

Din sökning på "*" gav 532376 sökträffar

Precision medicine in complex diseases - : Molecular subgrouping for improved prediction and treatment stratification

Complex diseases are caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors and comprise common noncommunicable diseases, including allergies, cardiovascular disease, and psychiatric and metabolic disorders. More than 25% of Europeans suffer from a complex disease, and together these diseases account for 70% of all deaths. The use of genomic, molecular, or imaging data to develop

Hope against Hope: Changing Emotions in the Burundian Crisis

Through the lens of Burundians who have been displaced by the recent crisis in Burundi and their anticipations of possible futures for themselves and their country, expressed in the emotions of hope, anxiety and despair, this paper explores the shift from a situation characterized by upheaval towards the crystallization of authoritarian rule in Burundi. Through ethnographic research amongst Burund

Using an improved approach to investigate peatland carbon dynamics at different temporal scales across the pan-Arctic

The majority of northern peatlands were initiated during the Holocene around8,000 to 12,000 years ago. Owing to their mass imbalance, they have sequestered huge amounts of organic carbon in the terrestrial ecosystem. The distribution of soil organic carbon is widespread and uneven across the pan-Arctic (45-75ºN latitude).Recent syntheses have filled some existing gaps, however, the extent and remo

Ekologisk kompensation som verktyg i miljömålsarbetet : Syntes från en forskningssatsning

Denna rapport utgör en syntes av de sju projekt som finansierades inomNaturvårdsverkets och Havs- och vattenmyndighetens forskningssatsning inomområdet ekologisk kompensation som pågick 2018–2021. Syntesprojektet har utgått dels från slutrapporterna från de enskilda projekten, dels från myndigheternas uttryckta önskemål om belysning av vissa specifika aspekter inom tillämpningen av ekologisk kompeThis report represents a synthesis of seven ”environmental compensation1” research projects funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management between 2018 and 2021. This synthesis has been built upon the final reports of each individual research project, as well as comments provided by the two funding agencies that emphasized specific aspects

Driven Out

This article is a commentary on Saskia Sassen's recent book, 'Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy'. in the Book Forum, Sassen responds to this commentary together with two others.

Inter-Vendor Reproducibility of Myelin Water Imaging Using a 3D Gradient and Spin Echo Sequence

Myelin water imaging can be achieved using multicomponent T2 relaxation analysis to quantify in vivo measurement of myelin content, termed the myelin water fraction (MWF). Therefore, myelin water imaging can be a valuable tool to better understand the underlying white matter pathology in demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. To apply myelin water imaging in multisite studies and clin

Spatially Guided and Single Cell Tools to Map the Microenvironment in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma

Mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sézary syndrome (SS) are two closely related clinical variants of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL). Previously demonstrated large patient-to-patient and intra-patient disease heterogeneity underpins the importance of personalized medicine in CTCL. Advanced stages of CTCL are characterized by dismal prognosis, and the early identification of patients who will progress re

Consumers’ willingness to disclose their personal data in e-commerce: A reciprocity-based social exchange perspective

While personal data is invaluable to firms, the drivers of e-commerce customers' willingness to disclose their personal data remain tenuous. Using social exchange theory, we develop a model that explores the impact of consumers' perceived benefit, and relative power, on store trust, in turn driving their willingness to disclose their personal data. We collected our empirical data using a represent

Naturmiljöer och Vandringsleder för Alla - Framtagandet av en universellt utformad vandringsapplikation

Ungefär en tredjedel av Sveriges befolkning är friluftsaktiva i skog- och mark minst en gång i veckan. Detta intresse ökar för varje år, och under Covid-19-pandemin nådde andelen friluftsintresserade nya höjder där femtio procent av Sveriges totala befolkning aktivt deltog i utomhusaktiviteter. Men, även fast intresse för utemiljöer och naturupplevelser finns, har alla inte samma möjlighet att ta About a third of Sweden's population is active outdoors in forests and fields at least once a week. This interest increases every year, and during the Covid-19 pandemic the percentage of people interested in the outdoors reached new heights where fifty percent of Sweden's total population actively participated in outdoor activities. But, even if there is a strong interest in outdoor enviro

Form-factor of low-lying Kπ=1+ excitations in rare-earth nuclei

The differential cross section of inelastic electron scattering for the low-lying “collective” Kπ=1+ excitations in rare-earth nuclei is calculated in DWBA by using microscopically calculated transition-densities. In the region of low-momentum transfer (q⪅0.5 fm-1) in which experimental data are available the shape of calcualted cross sections is almost the same for all nuclei and is slightly but

Korttidsprognoser av Kalixälvens vattenflöde

The Kalix River, located in the northern part of Sweden, experiences a slowdown in water flow during cold winters. However, in spring, when snow and ice melt in the mountains, the water flow starts to increase. Towards the end of spring, there is usually a rapid and unpredictable surge in water flow known as the spring flood. The arrival of the spring flood is stochastic in time and does not occur

What is the process of Personal Growth? Introducing the Personal Growth Process Model

Personal growth as a process remains vaguely understood. We introduce the Personal Growth Process (PGP) model based on Carl Rogers’s organismic valuing process (OVP). The PGP model explains personal growth as a sociocognitive embodied process whereby an individual undergoes multiple mental shifts that make up an ongoing, fluctuating process over the long term, starting from a place of psychologica