

Din sökning på "*" gav 534391 sökträffar

"Disruptive Technologies – Mobile Internet & Mobile Application market in China"

Abstract: This paper tried to investigate the internet, in particular mobile internet and mobile application economy in China through theories like catching up, disruptive technologies and leapfrogging concept. The unique development of mobile internet and mobile application economy in China facilitate the motivation to investigate the fundamental characteristics and stories behind mobile app mark

Vägen till medling

Med direktiv 2008/52 EG avser kommissionen främja uppgörelser om tvister i godo, särskilt genom medling. Direktivet kräver att medlemsstaterna ger domstolarna befogenhet att föreslå parterna i målet att denna metod används, dock utan att tvinga dem att använda den. I Sverige har detta direktiv implementerats genom Lag (2011:860) om medling i vissa privaträttsliga tvister. Uppsatsen ger en förklaThrough Directive 2008/52/EC the European Union intends to encourage amicable dispute resolution, particularly through the use of mediation The Directive requires the Member States to authorise the courts to suggest the use of this method to the litigants, without, however, compelling them to use it. In Sweden, this directive was implemented through Lag (2011:860) om medling i vissa privaträttslig

Chinese Investments in Africa’s SME Sector: a case study of Zambia

This paper investigates Chinese investments in Africa’s SME sector through a case study of Zambia. It analyses this growing trend by looking at the nature and effects of Chinese investments in the SME sector and their potential for fostering new knowledge that can lead to increased entrepreneurial activity and ultimate economic growth. It is a contribution to the empirical and theoretical understa

Water quality in the Apac, Mbale & Lira districts, Uganda : a field study evaluating problems and suitable solutions

Safe water is a widespread problem in developing countries. In 2004 The United Nations formed the Lake Victoria Region Water and Sanitation Initiative, which focuses on increasing the water quality and basic sanitation in both rural- and urban areas. The government of Uganda is a part of the initiative, since the quality of the drinking water in the country persists to be a widespread problem. In

Analysis of the Determinants of the Fertility Decline in Southern Africa

Abstract: Southern Africa has already since the onset of the fertility transition recorded levels that are remarkably low in comparison with the other sub-Saharan regions. Theories suggest that socioeconomic development can explain a lot of the inter-regional fertility variations. Despite clear indications of higher socioeconomic development there are also question marks attached to the severe AID

Corporate Heritage Brands and Co-Creation - A Case Study on The Royal Danish Theatre

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to a further understanding of how managers of heritage brands within the arts and cultural sector can embrace co-creation activities to engage with and attract a broader segment of the market. Methodology: The Royal Danish Theatre serves as a single-case study. It is drawn on data that was generated using a qualitative research approach.

Med stereotypen som utgångspunkt: en studie om knivlagens tillämpningsproblematik

A knife is a tool which is used for both in- and outdoor purposes. Although wearing a knife in public areas is criminalized by Swedish law, the regulation includes several reservations about dispensations of judgement if the wearing is considered to be legitimated. The purpose of this study is to investigate and discuss the potential difficulties with the legal practice of the prohibition of knife

Look-up table based Monte Carlo inverse model as a tool to discover liver tumors

Cancer i olika sorters vävnad är allt vanligare i det moderna samhället. Beroende på var i kroppen tumörerna sitter kan de diagnostiseras med olika metoder. För att kunna diagnostisera tumörer i levervävnad krävs biopsier, vilket innebär att en bit av vävnaden med en misstänkt tumör plockas ut och genomgår olika pateologiska undersökningar. Biopsier kan dessvärre ge oönskade bieffekter eftersom enDiffuse reflectance spectroscopy is a method that allows investigation of the chromophore composition of tissue. The objective is to explore if the composition can be used to determine whether the tissue is healthy or not. The measured diffuse reflectance is often modelled by a diffusion model. However, the diffusion model has some shortcomings, and therefore this project uses a Monte Carlo model

Kapitalstruktur vid börsintroduktion för bolag med eller utan riskkapitalägare

Abstract Title: Capital structure at IPO for corporations with or without private equity owners Seminar date: 4th June 2015 Course: FEKH89, Degree project Undergraduate level, corporate finance, 15 HP Authors: Carl-Johan Molin, Philip Karlsson, Viktor Hedström & Truls Törnqvist Advisor: Håkan Jankensgård Key words: Private equity, capital structure, IPO, debt level, financing Purpose: The purp

Take (c)over, fienden anfaller

Syfte: Att beskriva och analysera reaktiva försvarsstrategiers effektivitet och förekomst vid fientliga bud i Sverige år 2003-2014. Metod: Metoden utgår från uppsatsens syfte med en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod. Data som behandlas har hämtats från NASDAQ Stockholms hemsida samt Mediearkivet. Datan bearbetas vidare i Excel och statistikprogrammet SPSS där binära logistiska regressioner

Generation Y - modemedveten eller miljömedveten?

