

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Isolation of Mitochondria

Although it is possible to measure respiration by intact tissues it is often useful to be able to isolate uncontaminated, intact and functional mitochondria. Here, we will consider some of the principles for isolating cell organelles. This discussion is not meant to be exhaustive nor will it be a cookbook with recipes to be followed step-by-step. Useful general references are Douce 1985, Møller et

Sequence evolution in a chromosomal region of Arabidopsis thaliana

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den genetiska variation som finns i en population är inte slumpmässigt fördelad mellan olika delar av genomet. I stället beror den på populationens historia och faktorer som selektion och populationsstruktur. Det har visat sig hos människa att samband som finns mellan sjukdomsalleler och andra genetiska markörer kan användas för att hitta gener. I många organismer finnRecently there has been a lot of interest in the use of liknage disequilibrium (LD) in genome wide scans for new genes, so called association mapping. Of crucial importance to a genome wide scan for associations between genetic markers and the trait of interest is the extent of LD, as it determines both how closely a trait can be mapped and also how many markers is needed to map it. Most outbreedi

Att leda och administrera

Det här kapitlet belyser fyra frågor som man förr eller senare och ofta ganska plötsligt kan behöva ställa sig som (ny)disputerad vid ett universitet. Vem tar ett ledningsuppdrag? Varför gör man det? Vad kan man vinna på det? Kommer man att ångra sig? Kapitlet bygger dels på egna erfarenheter och dels på samtal jag har haft med prefektkolleger och andra som funderat mycket över dessa frågor – ibla

Stockholms stadsbibliotek och Moderna museet : en analys av arkitekturkritik i svensk press

In this dissertation, The Public Library and the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm – A Study of Architectural Criticism in the Swedish Press, the textual genre of architectural criticism is discussed from different perspectives. The principal aim is to illuminate, through a close reading of a sample of articles, how professional critics discursively and rhetorically communicate their idea of archi

Professionalizzazione, Gender, e Animato nelle Comunità di File Sharing Globale

Abstract in Italian Nell’aprile 2011, al famoso logo della community di file sharing globale The Pirate Bay fu aggiunta l’immagine di una lente di ingrandimento e il nome del sito cambiò in The Research Bay. Gli utenti che cliccarono sul nuovo logo furono reindirizzati su un sondaggio online; durante le 72 ore di svolgimento dello studio, 75.000 file-sharer compilarono il questionario preparato da

No title

Abstract in German Geschlechterforschung ist – inzwischen oder noch? – zumindest nominal Bestandteil universitärer Lehre und Forschung. Gleichzeitig besteht in kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen weitgehend theoretisch-argumentativer Konsens darüber, dass die Rolle von Forscher*innen im ‚Feld’ nicht allein explorativ ist, sondern ihr Auftreten Bedeutungen (mit-)produziert. Hierarch

MAP criterion trellis source coding for short data sequences

New trellis constructions for compression of short data sequences are presented. Traditional low rate trellis source coding suffers from having a too small a reproduction alphabet. Governed by alphabet-constrained rate-distortion theory we propose a simple method which for a source coding rate of 1 bit per sample allows 2n reconstruction values for a trellis with 2n states. The proposed method is

Auroral electrojet predictions with dynamic neural networks

Neural networks with internal feedback from the hidden nodes to theinput [Elman, 1990 are developed for prediction of the auroralelectrojet index AE from solar wind data. Unlike linear and nonlinearautoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models, such networks are free todevelop their own internal representation of the recurrent statevariables. Further, they do not incorporate an explicit memory for p

Venting and Gossiping in Conflicts: Emotion Expression in Ultimatum Games

Conflicts often lead to expression of emotion to unrelated parties. We study non-instrumental emotion expression in binary ultimatum games, where receivers can express emotion either privately or to a third-party audience prior to accepting or rejecting the offer. The possibility of emotion expression to an audience increases welfare, but this is driven by senders behaving more fairly rather than

Osteotomy for gonarthrosis - with special reference to the tibial callus distraction technique

Popular Abstract in Swedish I de flesta fall börjar knäledsförslitning i den inre ledkammaren (medial gonartros) och medför en successiv hjulbenthet (varus). I enstaka fall börjar förslitningen i den yttre ledkammaren (lateral gonartros) innebärande kobenthet (valgus). Personer över 60-65 år behandlas kirurgiskt oftast med knäledsprotes med bra resultat. Hos yngre, mer aktiva, är denna metod sämreOsteotomy is used for correction of the altered load on the gonarthrotic knee joint. It can be performed above or below the knee. Clinical results depend on the correction after bone healing. By tibial closed wedge osteotomy (HTO), the deformity is corrected peroperatively in contrast to tibial hemicallotasis osteotomy (HCO) where the correction is performed after surgery. Comparing the two method