to the transformation of existing regimes through the lens of innovation theory and doughnut economics. The study proposes a conceptual framework to evaluate the practices of businesses and the findings chart how sustainable innovation occurs within two multinational enterprises. Overall, th

The Individualised Swedish Pension System: A qualitative study on foreign-born women's retirement planning

The Swedish pension reform in the 1990s introduced several individualistic features and a debate has emerged on the implications of the structure and if policymakers behind the reform had unrealistic assumptions on economic behaviour. Given the potential negative implications of the current structure and the projections on how foreign-born women is at risk of receiving future low pensions, a quali