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90-talets anbudskonkurrens i äldreomsorgen : några utvecklingstendenser
I Sverige inleddes utvecklingen mot entreprenaddriven äldreomsorg i början av 1990-talet. Sedan dess har antalet äldre som får hjälp av privata utförare blivit allt fler. Fortfarande är det dock en mindre andel av äldreomsorgen som drivs på entreprenad. Entreprenaddriften är en förhållandevis ny företeelse som fått stor massmedial uppmärksamhet genom åren. De effekter som hittills har kunnat pres
Speaking the New x 3
The second of two reports from the conference Virtual City in Lund, Sweden, in 1998.
Christopher Polhems testamente: Berättelsen om ingenjören, entreprenören och pedagogen som ville förändra Sverige
Association between tumor tissue TIMP-1 levels and objective response to first-line chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer.
In a previous study from our laboratory, high tumor levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) have been associated with an adverse response to chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer suggesting that TIMP-1, which is known to inhibit apoptosis, may be a new predictive marker in this disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between TIMP-1 and objective
Hypothalamic and Neuroendocrine Changes in Huntington's Disease.
Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal hereditary neurodegenerative disorder without satisfactory treatments nor a cure. It is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the huntingtin gene. The clinical symptoms involve motor-, cognitive- and psychiatric disturbances. Recent studies have shown that non-motor symptoms and signs, such as mood changes, sleep disturbances and metabolic alterations often occur
Immaterialrätt i Kina (del I): De nya patent och varumärkeslagarna
Den kinesiska utrikeshandelslagstiftningen genomgår en snabb omvandling. I två på varandra följande artiklar följs artikeln om utvecklingen av kinesisk handelsrätt i Svensk Juristtidning upp med en genomgång av Kinas immaterialrättsliga regelverk. I den första artikeln behandlas de nyligen antagna varumärkes- och patentlagarna med kortare utvikningar om anställda uppfinnare och upphovsrättsliga re
Normative data for tests of neuromuscular performance and DXA-derived lean body mass and fat mass in pre-pubertal children.
Aim: To present gender-specific normative data on estimates of neuromuscular performance, such as muscle strength, vertical jump and standing unilateral balance, in pre-pubertal children. Methods: Lean body mass (kg) and fat mass (%) were estimated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 246 boys and 190 girls aged 6-12 years in Tanner stages 1 and 2. Isokinetic concentric peak torque at 60 and 180
The postjunctional alpha-adrenoceptors of the human saphenous vein.
Diagnostic methods for mastitis in cows are not appropriate for use in humans : Commentary
Healthcare workers are now being targeted for marketing of diagnostic tools for mastitis that were developed for the dairy industry and which aim to provide information regarding choice of antibiotic treatment. Meanwhile, scientists are striving to understand how the human microbiome affects health and wellbeing and the importance of maintenance of bacterial balance in the human body. Breast milk
Chapter 28 future perspective in peripheral nerve reconstruction.
Nerve injuries induce severe disability and suffering for patients. Profound alterations in nerve trunks, neurons, and the central nervous system are induced rapidly after injury. This includes activation of intracellular signal transduction mechanisms aiming at the transfer of the cells into a regenerative state through the induction of the appropriate gene programs. The understanding of the neur
Wayne – amerikanen framför andra
Rivew of New Testament Theology: An Introduction
Recension av Owen Gingerich: God's Universe
Using correlation in MFM model design and validation
Industrial process signals do affect one other. However, causal dependencies, or corre-lation, and thereby consequences of control actions cannot always be understood by the operator, which may lead to accidents. Models explain dependencies and are mostly built on process knowledge and blueprints, while causalities are visible in the measurements and ought to be used to increase process under-stan
Very old Swedish women's experiences of mobility devices in everyday occupation: A longitudinal case study.
The use of mobility devices, such as walking sticks and rollators, increases during the ageing process. Our aim was to explore how very old single-living Swedish women experience the use of mobility devices over time, in relation to everyday occupation. A multiple case study strategy involving quantitative and qualitative data was used. The findings indicate that the use of mobility devices, rolla
Development and evaluation of a lightweight root cause analysis method (ARCA method) - field studies at four software companies
Abstract in UndeterminedContextThe key for effective problem prevention is detecting the causes of a problem that has occurred. Root cause analysis (RCA) is a structured investigation of the problem to identify which underlying causes need to be fixed. The RCA method consists of three steps: target problem detection, root cause detection, and corrective action innovation. Its results can help with
A new equation to estimate temperature-corrected PaCO2 from PET CO2 during exercise in normoxia and hypoxia.
End-tidal PCO2 (PET CO2 ) has been used to estimate arterial pressure CO2 (Pa CO2 ). However, the influence of blood temperature on the Pa CO2 has not been taken into account. Moreover, there is no equation validated to predict Pa CO2 during exercise in severe acute hypoxia. To develop a new equation to predict temperature-corrected Pa CO2 values during exercise in normoxia and severe acute hypoxi
Regional konsumtion i EU hindrar parallellimport från lågprisländer
I tidigare artiklar (Sverige – EEG och konkurrensen - SvJT 1974: s. 18-33) aktualiserades relationen mellan konkurrensrätt och immaterialrätt. Den regionala konsumtionsprincipen utvecklas under de kommande åren genom en omfattande rättspraxis. Däremot har det varit oklarare vad som gäller för produkter från omvärlden. Sätter de gemensamma reglerna en minimistandard för EU, som innebär att medlemss
Allegori under ytan
Krönika om filmer om Titanic-katastrofen genom historien