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Deformation dependence of magnetic dipole strength below 4 MeV in doubly even rare earth nuclei

We show: (1) In the presence of the pair correlation the M1 transition strength calculated in the deformed oscillator model has a dependence on the quadrupole deformation parameter δ which is considerably stronger than linear and, in fact, it varies quadratically with δ in the limit of small deformation; (2) The deformation dependence in samarium isotopes calculated using the quasiparticle random

Introduction : Images in the Making

In the book’s introductory chapter long-held assumptions concerning archaeological art and images are addressed and challenged, particularly representationalism, and new ways to approach and understand them are offered. Specifically, it is argued that art and images continuously emerge in processes of making and engagement, both in the past and in the present. Hence, art and images are always in m

Parental Leave Reforms in South Korea, 1995–2021: Policy Translation and Institutional Legacies

This article aims to explore how policy translation and institutional legacies have shaped South Korean parental leave policies between 1995 and 2021. It draws on a document analysis of central political documents and interviews with a number of key policy actors in South Korea. The findings show that reforms of parental leave policies were implemented according to four major rationales: maternityThis article aims to explore how policy translation and institutional legacies have shaped South Korean parental leave policies between 1995 and 2021. It draws on a document analysis of central political documents and interviews with a number of key policy actors in South Korea. The findings show that reforms of parental leave policies were implemented according to four major rationales: maternity

Predicting Turns in Proteins with a Unified Model

Motivation: Turns are a critical element of the structure of a protein; turns play a crucial role in loops, folds, and interactions. Current prediction methods are well developed for the prediction of individual turn types, including α-turn, β-turn, and γ-turn, etc. However, for further protein structure and function prediction it is necessary to develop a uniform model that can accurately predict

Predictors of loss to follow-up among adult tuberculosis patients in Southern Ethiopia : a retrospective follow-up study.

BackgroundLoss to follow-up (LTFU) from tuberculosis (TB) treatment and care is a major public health problem as patients can be infectious and also may develop a multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). The study aimed to assess whether LTFU differs by the distance TB patients travelled to receive care from the nearest health facility.MethodsA total of 402 patient cards of TB patients who received care

Mitigating Product and Packaging Damage in the Supply Chain

I en alltmer instabil global ekonomi är kostnadseffektivitet och eliminering av onödiga utgifter avgörande för överlevnad inom företagsvärlden. Förpackning och transport av produkter är potentiella områden för sådana utgifter och kan utgöra en betydande brist i den moderna försörjningskedjan. Denna rapport syftar till att ge en nyanserad förståelse för utmaningarna med att bedriva verksamhet över Amid an increasingly unstable global economy, cost-efficiency and elimination of unnecessary expenses are critical for survival in the corporate world. The packaging and transportation of products present potential areas for such expenses and can constitute a significant flaw in the modern supply chain. This report seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of the challenges involved in conducting b

Quantitative neuroimaging measures of myelin in the healthy brain and in multiple sclerosis

Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques have been developed as imaging biomarkers, aiming to improve the specificity of MRI to underlying pathology compared to conventional weighted MRI. For assessing the integrity of white matter (WM), myelin, in particular, several techniques have been proposed and investigated individually. However, comparisons between these methods are lacking

Antenna Arrays for Dual-Frequency Harmonic Radar Application

The aim of this thesis is to design two patch antenna arrays for dual-frequency harmonic radar application, one for the transmitter and the other for the receiver. The arrays are used to track the Bogong moth that migrates from the countryside to the Australian Alps during spring. The tracking is done at the radar by operating the transmitter at one frequency and the receiver at twice the frequenc

Response to dietary l-glutamine supplementation in weaned piglets : A serum metabolomic comparison and hepatic metabolic regulation analysis

A novel metabolomic method based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was applied to investigate serum metabolites in response to dietary Gln supplementation in piglets. Sixteen, 21-d-old pigs were weaned and assigned randomly to 2 isonitrogenous diets: 1) Gln diet, which contained 1% L-Gln (as-fed basis), and 2) control diet, which contained LAla to make this diet isonitrogenous with the Gln d

The Storage Location Assignment Problem An optimized simulated annealing algorithm - solving the storage location assignment problem with correlated batched orders

The main topic of this thesis is the storage location assignment problem, which can also be seen as a traveling salesman problem. The objective is to find the shortest path between items to be picked at a medium-sized warehouse. Orders come in batches consisting of items that will be assembled in-house. Therefore, it is essential to pick up all the items contained in the batch before they are drop

Förorter, utsatta områden och brottslighet

Sedan 2014 har polismyndigheten arbetat med att kartlägga diverse områden och hur de påverkas av den lokala brottsligheten. De områden som är mest drabbade kallar de för utsatta områden.Since 2014, the police authority has worked to map various areas and how they are affected by local crime. The areas that are most affected are called vulnerable areas.

Nedslagskratrars inverkan på Mars yt-datering. En undersökning av Mars främsta yt-dateringsmetod: ”Crater Counting”

Många aspekter av Mars geologiska historia förblir gåtfulla, men för att öka vår kunskap om Mars historia är yt-datering metoder väsentliga. Utöver användningen av yt-morfologins relativa åldrar är den vanligaste dateringsmetoden på Mars kraterräkning. Kraterräkning använder SFD “size frequency distrubution” frekvensen av primära kraterstorlekar inom en area för att beräkna ytans ålder. Men även mMany aspects of Mars’s geological history remain enigmatic, in order to increase our knowledge of Mars’s geological history, methods for surface dating are very important. Next to the use of surface morphology superpositions, the most common surface dating method is referred to as crater counting. Crater counting uses the SFD size frequency distribution of primary crater within an area to calculat

ABC om Hyperkalemi

Hyperkalemia is a relatively common electrolyte abnormality that in serious cases can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias. There are a number of factors that can contribute to hyperkalemia, and in most cases some level of kidney failure is present. The management of hyperkalemia depends on the underlying cause and the level of potassium. This paper briefly examines the pathophysiological mechanis

Measurement report : Black carbon properties and concentrations in southern Sweden urban and rural air-the importance of long-range transport

Soot, or black carbon (BC), aerosol is a major climate forcer with severe health effects. The impacts depend strongly on particle number concentration, size and mixing state. This work reports on two field campaigns at nearby urban and rural sites, 65gkm apart, in southern Sweden during late summer 2018. BC was measured using a single-particle soot photometer (SP2) and Aethalometers (AE33). Differ

Should end-users take their clothes off inside on a cold winters’ day? Actor perceptions of sociotechnical change processes and regime stress: The case of district heating in Denmark

This extended case study research explores regime-level actor experiences of niche and landscape-level pressures on the regime via the empirical case of the Danish district heating (DH) sector. The paper focusses on foundational cultural-cognitive and normative institutions among DH sector professionals, regime-level actors at the centre of the sociotechnical change processes. The staged process o

A closed-loop design for scalable high-order consensus

This paper studies the problem of coordinating a group of nth-order integrator systems. As for the well-studied conventional consensus problem, we consider linear and distributed control with only local and relative measurements. We propose a closed-loop dynamic that we call serial consensus and prove it achieves nth order consensus regardless of model order and underlying network graph. This alle