Titel: Generation Y - modemedveten eller miljömedveten? Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04 Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Emma Håkansson, Nicole Johansson & Karin Mohlin Handledare: Magnus Lagnevik Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka ett urval av Generation Y vid Lunds Universitet utifrån ABC-modellen för att utläsa dTitle: Generation Y - Fashion conscious or environmentally aware? Seminar date: 2015-06-04 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (ECTS) Authors: Emma Håkansson, Nicole Johansson & Karin Mohlin Advisor/s: Magnus Lagnevik Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine a sample of Generation Y at Lund Uni

Påbyggnad av miljonprogrammets flervåningshus ur ett bärförmågeperspektiv

Under miljonprogrammet byggdes ungefär 100 000 lägenheter per år. Drygt 600 000 av dessa lägenheter är idag i akut behov av en upprustning för att kunna återställas till en rimlig boendestandard. Parallellt med en upprustning kan nya lägenheter byggas på dessa hus för att bidra till fler bostäder utan att bygga längre ut från stadskärnan. Det var vanligt att stommarna i bostadshusen byggdes med be

Spelets baksida - En kvalitativ studie om anhöriga till hasardspelare

Sweden is one of the countries where gambling is classified as a public health problem in the community. Gambling addiction did not only have a negative impact on the gambler, but also the relatives around the gambler faced various negative consequences such as mental and physical ill health. Based on the issues, the purpose of this paper has been by the qualitative interviews conducted to gain a

Hållbar varumärkesutvidgning för premiumvarumärken i klädbranschen - En kvantitativ studie om kläduthyrning och varumärkesutvidgningens effekt på varumärkeskapital

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken effekt ett hållbarhetsinitiativ i form kläduthyrning kan få på varumärkeskapitalet och därmed bidra kvantitativt till forskning inom varumärkesutvidgning. Metod: För att utföra undersökningen har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ metod. Utifrån ett deduktivt angreppssätt har hypoteser formulerats för att sedan bekräftas eller revideras efter e

Additive Manufacturing for Tetra Pak Parts Supply Chain

Businesses today need to recognize that they have to be fast at realizing and exploiting new competitive advantages before the opportunity is lost. Instead of the traditional focus on price and quality, there is a shift towards the delivery of value to customers. This is strongly connected to the reduction of downtime of production and high reliability. Here the spare parts supply chain plays an i

Parental Leave and Women's Career Opportunities: a comparative study of Sweden and Japan

This study aims to compare the different welfare provisions in the form of parental leave benefits and entitlements, and their effect on FLFP in Sweden and Japan. Evidence of a welfare based glass ceiling in the case of Sweden, and a glass ceiling, based on the lack of family welfare in Japan, is found. However Swedish women’s position on the labor market is stronger, when compared to Japanese wom

Feasibility of a low-cost weather sensor network for agricultural purposes : a preliminary assessment

This study has focused on challenges encountered when setting up a weather-network for agricultural purposes (e.g. linking temperature to the suitability of crops and pest incidence) with only low-cost sensors and materials. The study included a set of experiments in a meteorological station and a one-month period of observations in a large coffee plantation with a complex terrain in Costa Rica. T

To Europe and Back Again: A Study of the Legality of Readmissions to Georgia

Examensarbetet besvarar frågan om överföringar av asylsökande till Georgien som ännu inte fått sina asylskäl utförligt utredda skulle utsätta dem för en verklig risk för omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling och därmed vara oförenliga med Europakonventionens artikel 3. Asylrätten bygger på bedömningar av individuella asylskäl. I examensarbetet studeras därför problem i Georgien som är generella nThis graduate thesis examines if readmitting asylum seekers from EU member states to Georgia without first thoroughly assessing their claims would be illegal on the grounds that it would expose them to a real risk of ill-treatment contrary to Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The basis of asylum law is protection based on individual grounds. This graduate thesis therefore studi