Din sökning på "*" gav 533081 sökträffar
Konkurrenslagstiftning och bostadspolitik : En studie av den svenska hyresregleringens förhållande till EG:s och Sveriges konkurrensrätt
Experimental Investigation of Laminar Flame Speeds for Medium Calorific Gas with Various Amounts of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide Content at Gas Turbine Temperatures
It is expected that, in the future, gas turbines will be operated on gaseous fuels currently unutilized. The ability to predict the range of feasible fuels, and the extent to which existing turbines must be modified to accommodate these fuels, rests on the nature of these fuels in the combustion environment. Understanding the combustion behavior is aided by investigation of syngases of similar com
Regulation of Polyamine Analogue-Induced Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells
Popular Abstract in Swedish En av tio kvinnor utvecklar bröstcancer någon gång under sin livstid, vilket innebär att bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancertypen hos kvinnor idag. De vanligaste behandlingarna av bröstcancer är kirurgi, radioterapi, kemoterapi, hormonterapi och immunoterapi. Nackdelen med dessa behandlingsmetoder är att de flesta av dem ger allvarliga bieffekter hos patienten. Därför Apoptosis is a defined process for cells to commit suicide through a set of biochemical and morphological cell changes. Activated apoptotic signals converge on the mitochondria, leading to permeabilization of mitochondrial membranes and release of different apoptosis regulatory proteins into the cytosol. With my studies I wanted to investigate the importance of polyamines in the regulation of apop
Management of suspected anastomotic leak after bariatric laparoscopic Roux-en-y gastric bypass
Background Anastomotic leak is one of the most serious complications following bariatric laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB), and associated with high morbidity rates and prolonged hospital stay. Timely management is of utmost importance for the clinical outcome. This study evaluated the approach to suspected leakage in a high-volume bariatric surgery unit. Methods All consecutive
Recoil-alpha-fission and Recoil-alpha-alpha-fission Chains Stemming from Element 115
Exile of the Imaginary. Politics / Aesthetics / Love
Studies on the association between 2'5'-oligoadenylate synthetase and type 1 diabetes.
A realist conceptualization for studying information system development methodology
It is tempting to assume that Information Systems Development Methodology (ISDM) is clearly understood because it has attracted researchers across a range of research fields offering a rich set of descriptions and explanations of ISDM. Although there are considerable studies on ISDM, this paper argues that different disciplinary interests have resulted in fragmented assessments. Consequently, this
Erinringens ljus: En läsning av Walter Benjamins prosastycke "Winterabend"
‘Pirates’ in EU’s (Semi)Peripheries: A Comparative Case Study on the Perceptions of Poles and Greeks on Digital File-sharing
Membrane emulsification modelling: how can we get from characterisation to design?
There has been an increasing interest in a new technique for making emulsions known as membrane emulsification, which uses a microporous membrane operated in cross-flow. The continuous phase is pumped along the membrane and sweeps away dispersed phase droplets forming from pore openings as shown in Fig. 1. The effects ofprocess parameters in membrane emulsification have been studied, especially on
Metabolic and respiratory demands in firefighting - implications for protective equipment
Rock för ett hus - en komparativ undersökning av tillkomsten av musikhus i Malmö och Lund under 1980-talet
The Lombards in the Early Carolingian Epoch
The Three Missions of Universities: A Synthesis of UniDev Project Findings
Photobiology — The science of light and life
Photobiology -- the science of light and life -- begins with basic principles and the physics of light and continues with general photobiological research methods, such as generation of light, measurement of light, and action spectroscopy. In an interdisciplinary way, it then treats how organisms tune their pigments and structures to the wavelength components of light, and how light is registered
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Man vill ju kunna försörja sig själv : en studie om försörjningsproblematik och arbetslöshet bland unga vuxna i Malmö
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