

Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar

Labour Productivity in the Building Industry – Studies of Uganda

Research has been pointing out that productivity in the building industry is stagnant and in some cases declining. Poor productivity of craftsmen is one of the causes of cost and time overruns on building projects. Productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries where most of the building work is still carried out on manual basis. The objective of this research

På okänt cancervatten

Att drabbas av cancer blir en påminnelse och ett hot om livets slut. Det finns då ett behov av att navigera i en fragmenterad och okänd livssituation. På okänt cancervatten är en studie baserad på 19 cancerpatienters berättelser om sina vardagsliv. Syftet med studien är att genom öppna intervjuer lyssna och iaktta vad informanterna ansåg viktigt i sina liv. Att förstå och finna mönster i hur de ha

Assessing the Inventiveness of Bio-Pharmaceuticals under European and US Patent Law - A comparative study with special emphasis on DNA- and protein-related inventions

“The implications and applications of biotechnology continue to be at the centre of public debate. In the light of rapid scientific advances and novel insights, the multi-faceted discussions are particularly fierce with regard to patents on DNA–related technology. In the often very emotionally-led debate basically two directly conflicting schools of thoughts can be identified. Some people believe

Autofluorescence of pigmented skin lesions using a pulsed UV laser

We report preliminary clinical results of autofluorescence imaging of malignant and benign skin lesions, using pulsed 355 nm laser excitation with synchronized detection. The novel synchronized detection system allows high signal-tonoise ratio to be achieved in the resulting autofluorescence signal, which may in turn produce high contrast images that improve diagnosis, even in the presence of ambi

Mot koldioxidsnåla godstransporter-tillväxtdynamiskt perspektiv på logistik och godstransporter fram till 2050 : Tillväxtdynamiskt perspektiv på logistik och godstransporter fram till 2050

Det är både tekniskt möjligt och ekonomiskt genomförbart att ställa om till ett CO 2-snålt samhälle2050. Men för att nå en sådan målsättning måste ett antal utmaningar och hinder övervinnas, vilketkan kräva både politisk styrning och institutionell förändring.Denna rapport fokuserar specifikt på samspelet mellan utvecklingen av godstransporter, logistik ochCO 2-utsläpp. Godstransporterna, som styr

Inequality and the working class in Scandinavia 1800 to 1910. Workers’ share of growing income

One of the major ways in which economic inequality can increase is when the development of wages of ordinary workers trail productivity and GDP growth, meaning that the increasing riches fall in the hand of other social groups (top employees, owners of land and capital). This paper investigates the relationship between wages and GDP in Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1800 to 1910, using wage serie

Cliticisation in the acquisition of French as L1 and L2

The intense debate on continuity in child grammars has largely focused on the existence of Functional Categories (FCs) in early grammars despite differences in language use with adults (e.g., omissions, word order errors, lack of case marking). Simplified, the major theoretical explanations for these properties range from Maturational accounts (Radford 1990 and later) claiming an initial absence o

Perspectives of food supply chain traceability

Purpose of this paper Several different perspectives exist on the importance of food supply chain traceability and why it is scientifically investigated. These include the assessment of food security and quality preservation, economic, logistic, supply chain management, and information technical. Because of this, the concept of food supply chain traceability is defined in many different ways, depe

Partiklar i Malmöluften - Sammansättning, källor, hälsoeffekter, åtgärder

En femtedel av befolkningen i Malmö exponeras i utomhusluften för masshalter av inandningsbara partiklar (PM10) som ligger över Sveriges miljömål för 2010. Resterande del exponeras för halter som är högre än lågrisknivån bedömd av Institutet för miljömedicin vid Karolinska institutet. Drygt 200 människor i Malmö stad beräknas dö i förtid varje år på grund av denna exponering. Malmö miljöför

Option framing and Markov chain: A descriptive approach in a state-space modeling of customer behavior

In the field of marketing, option framing is a product or service configuration where the consumers customize the package they wish to procure either by adding options to a base model, an initial configuration with a minimum number of essential features, or by subtracting options from a fully-loaded model, a product or service configuration with both essential and all of the optional features. Add